Obviously the West are not confining their discussions to their own patch and their advert also invites residents of any part of Nairn to attend. This observer would anticipate NICEafarian input on the subject of the Town Centre. It should be an interesting meeting.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Community Councils, first up in 2012...
Obviously the West are not confining their discussions to their own patch and their advert also invites residents of any part of Nairn to attend. This observer would anticipate NICEafarian input on the subject of the Town Centre. It should be an interesting meeting.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Why can't the number 20 stop at the bus station?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Problems on the Buses – Suburban CC want to know your experiences
So the Suburban folk want to hear from you and they will be forwarding detailed complaints to the authorities including, it was suggested, MSPs and the MP.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Timetables - citizens are doing it for themselves
Here's one of the timetables for the Fishertown-hospital-Sainsbury's (via the West End) service. Thanks to the regular gurnite who sent this image in. This could well be one of the timetables that Citizen Tommy has put up. Heard about his initiative via Liz on twitter. It's the Big Society in action that's for sure. Glenurquhart Road where were you when this was happening? Anyway, saw the bus go past again today with no passengers. Has anyone actually used the service yet? The 20 and 20A are also seem pretty short of passengers. Use them or lose them?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
On the buses - the missing ingredient
Liz is trying to get the obvious omission sorted! Maybe someone thought it would all work by magic?

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Fishertown - West End - Hospital - Sainsbury's bus service
Click on the image to enlarge. Tommy Hogg sends the Gurn this copy of the new timetable. This service is in addition to the 20 & 20a services and is a result of campaigning by the River Community Council. It seems to have started without any fanfare however and Tommy was surprised to see the bus down in the Fishertown. He went up to the Council offices and obtained a copy of the timetable.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Route 20 - New Nairn town bus service from Aug 1
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Transport Authorities practice to meet anticipated demand from Nairnites for travel to Sainsbury's
Well that's what this observer thought it was until Laurie, in charge of traffic management for Today's Nairnshire Challenge, put me right. Good luck to all participants today. Hopefully we'll have some pictures of the event on the Gurnflickr pages later this evening.
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bus Service coming for the Fishertown but next year
Thursday, August 26, 2010
No buses to West Life at Cawdor?
Angela Mackay, 45, of West Mackenzie Park, Inverness, predicted traffic jams on rural roads around the castle and said that buses should have been laid on.
Les Kidger, of promoter CK Events, said: “We are anticipating a fair crowd to come from 9am onwards.
“We have facilities set up for them and will be looking after them.” '
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Moss-side bus withdrawal - users claim they got one week’s notice- Highland Council got ten – why didn’t they warn the community?
"Giving a week’s notice was ridiculous. How did they expect people who had used the bus for years to suddenly find other forms of transport. If they had been using the bus it was probably because they didn’t have other means of transport."
It emerged at a meeting held by River Community Council on Tuesday night however that Highland Council knew a full ten weeks in advance that the withdrawal would take place. In situ to talk about problems concerning public transport (mainly issues about getting to the hospital from the Fishertown) was Mr Robert Edwards a Highland Council senior transport officer. He told the meeting that they get 70 days notice of a change from Stagecoach and that they usually informed local members and ward members, he went on to say that Stagecoach should display information about the change 21 days beforehand.
Liz was also present and stated that she received a copy of all the bus time tables about a month ago but this document didn’t specify any changes. Community Councillor Ian Gordon was outraged by the 70 day revelation and said:
We’ve a 40 day period where everyone is sitting on their butts doing nothing when we could have organised a protest or whatever. Why was that not made available to us quicker so we could act upon it?’ Liz then qualified her statement to say that she got the new timetables about the same time as the article appeared in the Nairnshire. Ian continued, ‘An awful lot of people that do not have private transport are dependent on public transport and we cannot just sit and pontificate around this table if we are comfortable with private transport and not looking after the people that need it.’
It then emerged from Mr Edwards that the first 14 days of the 70 have to remain confidential but that still leaves 8 weeks where Nairn folk could have been informed of this change – why weren’t they? Protests had to be organised and the media contacted by parents almost after the event. It might have perhaps been a different story if those parents and their supporters had had a full eight weeks to campaign to keep their bus. Highland Council you should have warned the community – what went wrong and will you make sure it doesn’t happen again?