blob: 7d488c5e0197a596760351d21eac56be9ee3f16c [file] [log] [blame]
# Script to fetch generated API references docs and stage them.
# Examples:
# Stage refdocs from a given build ID (to the default staging DB):
# ./ --buildId 1234567
# Stage locally-generated refdocs (to the default staging DB) *.
# The directory path must be absolute (can't contain ~):
# / --buildId 0
# --sourceDir=/dir/to/androidx-main/out/androidx/docs-public/build
# Stage ToT refdocs from a given build ID, to a specified DB, using a specific
# date string for the generated CL:
# ./ --buildId 1234567 --db androidx-docs
# --dateStr "April 29, 2021" --useToT
# ===
# * buildId still needs to be specified when staging locally-generated refdocs,
# but the value is unused and ignored.
# ===
source || exit
readonly defaultDb=""
DEFINE_string buildId --required "" "The build ID from the Android build server. This is ignored when specifying the 'sourceDir' flag."
DEFINE_string dateStr "<insert date here>" "Date string used for CL message. Enclose date in double quotes (ex: \"April 29, 2021\")"
DEFINE_string db "$defaultDb" "The database used for staging. Omitting this value will stage changes to the staging DB."
DEFINE_string sourceDir "" "Local directory to fetch doc artifacts from. Directory must be absolute (can't contain ~)."
DEFINE_bool useToT false "Stage docs from tip-of-tree docs build rather than public docs build"
DEFINE_bool buildNativeDocs false "Build and stage native docs generated with doxygen"
gbash::init_google "$@"
# Allowlist for including specific directories which are generated by
# Doclava/Dokka instead of Dackka.
# There are separate lists for Java and Kotlin refdocs as some libraries (such
# as Compose) only publish refdocs for a single language.
# Each directory's spelling must match the library's directory in
# frameworks/support.
readonly javaLibraryDirsThatDontUseDackka=(
readonly kotlinLibraryDirsThatDontUseDackka=(
# Change directory to this script's location and store the directory
cd "$(dirname $0)"
# Working directories for the refdocs
readonly newDir="reference-docs"
readonly dokkaNewDir="reference-docs-dokka"
readonly doclavaNewDir="reference-docs-doclava"
readonly doxygenNewDir="reference-docs-doxygen"
# Remove and recreate the existing out directory to avoid conflicts from previous runs
rm -rf $outDir
mkdir -p $outDir/$newDir
mkdir -p $outDir/$dokkaNewDir
mkdir -p $outDir/$doclavaNewDir
mkdir -p $outDir/$doxygenNewDir
cd $outDir
if [ "$FLAGS_sourceDir" == "" ]; then
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Download the doc zip files from the build server \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
if (( FLAGS_useToT )); then
printf "Downloading docs-tip-of-tree zip files \n"
printf "Downloading docs-public zip files \n"
if (( "${FLAGS_buildId::1}" == "P" )); then
/google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact --bid $FLAGS_buildId --target androidx_incremental incremental/$androidxDoclavaZip
/google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact --bid $FLAGS_buildId --target androidx_incremental incremental/$androidxDokkaZip
/google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact --bid $FLAGS_buildId --target androidx_incremental incremental/$androidxDackkaZip
/google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact --bid $FLAGS_buildId --target androidx $androidxDoclavaZip
/google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact --bid $FLAGS_buildId --target androidx $androidxDokkaZip
/google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact --bid $FLAGS_buildId --target androidx $androidxDackkaZip
# Let's double check we succeeded before continuing
if [[ -f "$androidxDoclavaZip" ]] && [[ -f "$androidxDokkaZip" ]] && [[ -f "$androidxDackkaZip" ]]; then
echo "Download completed"
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
echo "Failed to download doc zip files. Please double check your build ID and try again."
