blob: e53ddea6d20c0709e3ec1cf1c1679a31cf1a186f [file] [log] [blame]
// Dimensions for layout elements.
syntax = "proto3";
package androidx.wear.tiles.testing.proto;
option java_package = "androidx.wear.tiles.testing.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "DimensionProto";
// A type for linear dimensions, measured in dp.
message DpProp {
// The value, in dp.
float value = 1;
// A type for font sizes, measured in sp.
message SpProp {
// The value, in sp.
float value = 2;
reserved 1;
// A type for font spacing, measured in em.
message EmProp {
// The value, in em.
float value = 1;
// A type for angular dimensions, measured in degrees.
message DegreesProp {
// The value, in degrees.
float value = 1;
// A type for a dimension that fills all the space it can (i.e. MATCH_PARENT in
// Android parlance)
message ExpandedDimensionProp {}
// A type for a dimension that sizes itself to the size of its children (i.e.
// WRAP_CONTENT in Android parlance)
message WrappedDimensionProp {}
// A type for a dimension that scales itself proportionally to another dimension
// such that the aspect ratio defined by the given width and height values is
// preserved.
// Note that the width and height are unitless; only their ratio is relevant.
// This allows for specifying an element's size using common ratios (e.g.
// width=4, height=3), or to allow an element to be resized proportionally based
// on the size of an underlying asset (e.g. an 800x600 image being added to a
// smaller container and resized accordingly).
message ProportionalDimensionProp {
// The width to be used when calculating the aspect ratio to preserve.
uint32 aspect_ratio_width = 1;
// The height to be used when calculating the aspect ratio ratio to preserve.
uint32 aspect_ratio_height = 2;
// A dimension that can be applied to a container.
message ContainerDimension {
oneof inner {
DpProp linear_dimension = 1;
ExpandedDimensionProp expanded_dimension = 2;
WrappedDimensionProp wrapped_dimension = 3;
// A dimension that can be applied to an image.
message ImageDimension {
oneof inner {
DpProp linear_dimension = 1;
ExpandedDimensionProp expanded_dimension = 2;
ProportionalDimensionProp proportional_dimension = 3;
// A dimension that can be applied to a spacer.
message SpacerDimension {
oneof inner {
DpProp linear_dimension = 1;
// TODO(b/169137847): Add ExpandedDimensionProp