
How to make it

  • Medium chop dried fruits into about 1/4 inch pieces, set aside
  • Chop or crush nuts, set aside
  • Trim pork loin of all fat and silverskin.
  • Place loin on cutting board and using a sharp knife butterfly loin by cutting through middle but not all the way through. Stop about 1/2 inch from bottom. Turn knife to right and cut to about 1/2 inch from right side. Reverse knife and do left side the same way, stopping about 1/2 inch from left wall. With hands, open loin. You will now have a flat piece about 1/2 inch thick.
  • Sprinkle lightly with granulated garlic and black pepper,
  • Spread evenly dried fruits and nuts leaving about 1/2 inch border all around.
  • Roll pork jellyroll style and very tight. Tie with butcher twine at one inch intervals.
  • Place on roasting rack and bake in 325 degree oven until internal temperature reaches 135.
  • Using pastry brush, glaze with All Fruit mixed with 3 tbs fruit juice such as apple, orange. Use only enough to glaze. Remainder will be used to nap pork for presentation.
  • Return to oven and continue cooking until internal temperature reaches 140.
  • Remove and let sit for 15 minutes.
  • Remove twine and with sharp knife cut 1/4 inch slices.
  • Place on platter in fan shape and nap with reserved All Fruit.
  • Note (1) Center cut pork loins are split, so you will have two pieces. Full loins are longer and larger and will have more connecting tissues, they will work, just as well, but won't have the same attractive presentation. Use whatever size loin (or part oa loin) you need. One pound will produce about 3 servings.
  • Note (2) Crushed nuts can be walnuts, pecans or whatever.
  • Note (3) Dried fruits are the ones in the bags at the grocery. Your choice. I use cherries, cranberries, plums and apricot combos.
  • Note (4) All Fruit is optional. You can just use heavy Pepper on top or a purchased or made fruit glaze of your choice. Marmalade also works great.
  • All recipes are just food, but this is pretty and good show-off food!

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    " It was excellent "
    dee ate it and said...
    I was watching SATURDAY KITCHEN, a cook show here in the UK this morning and the chef, James Martin, was doing his version of this very thing. And I thought OH YUMMM!!!! Gotta make that soon. Now that I have seen this recipe twice in just a few hours time I guess I am supposed to be making this :-) Thanks so much for the recipe, I will let you know how it turns out. Recipe printing as we.... 'speak'
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • dandelion 17 years ago
    THX for the answer. I did go out onto the web and have a look too. I found an interesting sweet salsa I will post.
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  • chefjeb 17 years ago
    All Fruit is in the jelly section of the grocery. It's just marmalade made with natural fruit juices instead of sugars. a marmalade would work just as well. Another good glaze is about 1/2 cup dried cranberries or cherries soaked in red wine or some juice, such as orange and simmered until reduced by half. Measurements don't have to be exact. If using a big loin, make more. a little one, make less. Or, don't glaze it and just sprinkle pepper heavily. If using pepper only, do that at the start of cooking.

    On the fruit, note in notge 3, I said i use dried cherries and cranberries, plums or apricots. I generally use two or three of these and that depends on what I have on hand.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • edensong 17 years ago
    I generally like to follow a recipe exactly first time too. Which dried fruits and nuts do you recommend, Chefjeb? And what is "All Fruit"?
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • dandelion 17 years ago
    I would really like to make this, but I don't know what All Fruit is? I like to try new recipes using the original ingredients before I alter it in any way.
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