Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Monday, November 17, 2014

Little Remedies All-Natural Products for Kids #MC #LittleRemedies

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Little Remedies. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

It seems that once my kids go back to school in the fall, we are constantly battling some ailment in out house. With four young kids in four different classrooms, they are exposed to all kinds of germs and they bring all of those home each day to share with each other. I just wish they were as good about sharing toys as they are about sharing germs! So it was late October and early November when I found that all four boys had either sniffles, a runny nose a cough or congestion. When it comes to over the counter medication for kids, I will give a fever reducer or cough soother when needed, but I like them to be dye-free and with as little nasty stuff in them as possible. Luckily Little Remedies has an entire line of over the counter remedies just for kids that meet those requirements.

"Everything they need, nothing they don’t."

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Digital Eye Strain & Your Child #AOA #MC

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central for the American Optometric Association. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

In the digital world we live in these days, it is very easy to overlook the effect that all the various screens we stare at have on our eyes. I know I felt it way back when I was working full time and I even feel it on days when I spend too much time device hopping. But do we stop to think about how this might be hurting our kids? Is digital eye strain something we should be concerned about.

Do you remember the original Nintendo Gameboy? That ridiculously bulky thing with the awful
graphics and miniscule screen? Well when I got mine, and don't ask me to remember when that was, (middle school maybe?), I was hooked on it. I mean I spent way too much time staring at the awful colorless screen. Probably a few weeks later I started complaining about increased headache So my smart mom, who has worn classes since she was a young child, took me to the eye doctor. And do you know what he said? Too much time on the Gameboy. All the time I was spending looking at the screen was causing eye strain which was then causing the massive headaches so I was told to cut down my screen time. (Note: I did not need glasses at that time, but did go on to get them in high school for minor near sightedness).

Now take a moment and think about all the screen time our kids get. I admit that when you combine the amount of time my kids watch TV or are playing in their Nintendo DS's, it is higher than it should be. Then once they are back in school in a few weeks, that time might drop, but they will also be adding computer screen time. No matter which way we slice it, today's kids spend a lot of time looking at one screen or another. And we parents need to make sure we are taking the steps to keep protect their eyes.

The Facts
According to the American Optometric Association, 83% of children between the ages of 10 and17 say they use an electronic device for at least three hours every day. Now 40% of parents agree that their children have that much screen time, though I think that is a pretty accurate number for my k ids as well. Most children also say they experience burning, itchy and/or tired eyes while or after using electronic devices for extended periods of time. All of these are symptoms of digital eye strain. Some other symptoms may include headaches, fatigue, loss of focus, blurred vision, double vision or head and neck pain. My nine year old will sometimes complain of a headache, thankfully not often, but I have to believe that he is experiencing digital eye strain. Do your kids complain of any of these symptoms after spending a long time on their digital devices?

What Can We do?
Well first and foremost, everyone needs to cut down on screen time. Obvioulsy we can't change what happens at school, but at home we should make an effort to get the kids outdoors, interacting with one another or even reading in place of all the digital time. Believe me, I KNOW this is difficult, especially when we spend just as much time on digital devices. Even if you can cut back a few minutes each day, its a great first step.

It is also very important for kids to take frequent breaks by using the 20-20-20 rule pictured above.
When using technology, make sure they take a 20-second break, every 20 minutes and view something 20 feet away. Some other steps to take are:
  • Check the height/position of the device. 
    • Computer screens should be 4-5 inches below eye level and 20-28 inches away from the eyes. 
    • Handheld digital devices should be held a safe distance away and just below eye level.
  • Check for glare on the screen. 
    • If necessary, turn the desk or computer or reposition your body and device to prevent glare on the screen.
  • Reducing the amount of lighting in the room to match the computer screen. 
  • Adjust the font size. A  larger font size will make it easier on your eyes when reading. 
  • Keep blinking.
All of these are good for combating temporary digital eye strain, but it is always a good idea to have your child's eyes checked yearly even if they do not have any complaints. There is no way for us to tell if they are having trouble seeing unless they tell us. And most times, the child doesn't even realize it. For me when I was in high school, I went in for my routine eye exam sophomore year with no complaints and walked out with eye glasses. So make sure you schedule yearly exams. For the little ones, I know most pediatricians will do a quick eye test with some cards, but that might be enough. The American Optometric Association recommends every child have an eye exam by an optometrist soon after six months of age, before age three and every year thereafter.

