
How to make it

  • Add all ingredients for sauce in bowl and stir well. Season tri tip on both sides. Place in the middle of a large sheet of heavy duty foil. Pour bbq sauce over it and fold edges together creating a pocket thats sealed to keep steam in. Add foil pouch to a baking sheet or dish and let cook on 350 for about 2-3 hours until tender when sliced. Slice thin and serve.

Reviews & Comments 6

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  • jlv1023 15 years ago
    Sounds great, but need to be a little stupid here,
    what is tri-tip?

    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • petunia97 15 years ago
    WOW! enough said....
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • propain76 16 years ago
    Thanx for posting such a great dish. I know we are going to enjoy this dish alot.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • binky67 16 years ago
    Mmmmmmm, I can almost taste this now!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • merlin 16 years ago
    Wow. I thought there was only 1 way to make tri-tip. My way! But I see perhaps there is another. I think this is going to be my weekend project. Thanks.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    cookingforfun ate it and said...
    Oh yeah. Tri tip. Being in the meat business for 30 years, I have to say this is a 10, but I can only give you a 5, sorry
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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