Thanks to Murray MacRae for forwarding this poem from his cousin John Findlater who used to live in Queenspark but now bides in Forres. John is in his seventies now and most of the older generation will know him says Murray.
When horses and carts were aye on the go,
Your door was aye open, your key on the shelf
For nobody thought about helping their self,
When bairns played out late and nobody cared,
There wasnt a reason for them to be scared.
Then in the summer, the auld Glasgow fair,
The same folk kept coming, aye looking for mair,
Mair chance of the sun, two weeks on the beach,
Coming from Glasgow, we were easy to reach,
We had two picture houses, and the old public hall,
When a dance every Friday, was open to all.
Now sad to say, those good days are gone,
But thanks to good health, the memories live on,
Although you may think I'm not talking about Nairn,
Thats just how it was, when I was a bairn.
John Findlater