blob: 4ab6d2bd04ba9dccf046415d5e1eedbfae4a5d7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
* Query a type element by KClass and return null if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.findTypeElement(
klass: KClass<*>
): TypeElement? = findTypeElement(!!)
* Query a type element by TypeName and return null if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.findTypeElement(
typeName: TypeName
): TypeElement? = findTypeElement(typeName.toString())
* Query a type element by qualified name and return null if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.findTypeElement(
qName: String
): TypeElement? = elementUtils.getTypeElement(qName)
* Query a type element by KClass and throw if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.requireTypeElement(
klass: KClass<*>
): TypeElement = requireTypeElement(!!)
* Query a type element by TypeName and throw if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.requireTypeElement(
typeName: TypeName
): TypeElement = requireTypeElement(typeName.toString())
* Query a type element by qualified name and throw if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.requireTypeElement(
qName: String
): TypeElement = checkNotNull(elementUtils.getTypeElement(qName)) {
// we do not throw MissingTypeException here as this should be called only if the type should
// be there
"Couldn't find required type $qName"
* Query a TypeMirror by KClass and throw if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.requireTypeMirror(
klass: KClass<*>
): TypeMirror = requireTypeMirror(!!)
* Query a TypeMirror by TypeName and throw if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.requireTypeMirror(
typeName: TypeName
): TypeMirror = requireTypeMirror(typeName.toString())
* Query a TypeMirror by qualified name and throw if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.requireTypeMirror(
qName: String
): TypeMirror = requireTypeElement(qName).asType()
* Query a type mirror by KClass and return null if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.findTypeMirror(
klass: KClass<*>
): TypeMirror? = findTypeMirror(!!)
* Query a type mirror by TypeName and return null if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.findTypeMirror(
typeName: TypeName
): TypeMirror? = findTypeMirror(typeName.toString())
* Query a type mirror by qualified name and return null if it does not exist
fun ProcessingEnvironment.findTypeMirror(
qName: String
): TypeMirror? = findTypeElement(qName)?.asType()
fun ProcessingEnvironment.getGeneratedAnnotation(): TypeElement? {
val element = GeneratedAnnotations.generatedAnnotation(elementUtils, sourceVersion)
return if (element.isPresent) {
} else {