For More Information
AOA website:
AOA Twitter: @AOAConnect
AOA Facebook:

Friday, October 18, 2013

Free Healthgrades App Helps You Manage Your Family's Medical Care

I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Healthgrades. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

As a mom of four children, I am presented with various medical needs that require attention: this one needs to see the pediatrician, another one needs an eye specialist, a dermatologist and so on. Finding a well rated doctor or specialist in my area can be a challenge, but Healthgrades has come out with a free iOS app to make this challenge easier. The Healthgrades app allows you to search for doctors in your area by location, specialty and even insurance carriers accepted. One of the best features is the interactivity of reading reviews from other patients and being able to leave your own.

Download the free Healthgrades app for your iPhone today!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Affordable Care Act: The Basics & How It Will Impact You

This is a compensated campaign from The Motherhood. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I hate to admit it, but I am pretty bad about keeping up with current events, politics, news. etc. When it comes to the health care reform laws, the amount of information overwhelms me. Which pretty much left me clueless about what types of changes I would expect to see in January 2014 and what it would all mean for me. Thankfully I had a chance to be a part of a presentation by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield to help me better understand it all. It helped get a great deal of answers about the foundation of the reform and I want to pass some of that information onto you all.

While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) goes into effect January 2014, open enrollment starts in just a few days on October 1. And if you want your coverage to go into affect on January 1, you need to be signed up by December 14. So now is the time to find out how this will affect you and what steps you need to take to ensure you have the best health insurance for you set up. Hopefully I can cover some basic questions for you here.

Why do I need health insurance?
  • Health insurance is an important way to protect you and your family in the event of injury or illness.
  • Injury and illnesses can be costly without insurance. For example,  the average cost of a 3-day hospital stay is $30,000 and without health insurance, a broken arm can cost $2,500 or more.

I couldn't even imagine not having health insurance for myself and my family. For kids there are yearly well care check ups, viruses, vaccinations and all of that adds up so quickly. Not to mention with four boys, you know we will be spending some time in the emergency room over the years. There is no way my family could afford to NOT have insurance.

What will be my health insurance options under the ACA?
  1. Continue purchasing insurance through your or your spouse’s employer
  2. Buy health insurance yourself - either through exchanges, direct for insurance companies or through traditional brokers 
  3. Enroll in government programs like Medicare or Medicaid plans - if you are eligible
  4. Go without insurance - but pay a tax penalty

What are the Health Insurance Exchanges?
Yeah so this is one of those areas that confused me. I had no idea what a Health Insurance Exchange was and obviously no clue how they worked. If you are going to be purchasing health insurance yourself and not through an employer or the government, you will want to check out the exchanges in order to help you get the best price.
Photo courtesy of
Oregon Insurance Division
  • A health insurance "exchange" is just another word for “marketplace."  It works similarly to Amazon and lets you compare health insurance options. Public and private health insurance exchanges will operate in a similar way.
  • Plans will be available for sale October 1, with coverage starting on January 1st of next year.  Each state will have its own exchange serving people who buy health insurance for just themselves and their families.
  •  There will be four levels or metallic tiers, depending on how much you want to spend.  The general rule is that your deductible will be lower, the more you spend on your monthly premium.  
    • Bronze plans have the lowest monthly premium, but will cover 60% of expected costs.
    • Platinum plans have the highest monthly premium, but will cover 90% of expected costs.
  • The vast majority of people who are currently covered by their employers will not see a change or have to use the public exchange
  • When can you use the exchanges? 
    • Enrollment begins: October 1, 2013
    • Enrollment ends: March 31, 2014
    • Coverage begins: January 1, 2014 (if you sign up prior to December 15th)

Essential health benefits that all plans will offer.
One of the biggest questions I had about the reform is how it would positively effect preventative care coverage. One of my biggest concerns for my own health is breast cancer. My paternal grandmother had breast cancer and since I inherited some of her other reproductive genes (higher elevations of hormones resulting in double ovulation, hence resulting in fraternal twins), it is quite frankly always in the back of my mind. About a year or so ago when I was at my annual OB/GYN visit, I asked about getting a mammogram done. I was 33 at the time and deemed to young by my insurance carrier for them to cover it. Even though there is a family history there. I found the whole thing absurd. I mean is it ever really to early to start screaning for cancer? Wouldn't paying for a mammorgram at potentially stopping the cancer before it starts be better for all parties? So I am glad to see that women's preventative care is specifically being addressed in this reform. You bet your behind I'll be out getting my first mammogram as soon as I can. Here is what else you can expect to see covered with the ACA:
  • Emergency services
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental health and substance use disorder services
  • Preventive and wellness services
  • Chronic disease management
  • Pediatric services, including oral and vision care 
  • Women
    • Women won’t be charged more
    • Cannot be charged more or denied for a pre-existing condition 
    • You’ll get preventative care for mammograms, well woman visits, contraception and much more
    • You can choose your own primary care, OB-GYN or pediatrician without referrals

Who will be eligible to participate in the healthcare exchanges?
Practically everyone is eligible for marketplace coverage. Requirements are that individuals live in the U.S., must be a U.S. citizen or national and cannot be currently incarcerated.

