Centralize method / field collection

This CL replaces MethodCollector with a generic DeclarationCollector
that can be re-used for collecting declarations from a type element
and its parents. This new class is also used to collect fields instead
of the custom implementations in each XTypeElement (javac, ksp).

As part of it, I also fixed the JavacTypeElement implementation not to
include enum constant in declared fields list.

In a followup CL, i'll change those methods to return sequence instead
of list in XTypeElement to avoid collecting too many methods.

Bug: n/a
Test: existing tests
Change-Id: Ia805c862a0a841edc8f50a84d1ad7d17399fb660
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/DeclarationCollector.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/DeclarationCollector.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..792a88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/DeclarationCollector.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package androidx.room.compiler.processing
+ * Helper method to collect declarations from a type element and its parents.
+ *
+ * To be able to benefit from multi level caching (e.g. each type element caching its important
+ * fields / declarations), parents are not visited recursively. Instead, callers are expected to
+ * call the right methods when traversing immediate parents / interfaces.
+ */
+private fun <T> collectDeclarations(
+    /**
+     * The root element
+     */
+    target: XTypeElement,
+    /**
+     * Elements that will be added without verification. These are usually inherited from the
+     * root element.
+     */
+    initialList: List<T>,
+    /**
+     * Returns a list of possible elements that can be included in the final list.
+     * The receiver is either a super class or interface.
+     */
+    getCandidateDeclarations: XTypeElement.() -> Iterable<T>,
+    /**
+     * Returns a partitan key for each element to optimize override checks etc.
+     */
+    getPartitionKey: T.() -> String,
+    /**
+     * Returns true if this item should be added to the list, false otherwise.
+     */
+    isAcceptable: (candidate: T, existing: List<T>) -> Boolean,
+    /**
+     * Copies the element to the root element
+     */
+    copyToTarget: (T) -> T,
+    /**
+     * If true, parent class will be visited.
+     */
+    visitParent: Boolean,
+    /**
+     * If true, parent interfaces will be visited.
+     */
+    visitInterfaces: Boolean
+): Sequence<T> {
+    val parents = sequence {
+        if (visitParent) {
+            target.superType?.typeElement?.let {
+                yield(it)
+            }
+        }
+        if (visitInterfaces) {
+            yieldAll(target.getSuperInterfaceElements())
+        }
+    }
+    return sequence {
+        // group members by name for faster override checks
+        val selectionByName = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<T>>()
+        suspend fun SequenceScope<T>.addToSelection(item: T) {
+            val key = getPartitionKey(item)
+            selectionByName.getOrPut(key) {
+                mutableListOf()
+            }.add(item)
+            yield(item)
+        }
+        suspend fun SequenceScope<T>.maybeAddToSelection(candidate: T) {
+            val partitionKey = candidate.getPartitionKey()
+            val existing = selectionByName[partitionKey] ?: emptyList()
+            if (isAcceptable(candidate, existing)) {
+                addToSelection(copyToTarget(candidate))
+            }
+        }
+        // yield everything in the root list
+        initialList.forEach {
+            addToSelection(it)
+        }
+        // now start yielding it from parents
+        parents.flatMap { it.getCandidateDeclarations() }.forEach {
+            maybeAddToSelection(copyToTarget(it))
+        }
+    }
+private fun XTypeElement.canAccessSuperMethod(other: XMethodElement): Boolean {
+    if (other.isPublic() || other.isProtected()) {
+        return true
+    }
+    if (other.isPrivate()) {
+        return false
+    }
+    // check package
+    return packageName == other.enclosingElement.className.packageName()
+ * see [XTypeElement.getAllFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers]
+ */
+internal fun collectFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers(
+    xTypeElement: XTypeElement
+): Sequence<XFieldElement> {
+    return collectDeclarations(
+        target = xTypeElement,
+        visitParent = true,
+        visitInterfaces = false,
+        getPartitionKey = XFieldElement::name,
+        initialList = xTypeElement.getDeclaredFields(),
+        copyToTarget = {
+            it.copyTo(xTypeElement)
+        },
+        isAcceptable = { _, existing ->
+            existing.isEmpty()
+        },
+        getCandidateDeclarations = XTypeElement::getAllFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers
+    )
+ * see [XTypeElement.getAllMethods]
+ */
+internal fun collectAllMethods(
+    xTypeElement: XTypeElement
+): Sequence<XMethodElement> {
+    return collectDeclarations(
+        target = xTypeElement,
+        visitParent = true,
+        visitInterfaces = true,
+        getPartitionKey = XMethodElement::name,
+        initialList = xTypeElement.getDeclaredMethods(),
+        copyToTarget = {
+            it.copyTo(xTypeElement)
+        },
+        isAcceptable = { candidate, existing ->
+            when {
+                // my method, accept all
+                candidate.enclosingElement == xTypeElement -> true
+                // cannot access, reject
+                !xTypeElement.canAccessSuperMethod(candidate) -> false
+                // static in an interface
+                candidate.isStatic() &&
+                    (candidate.enclosingElement as? XTypeElement)?.isInterface() == true ->
+                    false
+                // accept if not overridden
+                else -> existing.none { it.overrides(candidate, xTypeElement) }
+            }
+        },
+        getCandidateDeclarations = XTypeElement::getAllMethods,
+    )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/MethodCollector.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/MethodCollector.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cac32a..0000000
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/MethodCollector.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package androidx.room.compiler.processing
- * Helper class to collect all methods of an [XTypeElement] to implement
- * [XTypeElement.getAllMethods].
