
How to make it

  • Dissolve Jello per package instructions.
  • Add sugar and lemon juice. Chill in the refrigerator overnight or until mixture jells.
  • Prepare topping mix per instructions on the Dream Whip package. Then whip with Jello and cream cheese using a mixer.
  • Put mixture into pie crusts (bought), chill in refrigerator until firm. About 2 hours.
  • Cut and serve.

Reviews & Comments 3

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  • marsuecom 16 years ago
    Sounds wonderful, am going to try it.
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  • dugger 17 years ago
    This recipe is so old that it assumes some things that are not quite evident. When it calls for whipped topping mix it means the old dry envelope mix (Dream Whip). That has it's own preparation steps. Yes, it is still available at the grocers and the instructions are (as they say) on the box.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • yumyum 17 years ago
    im not sure i understand the third step. can you clarify? it sounds really yum and i would love to make this!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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