What is the penalty tax if you don’t buy insurance?
The penalty will either be 1% of taxable income or $95 per individual / $285 per family, depending on which one is greater. This will increase over the years with annual adjustments that will continue to 2017. The reality is that health insurance doesn’t work well if the only individuals that purchase it are people that have determined that they need it at a point in time. The idea of insurance is to have a balanced risk pool that is made up of both individuals who require care and individuals who do not require care. The mandate was put in place to make sure that the health insurance marketplace works as effectively as possible.

Where can I go for more information and to find the best healthcare for my family according to my state?
  • We have launched a website for potential new members to educate on reform laws, what the law means to you, timelines for enrollment etc. 
  • We have launched a section of dedicated to ACA information for current members and are in the process of enhancing our online shopping experience and mobile capabilities to clearly discern between on exchange and off exchange options, as well as offer shopping guides and checklists to help people better understand what they need and when. Our goal is to help consumers and employers select a benefit plan that best fits their needs.

Honestly, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the information on the health care reform. There is so  much more than I can fit into one post, so I strongly urge you to check out the websites listed above for any additional questions you may have. And don't be afraid to reach out to your current insurance carrier or employer to find out if anything will be changing for you specifically. I wanted to just lay some of the basics out for you here to help you get a good foundation and hopefully this post helped a little bit with that. I know I still find it all somewhat overwhelming, but I also think I have a better grip on it now.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sponsored: Headfirst! Expert Advice on Lice – A New Head Lice Resource for Parents

The below content is sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur’s Headfirst! Expert Advice on Lice campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Did you know that at any point, one to three percent of children in elementary school may have head lice? During an outbreak, that number may be as high as 25 percent. As the school year begins, turn to for tools and tips on finding, treating, and talking about lice. The Headfirst! Expert panel has the information to arm all parents should they have to battle head lice!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Book Review: Fitness Confidential by Vinnie Tortorich

Since February of this year, I have been attempting to work my butt off. Literally. I'm not one for exercise. I hate it. But I got fed up with looking at my 30 pound overweight body in the mirror every day and so I decided to do something about it. So I joined a local gym. It's not one of those big chain places, but a somewhat new independent gym. I go there four days a week. Three days I do about 70 minutes on the elliptical and the other day I do 30 minutes on the elliptical plus 50 minutes of Zumba. In the beginning, my elliptcal workout started off has five miles per day, but over these months I've worked myself up to a minimum of seven miles.

I have never exercised this hard in my life or been this dedicated to it and I am immensely proud of myself. But in four months of exercising, do you know how many inches I've lost? None. Do you know how many pounds I have lost? Two and half. Two and a damn half pounds in four months. To say I am frustrated is an understatement. How is it possible that I haven't lost more? But I know why... food. Food is why I am overweight to begin with and food is why I can't drop it, despite all of my hard work. Yes I knew what the problem was, I just wasn't really sure what I needed to do. As an experiment I cut down on my carbs considerably (no more bread and pasta) and I immediately lost another two pounds in one week. Aha! There it is. Now that I had a better idea of what I was doing wrong, I needed to figure out how to proceed and do it right.

Then last week I was offered the opportunity to review an advanced copy of Vinnie Tortorich's Fitness Confidential book. The timing could not have been more perfect. Let me point out that I love to read. My Kindle is my very best friend. However I have never read any self help or fitness books before. I am almost strictly a romance girl with a little Game of Thrones and Star Wars mixed in (yes I am a total geek). So I really had no idea what to expect from Vinnie's book.

