
How to make it

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  • beautifuldisaster 15 years ago
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  • geranium 15 years ago
    Awww... I really wanted to see it! :(
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  • dixiejet 17 years ago
    I just made this for Joe last nite ! So easy and taste SO MUCH BETTER than the instant packets.
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  • linebb956 17 years ago
    I like this... It's like the one on the Hersheys coco can... ahhhh you can add cream de minth.. mint.. (how ever you spell it) taste like a peppermint patty!
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  • berry 17 years ago
    Like Swiss Miss.... Uhmmmmmm....... Delicious!
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    " It was excellent "
    shirleyoma ate it and said...
    You can use Splenda also.. this is sooooo good, we used to make up all the dry ingredients and put in a jar... then take it camping .. easy to make too!
    Good post!
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  • melsa102 17 years ago
    That sounds warm and relaxing! I'm not a coffee drinker so I always turn to hot chocolate when I'm cold and I'll try any variation!
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  • snufflebunny15 17 years ago
    Yum, I'm a hot cocoa-holic. This sounds wonderful. Thank you.
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