
How to make it

  • For the cake:
  • Sift 3¼ cups flour, baking soda and salt onto a sheet of waxed paper; set aside.
  • In a large bowl, with an electric mixer set at medium speed, beat softened butter with sugar and zest until the mixture is light and fluffy, about 2 minutes.
  • Add eggs, one at a time, beating until smooth and thick, about 3 minutes.
  • Add lemon juice and sour cream; mix well.
  • Mix in sifted dry ingredients and buttermilk until batter is well blended.
  • Toss the blueberries with the remaining ¼ cup of cake flour. Gently fold them into the batter with a wooden spoon.
  • Pour batter into a lightly buttered and floured 10” bundt pan. Gently tap the bottom of the pan on the counter top a few times – this will help “settle” the batter into the pan.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
  • Set the pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Then very gently tap the bottom of the pan on the counter, ever so lightly, to help release the cake from the sides of the pan. Hold the rack upside down over the top of the pan, then invert the whole thing so the cake can release onto the rack.
  • Place the rack on a piece of waxed paper. Begin spooning glaze over the warm cake, scraping up the drippings from the waxed paper and reapplying them. This is rather a tedious process, but it is worth it!! Keep scraping the glaze off of the paper and drizzling it over the warm cake. If you think it would be less messy if you waited until it cooled, you are right, BUT you'd forfeit wonderful“soaking in” of the glaze into the warm cake…don’t be tempted!
  • Once you have drizzled, scraped and reapplied as much glaze as possible, sprinkle the top of the cake with one or two tablespoons of powdered sugar that has been shaken from a fine sieve.
  • This cake freezes very well, if you have leftovers. I slice it into serving pieces and freeze them individually so we can pop a piece out of the freezer anytime we want some, without having to slice through a frozen chunk of cake.
  • For the glaze:
  • Use a microplane, or the smallest grate on your cheese grater, to zest the lemon. Melt the butter in a small bowl; stir in the lemon juice, zest and salt. Stir in the powdered sugar until a smooth glaze forms. Set aside until you are ready to glaze the warm cake.
Out of the oven   Close
Hot from the oven and ready to glaze   Close
applying the first layer of glaze   Close
scraping up glaze to be re-applied to cake   Close
glazing completed (re-applied 4 times)   Close
Bursting with Blueberries!   Close

Reviews & Comments 11

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  • pointsevenout 9 years ago
    Providing link to the IMI group: Blueberry Bundt Cake With Tart Lemon Glaze
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  • sandra1277 15 years ago
    Ok, so I made the Blueberry Bundt Cake for a baking competition at work, and it won Best Taste!! Can't get any better than that!! Great recipe and very easy to follow. I used mostly organic ingredients and it still turned out a winner... for real!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    michellem ate it and said...
    O my goodness..My mouth can't stop watering and my taste buds are on fire!! I can allmost smell and taste this one just by looking at it..Im marking your photos as beautiful! Thanks for letting me know about the pictures..they were worth the look!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • pinkpasta 17 years ago
    Just another wonderful recipe from krum!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • vivian 17 years ago
    I too am a blueberry freak...This sound wonderful I also love anything with lemon.Thanks for this.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • image 17 years ago
    This will be at the top of my blueberry desserts as soon as the berries are out. Blueberry & lemon is such a wonderful taste combo. Great post.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • crystalwaters 17 years ago
    This sounds WONDERFUL and I heartily agree with Borinda about cakes from scratch. Thanks so much for posting! :-)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • jlv1023 17 years ago
    Now I can say yummy yummy yummy to your recipes,
    Love blueberries and lemon, must try this one,

    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    michellem ate it and said...
    Another yummy one from you..I will bookmark this one too!~M
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • borinda 17 years ago
    Krummie - this sounds wonderful. I am so happy to find recipes for desserts not using the packaged mixes but rather truly good ingrients.
    Thanks for sharing a delicious-sounding recipe. I've bookmarked this one and look forward to finding time to bake it.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • zena824 17 years ago
    Krum... Im a blueberry freak... I love anything that has them in it... and the added zing of the lemon sauce sounds really awesome to me...Im going out of town to my brother in laws tomorrow... wish I had all the ingredients to make this and take it with me.....
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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