About the book.
America’s Angriest Trainer, Vinnie Tortorich, exposes the nasty underbelly of the fitness industry while helping you get into the best shape of your life. For over 20 years, Vinnie has been Hollywood’s go-to guy for celebrities and athletes looking to get fit fast. Now, in this hilarious and often r-rated memoir, he holds nothing back. What’s the best piece of fitness equipment money can buy? What’s the fastest way to lose weight: diet or exercise? Why are health clubs worse than used car lots? It’s all here. His take-no-prisoners approach to getting in shape started when he was a kid in Louisiana, where he was routinely teased and beaten after being crippled by a birth defect. He overcame it and, later, found his passion as an ultra cyclist, until a deadly disease nearly took his life on the eve of competing in the Furnace Creek 508: a brutal cycling competition through the heart of Death Valley. In FITNESS CONFIDENTIAL, Vinnie lays it all on the line. So get ready to get fit, get inspired and get the dirt with Hollywood’s most outrageous personal trainer.

I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised. As I made my way reading through Fitness Confidential, I found myself laughing. A lot. I am fairly certain that the man next to me on the plane did not appreciate my constant giggling. This book was great because it wasn't just telling me what I needed to do in the typical boring fashion. This was a story. A story about where Vinnie Tortorich started and how he ended up where he is today. It's real and it's funny and because of that it was easy to relate to. I don't want to read a fitness book with a clinical tone that goes down through the steps of why I need to change my eating habits and puts me to sleep. I want a real story that happened to a real person. A story that shows how that diet and fitness routine worked in real life. And that is exactly what this book delivered. Of course he does go into what you should and shouldn't be eating (no I'm not going to tell you, you'll have to read the book). Keep in mind that this isn't a get thin quick scheme or one of those ridiculous fad diets. No, this is so much better than that because it is a lifestyle change. A permanent one. In this book you will learn what certain foods do to your body and what you should be eating to maintain a healthy body and weight.

In addition to teaching us all about food, Vinnie also discusses exercising and how you can started on the right foot. He explains how to find a good gym and a knowledgeable, qualified personal trainer to help you reach your goals. After reading some of his stories about the big chain gyms, I am glad there are none in my area. My independent gym has been perfect for me. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book com both from informational and storytelling standpoint. I mentioned earlier that I already suspected that food was my problem, but I wasn't 100% what I should be changing. Fitness Confidntial armed me with the knowledge I need to make a positive change to my diet and ultimately my body. Plus I honestly don't think I will soon forget reading about Vinnie's grueling training for the most crazy, insane cycling events I have ever heard of. Or waiting with anticipation to see if he would finally cross that finish line. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone, not just those struggling with weight like myself. But also everyone else, so they can learn what healthy eating and exercise truly is. 

Now I know what you are thinking. What are my results after following Vinnie's advice? Well, let me be completely honest with you. As I finish typing up this review, I am flying somewhere over the United States on my way to Las Vegas with my husband to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Neither of us has ever been and you can bet my big butt that I'm going to be eating all kinds of things I shouldn't. So this is my last hoorah of eating crap before my new healthy eating lifestyle begins on July 2nd. I promise to report back in a few months.

Buy it!
Starting on Monday July 1st, the paperback version of Fitness Confidential will sell for $14.99 and the eBook will sell for $9.99, This weekend only (Saturday June 29th and Sunday June 30th) the eBook version of the book will be half price - $4.99! The eBook will be sold exclusively at

For more information about Vinnie Tortorich visit:

I was given a complimentary advanced copy of this book to facilitate my review. All thoughts an opinions are my own.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Fight Holiday Fat with alli

One of the things that I love about the holidays is the food. My mom is the best cook that I know and so I tend to give myself a free pass when it comes to eating around Christmas time. Not only do I stuff my face on Christmas Eve, - yes I will have extra tortellini carbonara and chocolate mousse, thank you very much - but I am also sent home with leftover to continue the gluttony. I justify this behavior by reminding myself that my new diet and exercise plan will start on January first. Now I have a tool that can help me fight holiday fat. combines three core elements for the weight conscious during the holidays: diet, physical activity and motivation in an easy-to-use interface. It helps track goals and prepare for long-term success with features including:
• Follow-along fitness videos; from cross training to yoga / pilates
• Healthy (reduced calorie, low-fat) daily meal suggestions and recipes
• Custom calorie and activity tracking
• Community and social features and forums
• Smart phone accessibility
• Expert tips and tricks

Every year my one and only resolution is to lose weight and get in shape. But every year I completely fail. This year I am determined to make a real go of it. My biggest hindrances seem to be lack of time and motivation. Now that I have a few hours with all four kids in school a few days a week, lack of time is no longer a valid excuse. However motivation is still something I need help with and probably always will. This site is something that can really help me with that. The feature that i think is the most helpful for me is the schedule. When you set up your profile it will have you select the kind of workouts you want to do and then put it into a schedule for you. Each day has a workout listed for you including what to do and video tips.

