Showing posts with label Junior Novel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Junior Novel. Show all posts

Friday, August 21, 2020

Book Review: Disney Descendants School of Secrets: Carlos's Scavenger Hunt by Jessica Brody

: Before Carlos De Vil left his home on the Isle of the Lost to go to Auradon Prep, his mother, Cruella De Vil gave him a special dog collar bracelet. 

Cruella De Vil told Carlos that when he wore the dog  collar, whoever he commanded something to that person would obey him!

A few moths later, Carlos was one of the best students in his class in Auradon Prep. His classmates and friends don't  think of him as the villain, Cruella De Vil's son. They think of him as Carlos "the side kick" and he  nice guy you ask for help from. Carlos likes being the nice guy and good friend but he still wishes he could be known as  the hero or the leader instead . 

Will he teach his friends he's a leader? Find out in the book. 

Star rating: 5 
Why?: The reason I liked this book is because  it was an exiting story about a Descendants character who has a smaller part  in the movie 

Scary scale: 0
Why: There are no parts of this book that are scary because there are no villains of any kind. 

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Book Review: Disney High School Musical 2: The Junior Novel (Junior Novelization) by N.B. Grace

: When the school year ends for the students of East High, everyone is ready for summer! 

When school is over, Sharpay goes to Lava Springs so that she could have a fabulous vacation. When Sharpay asks Mr. Fulton to give Troy Bolton a job offer, he invites all his friends. Sharpay does not like his friends so she makes their jobs hard so that they want to quit! 

Will Sharpay's plan work? Find out in the book. 

Star rating 5

Scary scale : 0

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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Book Review: Disney Frozen II The Deluxe Junior Novelization Special Edition

: When Queen Elsa of Arendelle hears a mysterious  voice calling her, she follows it and accidentally awakens the magical sprits of nature: Air, Fire, Water and Earth. 

The spirits are angry and they force everyone out of the kingdom. Elsa decides to go to the enchanted forest to find out who is calling  her but she doesn't go alone. She goes with her sister Anna and her friends Olaf, Kristof and Sven. 

Will she find out who is calling her? Find out in the book. 

Star rating: 5 stars
Why? I like this book because it is the novelization of Disney's Frozen 2 and I love that movie! I also like it because it has pictures from the movie 

Scary scale : 0
Why ? This book is not scary because there are no monsters or scary villains. 

Bonus: This book also has a pretty poster included with a picture of Anna and Elsa.  

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Monday, June 29, 2020

Book Review: Disney Desecendants 2 Junior Novel by Eric Geron

Summary: Mal , Evie, Carlos and Jay are the children of terrible villain's  but they have moved on since the Mal, daughter of Maleficent is about to become a lady of the court. 

Evie is a fashion designer , and Jay and Carlos are on the school's fencing team. They were all fitting in so well. Well, not all of them. Under all the pressure to be lady of the court is too much for Mal so she goes back to the Isle of the Lost where she grew up. When Ben and her friends find out, they go to the Isle of the Lost to bring her back ! 

Will Mal come back? Find out in the book! 

Star Rating : 5
Why? I Really like the book because it explains everything that happens the movie of Descendants 2 more clearly. For example, when there is someone whispering, I don't her it in the movie but I understand what happens in the book.

Scary Scale : 0
Why? Because there is no villain or ( scary) monster.

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Monday, June 15, 2020

Book Review: Descendants 3 Junior Novel by Disney Book Group, Carin Davis

Summary: Auradon is  happy place for all the villain kids and Auradon kids who live there. The villain kids (or VK's for short) Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay are collecting 4 new villain kids on the Isle of the Lost to go to Auradon Prep  to live happier lives and hopefully decide to be good.

The 4 chosen kids were Dizzy  Celia, Squeaky , and Squirmy. but when the VK's try to leave with the new students, Hades almost escapes the Isle. Meanwhile, back in Auradon Audrey and her grandmother are watching on television with the rest of Auradon prep.  

Audrey doesn't like vks at all and wishes they wouldn't come in to Auradon but they do. When the VKs  come back, Ben proposes to Mal which makes Audrey even madder! All her life, Audrey was planning to be queen and now a vk was going to be queen! Audrey knew something had to be done. Read the rest of the book to see what happens... 

Star Rating: 5 stars
Why? because it is an interesting  book about magic and friendship. It is also the novel of Disney Descendants 3 (as seen on the Disney Channel).

Scary Scale 0-10 ;  0
Why? Because even if Audrey is evil,  she doesn't kill anyone and there is no violence. 

Descendants 3 Audrey by blogger
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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Book Review: Disney Zombies The Junior Novelization. Adapted by Judy Katschke

Book cover
Summary : There is a town named Seabrook where everyone and everything  is perfect , well almost everything. 40 years ago an explosion at a power plant turned half of the town into zombies. The humans put them away to another part of town they named Zombieland and gave the zombies organic z-band the made them act nearly human and stopped them from hurting people. Now 40 years later zombies,  including a zombie named Zed, will be attending a human school for the first time. Zed the zombie wants to try out for the football team. On the other side of town a girl named Addison is getting ready for the high school cheerleading team and she is a totally  normal teen or is she? Addison has a big secret. She was born with white hair and has worn a wig as long as she can remember in order to fit in. At school, Addison and Zed meet at the zombie safe room and become friends, maybe someday they'll be allowed to hang out in public and someday Seabrook will accept zombies. 

Star rating : five stars 
Why ? because it's an interesting book based on a movie I love and because it is about celebrating differences .  Scary scale from 0-10 ; 0 

Why ? Because you may think zombies are scary and based on the monster but in the book zombies aren't scary and they're just trying to fit in. 

Bonus: There is a chapter that isn't in the movie but is in the book!
Illustration by blogger
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