Peanut Butter Cup Squares

  • browneyegirl 10 years ago
    Recipe by Pointsevenout on Peanut Butter0cup Squares.Made this today and gave two Chris's friend & one for him to try here and Dennis (Chris's drinking buddie) "LOVED" it.This is pretty good.This has a rich taste to it.It all most tasted like store bought but it's not.Dennis told me that this was the BOMB.That I hit the spot on it.The thing is ~ is that the photo's that I took didn't look as pretty as Pointsevenout did.

    Thanks Pointsevrnout.This will be made again adventally.for like cook outs or what ever it may be.
  • NPMarie 10 years ago said:
    Yum! Nothing better than PB & chocolate! Bookmarked:)
  • frankieanne 10 years ago said:
    That looks like it came out delicious, BEG!
  • browneyegirl 10 years ago said:
    NPMarie, I got to agree with you there.
    Frankieanne, it did came out delicious.

    I forgot.The chocolate chips that I used were like $1.25 to $1.50 (Some where between there) and was cheaper then the toll houses and the other ones (I can't think what it is at this very moment).The thing is though.The chips were pretty rich.When I gave a piece to Dennis to try & let him take two home (One for him & one for his wife) to snack on.OMG Y'All.Dennis just "LOVED" them.They are pretty good I think.
  • mommyluvs2cook 10 years ago said:
    I agree with everyone, yum!!!!
  • lovebreezy 10 years ago said:
    BEG, which version of the filling did you use?
  • browneyegirl 10 years ago said:
    Thanks Mommyluvs2cook.
    Lovebreezy I used the one with what the recipe said.
  • frankieanne 10 years ago said:
    BEG, there are two filling versions. See below that I cut and pasted from the recipe:

    There are two versions of this filling. Use half of the filling ingredients, except use two extra tbsps butter, for a nicely sized filling. Use all of the filling ingredients for those whom like peanut butter.

    So, I assume you used all of the filling ingredients because you like peanut butter? :)
  • browneyegirl 10 years ago said:
    Ohhhh okay.I forgot.I "DIDN'T" use butter.I just went with the original.But yeah I like peanut butter.
  • pointsevenout 10 years ago said:
    The two extra tbsps butter in the filling half batch makes it more spreadable.
  • browneyegirl 10 years ago said:
  • lovebreezy 10 years ago said:
    I had to read it a couple of times P7O before I understood but get it now. I guess with less filling it may be harder to spread so thanks for explaining the butter addition.
    Don't know which way I'd try it as I love pb but love chocolate more. :-)
  • pointsevenout 10 years ago said:
    I didn't think so when I originally made the recipe. By just cutting the filling in half which kept the ratios the same, one would think that it would yield the same results. But the half recipe of the filling made it a little dry to spread, ergo the extra butter.
    I can rewrite that portion of the destructions if you think there is a need.
  • mommyluvs2cook 10 years ago said:
    I understood but I still read it a couple of times just because BEG said she didn't use butter at all? That made me wonder if I was reading it right...
  • pointsevenout 10 years ago said:
    It could be taken that way or it could be taken that she did not use the extra 2 tbsp butter.
  • browneyegirl 10 years ago said:
    Lovebreezy, I know for a fact that you'll "LOVE" it.
    Mommyluvs2cook, I wanted to give it a try with out the butter.It tasted good.The next time that I make it that I will try it that way.
    Pointsevenout, now I know what your talking about now by the butter.
  • lovebreezy 10 years ago said:
    Thanks BEG, I want to make it but have to wait for an occasion or until we get rid of some of the other sweets we have in the house first.
    PEO I don't think you need to rewrite it but may want to add the explanation as that really cleared it up for me.
  • browneyegirl 10 years ago said:
    Your welcome.Ohhhh I forgot to say.I used Jif Peanut Butter & I "DIDN'T" use low fat either on the peanut butter.I know you [Pointsevenout] had low fat peanut butter.
  • grumpymomma 8 years ago said:
    This was pretty good.

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