 When you set up your profile, you will also enter in your height and current weight plus your goal weight and it will calculate what you daily calorie count should be. You can then enter in everything you eat and drink to make sure you are staying within your goal. has the tools you need to monitor your calories, help you find healthy recipes and set up an exercise routine to help you meet your fitness goals. I have only been using this for two weeks now but I am looking forward to continuing with it into the New Year. Especially once I start running in two days!

What are your weight loss and fitness goals for 2013? Do you think can help you get there? Sign up for free today and get started on a healthier you!

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for alli. I received a promotional item as a thank-you for participating. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Support Your Family's Health with WellPoint

Have you taken the time to learn all the benefits that come with your health insurance? I am not talking about the obvious basics like what type of coverage you have or what your co-payments are - I think most of us make a point to know those things immediately. But have you delved in deeper to find out what additional programs your insurance carrier offers? Programs that are designed to help you stay healthy? I can honestly say that I have not learned about all that our health insurance provides, but after learning about WellPoint, it is definitely something I am already looking into.

"WellPoint is one of the largest health benefits companies in the nation. The company has affiliated health plans in 14 states that fall under the names Anthem BlueCross and BlueShield, Anthem BlueCross in California, Empire BlueCross BlueShield in New York and BlueCross BlueShield of Georgia. While you may typically think of health insurance within the context of paying the bills, the industry is recognizing that you need more than just that. You need help keeping both you and your family healthy and out of the doctor’s office in the first place. Like never before, plans are tailored to meet your needs with programs, tools and services that work with you to personalize your health care experience and that revolve around your schedule, no one else’s."

WellPoint plans do more than just provide health insurance coverage; they also provide tools to help you live a healthy life. Some of their offering range from a 24/7 NurseLine to the Future Moms maternity program and even a Fitness tool.

24/7 NurseLine
If you are a parent this has undoubtedly happened to you at some point (or it soon will): it is after business hours and you have an important but non-emergency medical question for your pediatrician's office that cannot wait until the next day. What do you do? Our pediatrician does have a doctor on call after hours, but I would never call and wake them up unless it was an emergency. WellPoint affiliated plans provide you with a NurseLine where you can get your questions answered by an experienced registered nurse anytime of day or night. What I like about this is that you can a nurse directly on the line without having to go through automated messages or someone screening the calls.

Future Moms
The Future Moms maternity program gives personalized support to expectant moms. I cannot tell you how much I wish I had something like Future Moms available to me when I was pregnant with my first son. That first pregnancy is tough when you have absolutely no clue what is going on and what is normal and what isn't. It would have been great to have additional support. In addition to support during your nine months to help you have a healthier pregnancy and delivery, there is also post delivery support to help with screening for postpartum depression that may arise.

OK moms, how many of you can't seem to find the time to work exercise into your busy schedule? Probably most of you - I know I sure have trouble with it. WellPoint and its affiliated health plans have partnered with FitOrbit to offer convenient and affordable ways for you to achieve your personal fitness goals. FirOrbit will give you access to a real personal trainer, a customized meal plan which includes recipes and shopping lists and a personalized fitness plan. I love that the fitness plan is setup so that you can do it anytime and anywhere - basically anywhere you can sneak in a few minutes of exercise.

I think it is great to have insurance plans that are looking out for your well being and providing tools to help you live a healthy lifestyle. If you are part of the Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield plans listed above, you should call to see if you can enroll in these extras. And if you are not part of those plans, research your own plan and see if they offer similar services. In our hectix lives, it is really nice to have some extra help and support.

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and The Motherhood engaged me for this post. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Life...supplemented WannaBeWell iPhone App

While I spend the majority of my time taking care of my kids and making sure they are eating healthy, staying active and in good health, I often times neglect myself. No that isn't entirely true - I pretty much always neglect myself. I forgot my supplements, do little to no exercise and don't visit the doctor for check-ups as often as I should. Since my iPhone is pretty much attached to me at all times, an app to remind me might be just the thing I need.

"The WannaBeWell app is a comprehensive wellness resource that educates, activates and motivates those who are looking to lead a healthier lifestyle. It is based on the three pillars of health at the core of the Life…supplemented program, Healthy Diet + Supplements + Exercise."