- */
-private class MethodCollector(
-    val target: XTypeElement
-) {
-    // group methods by name for fast overrides check
-    private val selectionByName = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<XMethodElement>>()
-    // we keep a duplicate list to preserve declaration order, makes the generated code match
-    // user code
-    private val selection = mutableListOf<XMethodElement>()
-    fun collect() {
-        val selection = target.getDeclaredMethods().forEach(::addToSelection)
-        target.superType
-            ?.typeElement
-            ?.getAllMethods()
-            ?.forEach(::addIfNotOverridden)
-        target.getSuperInterfaceElements().forEach {
-            it.getAllMethods().forEach {
-                if (!it.isStatic()) {
-                    addIfNotOverridden(it)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return selection
-    }
-    fun getResult(): List<XMethodElement> {
-        return selection
-    }
-    private fun addIfNotOverridden(candidate: XMethodElement) {
-        if (!target.canAccessSuperMethod(candidate)) {
-            return
-        }
-        val overridden = selectionByName[candidate.name]?.any { existing ->
-            existing.overrides(candidate, target)
-        } ?: false
-        if (!overridden) {
-            addToSelection(candidate.copyTo(target))
-        }
-    }
-    private fun addToSelection(method: XMethodElement) {
-        selectionByName.getOrPut(method.name) {
-            mutableListOf()
-        }.add(method)
-        selection.add(method)
-    }
-    private fun XTypeElement.canAccessSuperMethod(other: XMethodElement): Boolean {
-        if (other.isPublic() || other.isProtected()) {
-            return true
-        }
-        if (other.isPrivate()) {
-            return false
-        }
-        // check package
-        return packageName == other.enclosingElement.className.packageName()
-    }
-internal fun XTypeElement.collectAllMethods(): List<XMethodElement> {
-    val collector = MethodCollector(this)
-    collector.collect()
-    return collector.getResult()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XFieldElement.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XFieldElement.kt
index 6d9540f..f25053d 100644
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XFieldElement.kt
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XFieldElement.kt
@@ -36,4 +36,6 @@
     override val fallbackLocationText: String
         get() = "$name in ${enclosingElement.fallbackLocationText}"
+    fun copyTo(newContainer: XTypeElement): XFieldElement
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XTypeElement.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XTypeElement.kt
index 90fe22c..9773a05 100644
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XTypeElement.kt
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XTypeElement.kt
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
      *  does not include static methods in parent interfaces
     fun getAllMethods(): List<XMethodElement> {
-        return collectAllMethods()
+        return collectAllMethods(this).toList()
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/ElementExt.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/ElementExt.kt
index d9bee51..14e4b06 100644
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/ElementExt.kt
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/ElementExt.kt
@@ -18,14 +18,7 @@
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XNullability
 import com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
-import com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
 import javax.lang.model.element.Element
-import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind
-import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement
-import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement
-import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind
-import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter
-import javax.lang.model.util.Elements
 private val NONNULL_ANNOTATIONS = arrayOf(
@@ -37,36 +30,6 @@
- * Returns all fields including private fields (including private fields in super). Removes
- * duplicate fields if class has a field with the same name as the parent.
- * Note that enum constants are not included in the list even thought they are fields in java.
- * To access enum constants, use [JavacTypeElement.JavacEnumTypeElement].
