How to make it

  • Add the sausage, onion, bell pepper and garlic to a large skillet and sautee till the meat is browned.
  • Meanwhile cut the zucchini's in half and scoop out the insides with a spoon. Chop about half of the insides and mix those into the skillet as well as the tomato and rosemary and turn off the heat. Add S&P to taste.
  • Fill the zucchini's generously. Place on a baking sheet or in a casserole dish and bake at 350 for 35 minutes. Remove and top with parmesan cheese and bake 5-10 more minutes.

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  • elgourmand 13 years ago
    Nice idea. Another zucchini bites the dust. RJ
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  • mrjwjohnson 14 years ago
    yummy! i need meat to help the veggies go down :)
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  • 22566 14 years ago
    Turkey Sausage is a good change up from time to time.
    Thank-you for this great sounding Zucchini boat,stuffed with goodness.
    Kind Regards
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