What you can do with the WannaBeWell mobile app:

  • Create your own personalized Wellness Coach to deliver daily motivational and educational messages.
  • Receive “Healthy Mission” tasks given by the Wellness Coach and collect trophies for accomplishing the tasks.
  • Take the My Wellness Scorecard, a fun, free and interactive online quiz that assesses your current level of overall health and offers tips and ways to improve your health. Find out if you’re an AlphaWELL, an OhWELL or somewhere in between.
  • Explore the Supplement Resource Center, which offers information about dietary supplements in a simple-and-easy to understand format. 
  • Access the Supplemental, a blog that provides a forum around healthy diet, supplements and exercise. 
  • Set up reminders for you and your family to take your dietary supplements.
You can also visit the Life...supplemented website for access to the My Wellness Scorecard quiz and The Supplemental Blog.

The WannaBeWell app is very easy to set up and get started on. The first thing you will need to do is personalize your Wellness Coach. Your coach will help motivate you every day by giving you tips and challenges. I chose the young man as my coach because truthfully, that will motivate me more than the army drill sergeant. When your coach tells you something you can try, you can indicate that you have done it and then earn yourself a trophy.

The part of this app that I probably like the most is the supplement reminder. I am always forgetting to take my probiotics and in just a few steps I was able to set up a reminder on my iPhone. Now every day at 10:00 am my phone gives a little chirp and the reminder to take them pops up on my screen.

I of course took the My Wellness Scorecard quiz to see where I fell. I ended up scoring a "WannabeWELL" which I imagine is somewhere in the middle. I want to be healthy and fit, but I fall short in my motivation to exercise.

Overall I have been please with this app. I like the concept of the coach to help me get motivated with tips. Personally, I would really love it if he yelled at me through  my phone, because sometimes I really need that extra kick in the rear. And with the ability to schedule my supplements, I am back to taking my probiotics on a regular basis.

Download the WannaBeWell App for free from iTunes!

Giving Back
For each app download, a $1 donation (up to $13,500) will be made to Vitamin Angels. By connecting children under five with vital nutrients like vitamin A, Vitamin Angels are very literally improving the lives of children every day. One vitamin A capsule taken every six months can prevent blindness and reduce the mortality rate of children under five by 23 percent.

I wrote this blog post while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Life…supplemented. As a thank you for participating, I received a $25 promotional item, and a $25 donation was made on my behalf to Vitamin Angels.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Campbell's to Phase out BPA in Cans

Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a chemical that has been used in the lining of canned foods for many years. It is even found in soda cans. The BPA industry and its supporters will tell you that this chemical poses no health risks to humans, but more and more studies are showing otherwise. Laboratory studies have linked BPA to breast and prostate cancer, infertility, early puberty in girls, type-2 diabetes, obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Earlier this week, thanks to pressure from advocacy groups like Healthy Child Healthy World, Campbell's announced that it will start phasing out its use of BPA in its cans. A study by the Breast Cancer Fund found that Campbell's products for children like Spaghetti-O’s has some of the highest BPA levels.  Although they have not released any timeline of when the phase out will be complete or what they plan on using to replace BPA, this is a huge step. To get such a large company to make a change is sure to send a message to other food manufacturers. And while I don't buy any Campbell's products myself (many of their soups have MSG and artificial ingredients) I do think this is great news.

Meanwhile in France, lawmakers voted to uphold a ban on BPA in all food. One can only hope that other countries in Europe will follow suit and ultimately get an European Union wide ban on BPA. Maybe once all the other countries in the world acknowledge that this stuff is dangerous and ban it from their foods, the United States government and our FDA will finally wake up and get this toxic junk out of our food as well.

It will definitely be interesting to see how this all plays out and if it will have a snowball affect in the industry. Parents like myself are sure to be following intently with our fingers crossed. Could this be the beginning of the end for BPA? I sure hope so.

What do you think? Will we see a nationwide ban of Bisphenol A in the United States any time soon?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Battling the Post Baby Bulge

At first the baby bump was cute. Everyone was excited and you couldn't wait to show it off. But now that your bundle of joy has arrived, the baby bump is frustrating and you have to hide it. Losing the excess baby weight after childbirth is a very common problem for many of us. But it can be done!

photo courtesy morgueFile
The pregnancy process is a bit counterproductive to a normal 'fit' lifestyle. Your body craves more food and physically, you are forced to slow down and take it easy as the due date approaches. This creates a natural slowing of your metabolism as well as an increase in fat deposits for most of us. After giving birth it is usually a hectic adjustment to the constant waking to feed along with recovery from the physical experience; which makes the idea of exercise daunting to say the least. However this is one thing you should do for yourself and your baby!

