Date Pecan Bars
From peetabear 17 years agoIngredients
- 1 cup flour shopping list
- 1 cup chopped dates shopping list
- 3/4 cup sugar shopping list
- 1/2 cup butter softened shopping list
- 1/2 cup chopped pecans shopping list
- 2 eggs shopping list
- 1 teasp. baking powder shopping list
- 1/2 teasp. salt shopping list
- 1/2 teasp. cardamon shopping list
- 2 teasp. vanilla shopping list
How to make it
- Combine all the ingredients and mix by hand until well blended
- spread into a greased 9'' square pan
- bake near the center of the oven.
- 350' for 22-27 mins or until a toothpick comes out clean
- cool completely. cut into bars.
- ( I toss the bars into confectioners sugar totally covering them)
People Who Like This Dish 6
- ttaaccoo Buffalo, NY
- pattycake Toronto, Canada
- clbacon Birmingham, AL
- peetabear Mid-hudson Valley, NY
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The Rating
Reviewed by 1 people-
Mmmmmmm love this one
minitindel in THE HEART OF THE WINE COUNTRY loved it
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