blob: 90fe22c04a89c7535f58b634874897e8b3285334 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName
interface XTypeElement : XHasModifiers, XElement, XMemberContainer {
* The qualified name of the Class/Interface.
val qualifiedName: String
* The qualified name of the package that contains this element.
val packageName: String
* SimpleName of the type converted to String.
* @see [javax.lang.model.element.Element.getSimpleName]
val name: String
* The type represented by this [XTypeElement].
override val type: XType
* The super type of this element if it represents a class.
val superType: XType?
* Javapoet [ClassName] of the type.
override val className: ClassName
* The [XTypeElement] that contains this [XTypeElement] if it is an inner class/interface.
val enclosingTypeElement: XTypeElement?
override val fallbackLocationText: String
get() = qualifiedName
* Returns `true` if this [XTypeElement] represents an interface
fun isInterface(): Boolean
* Returns `true` if this [XTypeElement] represents a Kotlin functional interface,
* i.e. marked with the keyword `fun`
fun isFunctionalInterface(): Boolean
* Returns `true` if this [XTypeElement] represents an ordinary class. ie not an enum, object,
* annotation, interface, or other type of specialty class.
fun isClass(): Boolean
* Returns `true` if this [XTypeElement] represents a Kotlin data class
fun isDataClass(): Boolean
* Returns `true` if this [XTypeElement] represents a Kotlin value class
fun isValueClass(): Boolean
* Returns `true` if this [XTypeElement] represents a class with the Kotlin `expect` keyword
fun isExpect(): Boolean
* Returns `true` if this [XTypeElement] represents a Kotlin annotation class or a Java
* annotation type.
fun isAnnotationClass(): Boolean
* Returns `true` if this [XTypeElement] is a non-companion `object` in Kotlin
fun isKotlinObject(): Boolean
* Returns `true` if this [XTypeElement] is declared as a Kotlin `companion object`
fun isCompanionObject(): Boolean
* Fields declared in this type
* includes all instance/static fields in this
fun getDeclaredFields(): List<XFieldElement>
* All fields, including private supers.
* Room only ever reads fields this way.
fun getAllFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers(): List<XFieldElement>
* Returns the primary constructor for the type, if it exists.
* Note that this only exists for classes declared in Kotlin.
fun findPrimaryConstructor(): XConstructorElement?
* methods declared in this type
* includes all instance/static methods in this
fun getDeclaredMethods(): List<XMethodElement>
* Methods declared in this type and its parents
* includes all instance/static methods in this
* includes all instance/static methods in parent CLASS if they are accessible from this (e.g.
* not private).
* does not include static methods in parent interfaces
fun getAllMethods(): List<XMethodElement> {
return collectAllMethods()
* Instance methods declared in this and supers
* include non private instance methods
* also includes non-private instance methods from supers
fun getAllNonPrivateInstanceMethods(): List<XMethodElement> {
return getAllMethods().filter {
!it.isPrivate() && !it.isStatic()
* Returns the list of constructors in this type element
fun getConstructors(): List<XConstructorElement>
* List of interfaces implemented by this class
fun getSuperInterfaceElements(): List<XTypeElement>
* Returns the list of all classes nested directly within this class, including companion
* objects.
fun getEnclosedTypeElements(): List<XTypeElement>