Focus Points

• Abdominal muscles
• Lower back
• Arms & Shoulders

Some strength training should always be done after giving birth. You need to focus on a regular workout for abs and the lower back to help combat strain to the body from weight gain and weight loss. In addition, a change in breast size due to feeding can cause lower back problems if the muscles aren't strengthened. Also the arms and shoulders are typical trouble spots that need to be worked on. Carrying around a newborn and all of that baby gear is hard work and strong arms and shoulders will help immensely.

Cardiovascular Work

• Yoga
• Walking/Running
• Aerobics

photo courtesy stock.xchng
Surprisingly after the first few weeks of childbirth is the best time to start exercising again. A basic schedule has been developed for napping and you will have some time to devote to regular exercise. Yoga is very popular because it typically includes calming meditation as well as strengthening into the workout program. You can easily pop in a DVD while the baby naps.

Walking and running are another good starting point because you can utilize nap times and a stroller to enjoy exercise as well as getting out of the house. Aerobics can be a bit much to jump right into but with the variety of exercise programs and DVDs, they are very easy to incorporate into a nap schedule.


Typically right after child birth is not the best time to start any sort of hard diet. Your body is in recovery mode and if you are breastfeeding then you do not want to limit nutrients. However portions can be reduced from what you were eating in the previous two months as that was eating for two. Additionally drinking lots of water and eating regular meals will go a very long ways to re-establishing a more normal metabolism. Many people after birth end up eating sporadically and in a very unhealthy manner due to time constraints of adjusting to life with a baby.

Losing that baby weight and getting back in shape with not only help you physically but also mentally. This can help battle postpartum depression, strengthen your body for the coming toddler years, and help alleviate stress. By taking some time to help yourself, you will also help your child and family by having more energy and a better mood.

This is a guest post by Keira Sullivan and has been brought to you buy

Friday, October 14, 2011

You Can't Force Me To Stick A Needle In My Child

I am not one to tell other people how to parent their children. I am a firm believer in you do what you feel is best for your family and I'll do what I feel is best for mine. As long as you are not harming your children, I really don't care what you do. I might not agree with your choices, but that is none of my business. They are your choices to make, not mine. I expect the same in return. I know there are plenty of people out there that think I am nuts and don't agree with my choices and that is fine. Just be respectful of the fact that they are MY choices and I will do the same for you.

Photo credit: imelenchon from

Vaccinations can be a pretty hot topic of discussion among parents and it is one I usually try to avoid. That is until I get an email from my school telling me that the state of Connecticut now requires all preschoolers to receive a flu vaccine.

I am a semi-delayed vaccination parent. I held off on giving my twins both the MMR and chicken pox vaccines until they were three years old. Everything else they got on schedule. The chicken pox I was hoping they would actually get and so be immune for life with no boosters required. The MMR I delayed because no one can really say for sure or not if it harms children. Is it linked to autism? I don't know. But with two toddlers that already had significant speech and motor delays, I wasn't taking that chance. When it was time for me to enroll them into school, I got them up to date and all was fine.

But this email today just might have sent me off my rocker. How dare the government tell me I am required to give my child a flu shot? We are talking about the flu here, THE FLU, not the plague. The fact that they are doing this just seems utterly ridiculous to me. I am not usually one to complain about big government being too involved in our day to day lives - that changed today. I am pissed. The bottom line is we will not be giving our kids the flu shot. My gripe is that we shouldn't even have been put into this position in the first place.

Monday, August 15, 2011

5 Ways to Start Living Healthier Today

Everyone knows health is important. Money can't buy good health, and if you ruin your health, you may never get it back (at least, not without a lot of work). So why do so many people do so little about it? Being busy is the usual excuse, but considering how important maintaining good health is, it's really not a good excuse. So what are some easy ways to start living a healthier life today (even if you are very busy)?

1. Eat healthier- You may have difficulty finding time to make home-cooked meals, especially if you work, but the healthiest foods are not extravagant. Eating fruits takes no more effort than washing and peeling. Many veggies can be eaten uncooked, or eaten boiled with a little salt. If you are pressed for time, make family snacks out of fruits, vegetables, and cheese. Even family meals can be simpler and take little time by adding healthy fruits and vegetables or making a small investment in a crock pot, which will do a lot of the work for you.