- */
-internal fun TypeElement.getAllFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers(
-    elementUtils: Elements
-): Set<VariableElement> {
-    val selection = ElementFilter
-        .fieldsIn(elementUtils.getAllMembers(this))
-        .filterIsInstance<VariableElement>()
-        .filterNot { it.kind == ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT }
-        .toMutableSet()
-    val selectionNames = selection.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) {
-        it.simpleName
-    }
-    if (superclass.kind != TypeKind.NONE) {
-        val superFields = MoreTypes.asTypeElement(superclass)
-            .getAllFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers(elementUtils)
-        // accept super fields only if the name does not conflict
-        superFields.forEach { superField ->
-            if (selectionNames.add(superField.simpleName)) {
-                selection.add(superField)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return selection
 private fun Element.hasAnyOf(annotations: Array<Class<out Annotation>>) = annotations.any {
     MoreElements.isAnnotationPresent(this, it)
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/JavacFieldElement.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/JavacFieldElement.kt
index dca2f56..3f0b3ba 100644
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/JavacFieldElement.kt
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/JavacFieldElement.kt
@@ -41,4 +41,15 @@
     override val enclosingElement: XTypeElement by lazy {
+    override fun copyTo(newContainer: XTypeElement): JavacFieldElement {
+        check(newContainer is JavacTypeElement) {
+            "Unexpected container (${newContainer::class}), expected JavacTypeElement"
+        }
+        return JavacFieldElement(
+            env = env,
+            containing = newContainer,
+            element = element
+        )
+    }
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/JavacTypeElement.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/JavacTypeElement.kt
index 85189bb..36d311f 100644
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/JavacTypeElement.kt
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/javac/JavacTypeElement.kt
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XHasModifiers
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XMethodElement
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XTypeElement
+import androidx.room.compiler.processing.collectFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.javac.kotlin.KotlinMetadataElement
 import com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
 import com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
@@ -59,13 +60,15 @@
     private val _declaredFields by lazy {
-        ElementFilter.fieldsIn(element.enclosedElements).map {
-            JavacFieldElement(
-                env = env,
-                element = it,
-                containing = this
-            )
-        }
+        ElementFilter.fieldsIn(element.enclosedElements)
+            .filterNot { it.kind == ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT }
+            .map {
+                JavacFieldElement(
+                    env = env,
+                    element = it,
+                    containing = this
+                )
+            }
     override fun getDeclaredFields(): List<XFieldElement> {
@@ -73,15 +76,7 @@
     private val _allFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers by lazy {
-        element.getAllFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers(
-            env.elementUtils
-        ).map {
-            JavacFieldElement(
-                env = env,
-                element = it,
-                containing = this
-            )
-        }
+        collectFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers(this).toList()
     override fun getAllFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers(): List<XFieldElement> {
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/ksp/KspFieldElement.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/ksp/KspFieldElement.kt
index 11a870b..689698e 100644
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/ksp/KspFieldElement.kt
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/ksp/KspFieldElement.kt
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XFieldElement
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XHasModifiers
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XType
+import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XTypeElement
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.ksp.KspAnnotated.UseSiteFilter.Companion.NO_USE_SITE_OR_FIELD
 import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.KSPropertyDeclaration
@@ -63,11 +64,16 @@
-    fun copyTo(newContaining: KspTypeElement) = KspFieldElement(
-        env = env,
-        declaration = declaration,
-        containing = newContaining
-    )
+    override fun copyTo(newContainer: XTypeElement): KspFieldElement {
+        check(newContainer is KspTypeElement) {
+            "Unexpected container (${newContainer::class}), expected KspTypeElement"
+        }
+        return KspFieldElement(
+            env = env,
+            declaration = declaration,
+            containing = newContainer
+        )
+    }
     companion object {
         fun create(
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/ksp/KspTypeElement.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/ksp/KspTypeElement.kt
index e58d3cc..1138d76 100644
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/ksp/KspTypeElement.kt
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/main/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/ksp/KspTypeElement.kt
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XMethodElement
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XType
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.XTypeElement
+import androidx.room.compiler.processing.collectFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.ksp.KspAnnotated.UseSiteFilter.Companion.NO_USE_SITE
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.ksp.synthetic.KspSyntheticPropertyMethodElement
 import androidx.room.compiler.processing.tryBox
-import com.google.devtools.ksp.getAllSuperTypes
 import com.google.devtools.ksp.getConstructors
 import com.google.devtools.ksp.getDeclaredFunctions
 import com.google.devtools.ksp.getDeclaredProperties
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 import com.google.devtools.ksp.isPrivate
 import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.ClassKind
 import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.KSClassDeclaration
-import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.KSPropertyDeclaration
 import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.Modifier
 import com.google.devtools.ksp.symbol.Origin
 import com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName
@@ -134,32 +133,7 @@
     private val _declaredFieldsIncludingSupers by lazy {
-        // Read all properties from all supers and select the ones that are not overridden.
-        val myPropertyFields = getDeclaredFields()
-        val selectedNames = myPropertyFields.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) {
-            it.name
-        }
-        val selection = mutableListOf<KSPropertyDeclaration>()
-        declaration.getAllSuperTypes().map {
-            it.declaration
-        }.filterIsInstance(KSClassDeclaration::class.java)
-            .filter {
-                it.classKind != ClassKind.INTERFACE
-            }
-            .flatMap {
-                it.getDeclaredProperties().asSequence()
-            }.forEach {
-                if (selectedNames.add(it.simpleName.asString())) {
-                    selection.add(it)
-                }
-            }
-        myPropertyFields + selection.map {
-            KspFieldElement(
-                env = env,
-                declaration = it,
-                containing = this
-            )
-        }
+        collectFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers(this).toList()
     private val syntheticGetterSetterMethods: List<XMethodElement> by lazy {
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/test/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XTypeElementTest.kt b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/test/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XTypeElementTest.kt
index 8ea3fae..bd4fdbd 100644
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/src/test/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XTypeElementTest.kt
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/src/test/java/androidx/room/compiler/processing/XTypeElementTest.kt
@@ -974,6 +974,9 @@
                         containsNoneOf("VAL1", "VAL2")
+                assertWithMessage("$qName  does not report enum constants in declared fields")
+                    .that(typeElement.getDeclaredFields().map { it.name })
+                    .containsExactly("x")