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  • kytigger 15 years ago
    Thank you for the cooking friend invite. I look forward to trying and sharing recipes. Welcome to the group. Donna
  • shandy 15 years ago
    Yay! I love your aspiration to be a master chef at home. Thank you for the cooking buddy invite and I look forward to sharing recipes =)
  • cholena 15 years ago about Mua Yew Chicken
    one of my fave
  • cholena 15 years ago
    hi Esther good 2 b ur friend :)
  • esther27 15 years ago
    Hi Henrie, thank you for your open arms to accept me as friend :)And i believed that i will surely learn alot from you. God bless you.
  • henrie 15 years ago
    Thanks for the friend invite, hope you enjoy it here as much as I have. Look forward to sharing recipes with you.
  • esther27 15 years ago about Mua Yew Chicken
    Hi Petunia97, thk u :) actually this dish is for people who has "wind" in stomach. It help to keep body warm and "force" out "wind" in your body.
    Black Fungus

    Black fungus is healthy obesity diet food which is called "Meat or fish in vegetables".

    Black fungus contains very high Iron,20 times as celery,7 times as pork liver. Eating regularly will nourish blood,keep countenance beauty, and prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia.

    Black fungus is "scavenger" of digestive system. It can adsorb dust and impurities in digestive system on its special pectin and excrete together.

    Black fungus reduces blood clot, preventing thrombosis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease,and cancer.

    Black fungus contains rich dietary fibres and a special pectin which can promote motility of stomach and intestine,excreting fat in the intestine, reducing fat intake,and so preventing obesity and help to lose weight.

    Fresh black fungus is not allowed to eat. Black fungus must be fully soaked in warm water before cooking.

  • peetabear 15 years ago about Mua Yew Chicken
    great post... five forks
  • petunia97 15 years ago about Mua Yew Chicken
    What is black fugus? Other than not knowing what that is, the recipe sounds delicious! Please post more recipes....have a wonderful day!