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Simplicity in Understanding
KOSHI Seminar
Sponsored by Sensei Eihachi Ota
Guest Instructors from Okinawa - SenseiKazuo
Tajima & Sensei Noriaki Ikehara
Sensei Ota is the highest ranking Matsubayashi
Shorin Ryu practitioner outside of Okinawa. Sensei Ota started his
training in Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu in high school with a close friend
of his, he was invited by his friend to train at his school under Sensei
Shima Masao and trained at the hombu dojo on weekends under O'Sensei
Nagamine. Sensei Shima was one of the most important students of
O’Sensei Nagamine. Sensei Ota was known to train 365 days a year, often
three times a day, it did not matter what the weather was like he never
stoped training.
Instructors from Okinawa: Sensei Kazuo Tajima,
8th Dan, Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu & Kishaba Juku. Sensei Tajima is the
highest senior student at Kishaba Juku under sensei Katsuhiko Shinzato.
Sensei Tajima started karate when he was in high school, he was
classmates with son of the founder of Matsubayashi Ryu, Takayoshi
Nagmine. Sensei Tajima joined the Hombu Dojo because of Sensei
Takayoshi. Sensei Tajima has also trained in Tomari Te from Sensei Seiyu
Nakasone, a well known master in Okinawa. At O’Sensei Nagamine school
Sensei Tajima trained under the master and Sensei Nakamura, Sensei
Ahagon, Sensei Makishi & Kishaba, these are all well known top students
at O’Sensei Nagamine’s Dojo. Sensei
Tajima has been teaching at the American Army base in Okinawa for many
years. Sensei Tajima is known for his power and hip development that
generate tremendous power. Sensei Noriaki Ikehara,
A student of Kensei Taba, Sensei Taba was one of the top senior students
of O'Sensei Nagamine and former World Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu President. TRT: 108 minutes
Item number em-314-1
US $49.99 Item #em3-314-1
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By Master Eihachi Ota
Shorin Ryu is one of the world's major Karate styles. Created
and developed by Okinawan masters, this style mixes the traditions
and experiences of the ancient art with a modern approach to
self-defense. In this work, Master Ota shows key traditional kata
and basic bunkai. Some of the traditional Shorin Ryu forms have never been
analyzed this way before. This DVD series is more than a how-to
manual; it explores the history and philosophy behind this dynamic
and practical method of karate-do. Containing basic applications for all the forms of the Shorin Ryu system, this series
will be a valuable reference for anyone seeking to learn and
understand not only the principles and techniques of Shorin Ryu, but
also the cultural essence of Okinawan Karate. |