blob: 6b3646a766a7e4ed0411c79fdb652df1219ba5d5 [file] [log] [blame]
import type { Point } from "chart.js";
import type { Series } from "../types/chart.js";
import type { ChartData, Metric } from "../types/data.js";
import type { Mapper } from "./data-transforms.js";
function sampledMapper(metric: Metric<number[]>): Series[] {
const series: Series[] = [];
const data: Record<string, ChartData<number[]>> =;
const entries = Object.entries(data);
for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 1) {
const [source, chartData] = entries[i];
const label = labelFor(metric, source);
const [points, _, __] = histogramPoints(chartData.values);
label: label,
type: "line",
data: points,
options: {
tension: 0.3
return series;
function standardMapper(metric: Metric<number>): Series[] {
const series: Series[] = [];
const data: Record<string, ChartData<number>> =;
const entries = Object.entries(data);
for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 1) {
const [source, chartData] = entries[i];
const label = labelFor(metric, source);
const points = singlePoints(chartData.values);
label: label,
type: "line",
data: points,
options: {
tension: 0.3
return series;
export function histogramPoints(
runs: number[][],
buckets: number = 10,
target: number | null = null
): [Point[], Point[] | null, number | null] {
const flattened = runs.flat();
// Default comparator coerces types to string !
flattened.sort((a, b) => a - b); // in-place
const min = flattened[0];
const max = flattened[flattened.length - 1];
let targetPoints: Point[] | null = null;
let pN: number = 0;
let maxFreq: number = 0;
const histogram = new Array(buckets).fill(0);
const slots = buckets - 1; // The actual number of slots in the histogram
for (let i = 0; i < flattened.length; i += 1) {
const value = flattened[i];
if (value >= target) {
pN += 1;
const n = normalize(value, min, max);
const index = Math.ceil(n * slots);
histogram[index] = histogram[index] + 1;
if (maxFreq < histogram[index]) {
maxFreq = histogram[index];
if (target) {
const n = normalize(target, min, max);
const index = Math.ceil(n * slots);
targetPoints = selectPoints(buckets, index, maxFreq);
return [singlePoints(histogram), targetPoints, (pN / flattened.length)];
function selectPoints(buckets: number, index: number, target: number) {
const points: Point[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < buckets; i += 1) {
const y = i == index ? target : 0;
x: i + 1, // 1 based index
y: y
return points;
function singlePoints(runs: number[]): Point[] {
const points: Point[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < runs.length; i += 1) {
x: i + 1, // 1 based index
y: runs[i]
return points;
function normalize(n: number, min: number, max: number): number {
if (n < min || n > max) {
console.warn(`Warning n(${n}) is not in the range of (${min}, ${max})`);
if (n < min) {
n = min;
if (n > max) {
n = max;
return (n - min) / (max - min + 1e-5);
* Generates a series label.
function labelFor<T>(metric: Metric<T>, source: string): string {
return `${source} {${metric.class}${metric.benchmark}} - ${metric.label}`;
export function datasetName(metric: Metric<any>): string {
return `${metric.class}_${metric.benchmark}`;
* The standard mapper.
export const STANDARD_MAPPER: Mapper = {
standard: standardMapper,
sampled: sampledMapper