2. Eat organic- It's incredible how many pesticides and antibiotics are added to our foods while being grown. Those chemicals are still in meats and produce when we buy and eat them, and they can affect our health. Even though you can't control what you eat at restaurants and at the home's of others, try to you more organic foods for your own family. You'll be happy you did in the long run, when your long-term health is stronger as a result of not having years of chemical exposure.

3. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day- this may be the most difficult thing for many people, especially moms. Who has 30 free minutes a day? If you get creative, you can find those 30 minutes to exercise while doing things you already have planned. Instead of driving to work, walk. Take your bike or stroll your baby to the market. Use a stepper or stair-climber while watching educational shows with your kids or watching the news. You can strengthen your heart and get your buns in shape even without extra hours in the day.

4. Take care of your teeth- Poor dental hygiene and gum disease is linked to a variety of maladies, including heart problems and throat infections. Simply brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing, and visiting a dentist annually can keep your teeth and gums healthier, prevent bad bad breath, and keep you healthier overall. Take care of your teeth, and teach your family to take care of their teeth as well.

5. Sleep more- Like exercise, this is something many people feel they don't have time to do. You may not realize how you are wasting your time, though. If you are catching up on emails at night, tweeting, or otherwise wiling away the hours, you have to prioritize. Lack of sleep not only affects your health, it's also aging and affects your concentration and ability to focus at work or at home during the day. Try to sleep at least six hours a night. Seven or eight hours is even better. Getting enough sleep allows you to give everyone your best.

Penelope is a mom to one bunchkin and the author of Penelope's Oasis, where she writes about healthy living, beauty tips, and relationship advice.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Soda Affects Your Health

Yesterday I downloaded the StumbleUpon app for my iPhone - not sure why I hadn't done it sooner! While I was playing around with it and stumbling I came across this informative diagram on the health impacts of drinking soda. It has several important talking points that everyone should know - like how for each additional soda consumed your risk of obesity increases by 1.6%!

I am happy to say that we are not soda drinkers and we will teach our boys that soda is not a healthy choice. In fact last week they had a dental health day at school and my 6 year old came home and told me how bad soda is for your teeth and that it is not healthy.

I know how hard it is to give up soda, or anything for that matter. Up until my senior year in high school I was a soda drinker. But I made a choice to stop during that year and let me tell you I instantly saw a change in my weight. I encourage you to take a look at this and at maybe try and cut back your soft drink consumption and maybe eventually you can work towards no soda at all. Even if you cut back from 2 glasses a day to 1, I think that is a huge improvement and a leap in the right direction.

Click image to enlarge.
Harmful Soda
Image courtesy of

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Natural Remedy for a Stye

On Tuesday night, I noticed that the area under my left eye was starting to get sore. Then Wednesday morning, I woke up to this:

The picture actually doesn't do it justice. You can see where it is inflamed there but its bigger in person and red. And boy does it HURT. I can only guess that it is a stye, something I have not had in ages. A friend of mine from The Mamasphere, who also happens to be an eye doctor, suggested this home remedy to me. So I wanted to pass it along.

Styes are best with warm compresses. Take an egg, hard boil it and while it is still hot (but not too hot, don't burn yourself) lay it on your eye. Do not peal. The size of the egg sits in your eye socket very well and the weight of the egg keeps good constant contact with the eye. The sulpher in the egg shell is homeopathic. You can use the same egg over again, just put pin holes in it and microwave for 10 secs at a time until warm. 

So I am off to boil an egg now and give this a go.  I'll have to report back on if it works or not.

Friday, February 27, 2009

2 Sick Kids and Counting

I swear every year William gets really sick around his birthday. Poor kid. The congestion began a few days ago for him. Last night is when the fever hit and he has just had a miserable day. White as a ghost, shivering and no appetite. Luke is pretty sick too now so it's only a matter of time before Josh gets it. When you have 3 little kids, there is just no way to escape one of these without everyone getting sick. And 3 sick kids at once is so not fun. I just hope that it doesn't hit me too.

I also have to vent for a minute about fever reducers. I don't use medicine very often, only when an instance like this happens (101 fever). I sent DH to the store on his way out this morning for some more dye-free Motrin and some dye-free Tylenol. The upsetting thing about both Motrin and Tylenol (and their respective generic versions) is that even though you get rid of the yucky dyes, there are freakin parabens in them! specifically, butylparaben. I don't get it. Are there any natural pain relievers/fever reducers for kids out there?

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