blob: 8831717d2d1460dc447d0c48fb3659d2b746d998 [file] [log] [blame]
// The components of a tile that can be rendered by a tile renderer.
syntax = "proto3";
package androidx.wear.tiles.testing.proto;
import "timeline.proto";
import "version.proto";
option java_package = "androidx.wear.tiles.testing.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "TileProto";
// A holder for a tile. This specifies the resources to use for this delivery
// of the tile, and the timeline for the tile.
message Tile {
// The resource version required for these tiles.
string resources_version = 1;
// The tiles to show in the carousel, along with their validity periods.
Timeline timeline = 2;
// The schema version that this tile was built with.
VersionInfo schema_version = 3;
// How many milliseconds of elapsed time (**not** wall clock time) this tile
// can be considered to be "fresh". The platform will attempt to refresh
// your tile at some point in the future after this interval has lapsed. A
// value of 0 here signifies that auto-refreshes should not be used (i.e. you
// will manually request updates via TileProviderService#getRequester).
uint64 freshness_interval_millis = 4;