exit 1
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Unzip the doc zip files \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
unzip $androidxDoclavaZip -d $doclavaNewDir
unzip $androidxDokkaZip -d $dokkaNewDir
unzip $androidxDackkaZip -d $newDir
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Copying doc sources from local directory $FLAGS_sourceDir \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
cp -r "$FLAGS_sourceDir/javadoc/." $doclavaNewDir
cp -r "$FLAGS_sourceDir/dokkaKotlinDocs/." $dokkaNewDir
cp -r "$FLAGS_sourceDir/dackkaDocs/." $newDir
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Copy over Doclava/Dokka generated refdocs \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
# The Dackka versions of the docs for these libraries are intentionally not
# removed before copying the non-Dackka versions because some files aren't
# generated by Doclava/Dokka (such as Java refdocs based on Kotlin sources)
cd $outDir
for dir in "${javaLibraryDirsThatDontUseDackka[@]}"
printf "Copying Java refdocs for $dir\n"
cp -r $doclavaNewDir/reference/$dir/* $newDir/reference/$dir
for dir in "${kotlinLibraryDirsThatDontUseDackka[@]}"
printf "Copying Kotlin refdocs for $dir\n"
cp -r $dokkaNewDir/reference/kotlin/$dir/* $newDir/reference/kotlin/$dir
if (( FLAGS_buildNativeDocs )); then
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Generate Doxygen docs \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Generate the language switcher \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
cd $newDir/reference
python3 ./../../../ --work androidx
python3 ./../../../ --work support
if (( FLAGS_buildNativeDocs )); then
cd $outDir
# Copy over doxygen generated refdocs after switcher is added
rsync -avh --ignore-existing $doxygenNewDir/reference/ $newDir/reference/
# Include doxygen toc files in main toc
cd $newDir
find reference -name _doxygen.yaml -exec python3 $scriptDirectory/helpers/ {} \;
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Create (if needed) and sync g4 workspace \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
client="$(p4 g4d -f androidx-ref-docs-stage --multichange)"
cd "$client"
# Revert all local changes to prevent merge conflicts when syncing.
# This is OK since we always want to start with a fresh CitC client
g4 revert ...
g4 sync
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Prep directories and copy refdocs to CitC client \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
cd third_party/devsite/android/en/reference
cd kotlin/androidx
ls | grep -v "package\|class\|book\|toc\|constraint\|test\|index\|redirects" | xargs -I {} rm -rf {}
cd ../../androidx
ls | grep -v "package\|class\|book\|toc\|constraint\|test\|index\|redirects" | xargs -I {} rm -rf {}
cd ..
cp -r $outDir/$newDir/reference/* .
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Create a changelist of pending refdoc changes \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
# Add the db param to links if the target database is not the default staging DB.
if [ "$FLAGS_db" != "$defaultdb" ]; then
# Construct CL description
clDesc="Androidx $FLAGS_dateStr Ref Docs
GO LIVE TIME: $FLAGS_dateStr @ 10:00 AM PST
* Java: $stagingLinkJava
* Kotlin: $stagingLinkKotlin
All docs build id: $FLAGS_buildId
The following scripts were used to create these docs:
# Grab the CL number generated from running `g4 change`.
clNum=$(g4 change --desc "$clDesc" | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')
printf "View pending changes at http://cl/${clNum} \n"
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Stage changes \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
# Construct the devsite command and parameters
devsiteCmd="/google/data/ro/projects/devsite/devsite2 stage"
devsiteCmd+=" --use_large_thread_pools"
devsiteCmd+=" --upload_safety_check_mode=ignore"
# Add the --db flag if the target database is not the default staging DB.
if [ "$FLAGS_db" != "$defaultDb" ]; then
devsiteCmd+=" --db=$FLAGS_db"
# Directories to stage
devsiteCmd+=" android/support"
devsiteCmd+=" androidx"
devsiteCmd+=" kotlin/android/support"
devsiteCmd+=" kotlin/androidx"
printf "Running devsite command:\n"
printf "$devsiteCmd\n"
# Print devsite command and CL link again in case they scrolled off the screen or
# scrollback buffer
printf "\n"
printf "Ran devsite command:\n"
printf "$devsiteCmd\n"
printf "\n"
printf "View pending changes at http://cl/${clNum} \n"