
How to make it

  • 1. Peel the bananas and slice them in 2 vertically. Let the bananas marinating in the rhum for 15-20 minutes.
  • 2. In a large bowl, beat the milk, the eggs and the sugar. Add some nutmeg, ground cinamon, and some zests of lemon. Add the flour while mixing constantly.
  • 3. Get a pan, take some oil (I would recommend vegetable or canola oil) and heat it to 340°-350°. Remove the bananas from the rhum, cut them in small bites, rob them with the mixture we've done and fry them until they start floating.

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  • ChristineTalley 14 years ago
    OOOOHHHH! Sounds like the world's best donuts to me!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • midgelet 14 years ago
    wow, I really like this post!
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  • keni 14 years ago
    Holy cow... 3 cups of rum only to use as a marinade? Ikes! :) So, afterward, do ya have edible banana flavored rum?? :)
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  • 22566 14 years ago
    You slay me kid...
    You use Bacardi Gold?
    Does that mean you have your fake I.D. up to date? ~Big Grin ~
    Nice recipe.
    Kind Regards
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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