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  • 22566 15 years ago
    About your work,Jesse.

    All I can do is quote Edward Tarbell:

    Hardwork,perseverance,and the ability to endure repeated
    hardship and contiune on...are the three qualities that when combined with talent and training,separate a great artist from the rest

    Perhaps he was describing you,you exemplify the super-realism and the hyper-realism.

    I admire the representational style.

    I wish you great success.

    Kindest of Regards

  • 22566 15 years ago
    Hi Jesse,


    It is nice to know someone of your talent.

    Dispite the antiquites of "The Seven Deadly Sins"

    Your portraiture,althou a pungent portrayel and compelling,certainly drives home the point of their nature.

    You are quite gifted!

    Appreciate your reply.

    Hope you have a good day.

    Kind Regards

  • 22566 15 years ago
    What can I say,Jesse?!

    Your work is ~MAGNIFICENT!!~


    Kind Regards
