blob: db1ca8bfe52ec676a2b3cb68b0105f1f8b1f03e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Baseline format: 1.0
AcronymName: androidx.ui.geometry.Rect.Companion#fromLTRB(float, float, float, float):
Acronyms should not be capitalized in method names: was `fromLTRB`, should this be `fromLtrb`?
AcronymName: androidx.ui.geometry.Rect.Companion#fromLTWH(float, float, float, float):
Acronyms should not be capitalized in method names: was `fromLTWH`, should this be `fromLtwh`?
KotlinOperator: androidx.ui.geometry.RRect#contains(androidx.ui.geometry.Offset):
Note that adding the `operator` keyword would allow calling this method using operator syntax
KotlinOperator: androidx.ui.geometry.Rect#contains(androidx.ui.geometry.Offset):
Note that adding the `operator` keyword would allow calling this method using operator syntax
KotlinOperator: androidx.ui.geometry.Size#contains(androidx.ui.geometry.Offset):
Note that adding the `operator` keyword would allow calling this method using operator syntax