blob: b00c05e604b82f6f7a501dd8cb3723e88df4327d [file] [log] [blame]
// A timeline with entries representing content that should be displayed within
// given time intervals.
syntax = "proto3";
package androidx.wear.tiles.proto;
import "layout.proto";
option java_package = "androidx.wear.tiles.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "TimelineProto";
// A time interval, typically used to describe the validity period of a
// TimelineEntry
message TimeInterval {
// Starting point of the time interval, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
int64 start_millis = 1;
// End point of the time interval, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
int64 end_millis = 2;
// One piece of renderable content along with the time that it is valid for.
message TimelineEntry {
// The validity period for this timeline entry.
TimeInterval validity = 1;
// The contents of this timeline entry.
Layout layout = 2;
// A collection of TimelineEntry items.
// TimelineEntry items can be used to update a layout on-screen at known times,
// without having to explicitly update a layout. This allows for cases where,
// say, a calendar can be used to show the next event, and automatically switch
// to showing the next event when one has passed.
// The active TimelineEntry is switched, at most, once a minute. In the case
// where the validity periods of TimelineEntry items overlap, the item with the
// *shortest* validity period will be shown. This allows a layout provider to
// show a "default" layout, and override it at set points without having to
// explicitly insert the default layout between the "override" layout.
message Timeline {
// The entries in a timeline.
repeated TimelineEntry timeline_entries = 1;