blob: b182dad7b69328bc2a26ab8e33cbb707e64de265 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import groovy.lang.Closure
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.Project
import java.util.ArrayList
* Extension for [AndroidXPlugin] that's responsible for holding configuration options.
open class AndroidXExtension(val project: Project) {
var name: String? = null
var mavenVersion: Version? = null
set(value) {
field = value
var mavenGroup: LibraryGroup? = null
set(value) {
field = value
private val ALLOWED_EXTRA_PREFIXES = listOf("-alpha", "-beta", "-rc", "-dev", "-SNAPSHOT")
private fun chooseProjectVersion() {
val version: Version
val group: String? = mavenGroup?.group
val groupVersion: Version? = mavenGroup?.forcedVersion
val mavenVersion: Version? = mavenVersion
if (mavenVersion != null) {
if (groupVersion != null && !isGroupVersionOverrideAllowed()) {
throw GradleException(
"Cannot set mavenVersion (" + mavenVersion +
") for a project (" + project +
") whose mavenGroup already specifies forcedVersion (" + groupVersion +
} else {
version = mavenVersion
} else {
if (groupVersion != null) {
version = groupVersion
} else {
if (group != null) { = group
project.version = if (isSnapshotBuild()) version.copy(extra = "-SNAPSHOT") else version
versionIsSet = true
private fun verifyVersionExtraFormat(version: Version) {
val extra = version.extra
if (extra != null) {
if (!version.isSnapshot()) {
if (ALLOWED_EXTRA_PREFIXES.any { extra.startsWith(it) }) {
for (potentialPrefix in ALLOWED_EXTRA_PREFIXES) {
if (extra.startsWith(potentialPrefix)) {
val secondExtraPart = extra.removePrefix(
if (secondExtraPart.toIntOrNull() == null) {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Version $version is not" +
" a properly formatted version, please ensure that " +
"$potentialPrefix is followed by a number only"
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Version $version is not a proper " +
"version, version suffixes following major.minor.patch should " +
"be one of ${ALLOWED_EXTRA_PREFIXES.joinToString(", ")}"
private fun isGroupVersionOverrideAllowed(): Boolean {
// Grant an exception to the same-version-group policy for artifacts that haven't shipped a
// stable API surface, e.g. 1.0.0-alphaXX, to allow for rapid early-stage development.
val version = mavenVersion
return version != null && version.major == 1 && version.minor == 0 && version.patch == 0 &&
private var versionIsSet = false
fun isVersionSet(): Boolean {
return versionIsSet
var description: String? = null
var inceptionYear: String? = null
* targetsJavaConsumers = true, if project is intended to be accessed from Java-language
* source code.
var targetsJavaConsumers = true
get() {
when (project.path) {
// add per-project overrides here
// for example
// the following project is intended to be accessed from Java
// ":compose:internal-lint-checks" -> return true
// the following project is not intended to be accessed from Java
// ":annotation:annotation" -> return false
// TODO: rework this to use LibraryType. Fork Library and KolinOnlyLibrary?
if (project.path.contains("-ktx")) return false
if (project.path.startsWith(":compose")) return false
if (project.path.startsWith(":ui")) return false
return field
private var licenses: MutableCollection<License> = ArrayList()
// Should only be used to override LibraryType.publish, if a library isn't ready to publish yet
var publish: Publish = Publish.UNSET
// Allow gradual transition from publish to library type
get() = if (field == Publish.UNSET && type != LibraryType.UNSET) type.publish else field
* Whether to run API tasks such as tracking and linting. The default value is
* [RunApiTasks.Auto], which automatically picks based on the project's properties.
// TODO: decide whether we want to support overriding runApiTasks
// @Deprecated("Replaced with AndroidXExtension.type: LibraryType.runApiTasks")
var runApiTasks: RunApiTasks = RunApiTasks.Auto
get() = if (field == RunApiTasks.Auto && type != LibraryType.UNSET) type.checkApi else field
var type: LibraryType = LibraryType.UNSET
var failOnDeprecationWarnings = true
* Disables just docs generation for modules that are published and should have their API
* tracked to ensure intra-library versioning compatibility, but are not expected to be
* directly used by developers.
* Now deprecated and should not be used in new code. New code should read type.generateDocs.
// TODO: decide whether we want to support overriding generateDocs
// @Deprecated("Replaced with AndroidXExtension.type: LibraryType.generateDocs")
var generateDocs = true
get() {
if (type != LibraryType.UNSET) return type.generateDocs
if (!publish.shouldRelease()) return false
return field
var legacyDisableKotlinStrictApiMode = false
fun shouldEnforceKotlinStrictApiMode(): Boolean {
return !legacyDisableKotlinStrictApiMode &&
fun license(closure: Closure<*>): License {
val license = project.configure(License(), closure) as License
return license
fun getLicenses(): Collection<License> {
return licenses
companion object {
const val DEFAULT_UNSPECIFIED_VERSION = "unspecified"
class License {
var name: String? = null
var url: String? = null