blob: 0a52a55406c22ba0945696bc8255cc58795fa353 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
* A convenience annotation which can be used in a POJO to automatically fetch relation entities.
* When the POJO is returned from a query, all of its relations are also fetched by Room.
* ```
* @Entity
* data class Song (
* @PrimaryKey
* val songId: Int,
* val albumId: Int,
* val name: String
* // other fields
* )
* data class AlbumNameAndAllSongs (
* val id: Int,
* val name: String,
* @Relation(parentColumn = "id", entityColumn = "albumId")
* val songs: List<Song>
* )
* @Dao
* public interface MusicDao {
* @Query("SELECT id, name FROM Album")
* fun loadAlbumAndSongs(): List<AlbumNameAndAllSongs>
* }
* ```
* For a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship, the type of the field annotated with
* `Relation` must be a [java.util.List] or [java.util.Set].
* By default, the [Entity] type is inferred from the return type.
* If you would like to return a different object, you can specify the [entity] property
* in the annotation.
* ```
* data class Album (
* val id: Int
* // other fields
* )
* data class SongNameAndId (
* val songId: Int,
* val name: String
* )
* data class AlbumAllSongs (
* @Embedded
* val album: Album,
* @Relation(parentColumn = "id", entityColumn = "albumId", entity = Song.class)
* val songs: List<SongNameAndId>
* )
* @Dao
* public interface MusicDao {
* @Query("SELECT * from Album")
* val loadAlbumAndSongs(): List<AlbumAllSongs>
* }
* ```
* In the example above, `SongNameAndId` is a regular POJO but all of fields are fetched
* from the `entity` defined in the `@Relation` annotation _Song_.
* `SongNameAndId` could also define its own relations all of which would also be fetched
* automatically.
* If you would like to specify which columns are fetched from the child [Entity], you can
* use [projection] property in the `Relation` annotation.
* ```
* data class AlbumAndAllSongs (
* @Embedded
* val album: Album,
* @Relation(
* parentColumn = "id",
* entityColumn = "albumId",
* entity = Song.class,
* projection = {"name"})
* val songNames: List<String>
* )
* ```
* If the relationship is defined by an associative table (also know as junction table) then you can
* use [associateBy] to specify it. This is useful for fetching many-to-many relations.
* Note that `@Relation` annotation can be used only in POJO classes, an [Entity] class
* cannot have relations. This is a design decision to avoid common pitfalls in [Entity]
* setups. You can read more about it in the main
* [Room documentation](
* When loading data, you can simply work around this limitation by creating
* POJO classes that extend the [Entity].
* @see [Junction]
@Target(AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION)
public annotation class Relation(
* The entity or view to fetch the item from. You don't need to set this if the entity or view
* matches the type argument in the return type.
* @return The entity or view to fetch from. By default, inherited from the return type.
val entity: KClass<*> = Any::class,
* Reference column in the parent POJO.
* In a one-to-one or one-to-many relation, this value will be matched against the column
* defined in [entityColumn]. In a many-to-many using [associateBy] then
* this value will be matched against the [Junction.parentColumn]
* @return The column reference in the parent object.
val parentColumn: String,
* The column to match in the [entity].
* In a one-to-one or one-to-many relation, this value will be matched against the column
* defined in [parentColumn]. In a many-to-many using [associateBy] then
* this value will be matched against the [Junction.entityColumn].
val entityColumn: String,
* The entity or view to be used as a associative table (also known as a junction table) when
* fetching the relating entities.
* @return The junction describing the associative table. By default, no junction is specified
* and none will be used.
* @see Junction
val associateBy: Junction = Junction(Any::class),
* If sub columns should be fetched from the entity, you can specify them using this field.
* By default, inferred from the the return type.
* @return The list of columns to be selected from the [entity].
val projection: Array<String> = []