blob: c3817a0d2b5e76c91fdfada2498c13ba25354f92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.annotation.IntDef
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
* Allows specific customization about the column associated with this field.
* For example, you can specify a column name for the field or change the column's type affinity.
@Target(AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION)
public annotation class ColumnInfo(
* Name of the column in the database. Defaults to the field name if not set.
* @return Name of the column in the database.
val name: String = INHERIT_FIELD_NAME,
* The type affinity for the column, which will be used when constructing the database.
* If it is not specified, the value defaults to [UNDEFINED] and Room resolves it based
* on the field's type and available TypeConverters.
* See [SQLite types documentation]( for details.
* @return The type affinity of the column. This is either [UNDEFINED], [TEXT],
* [INTEGER], [REAL], or [BLOB].
val typeAffinity: Int = UNDEFINED,
* Convenience method to index the field.
* If you would like to create a composite index instead, see: [Index].
* @return True if this field should be indexed, false otherwise. Defaults to false.
val index: Boolean = false,
* The collation sequence for the column, which will be used when constructing the database.
* The default value is [UNSPECIFIED]. In that case, Room does not add any
* collation sequence to the column, and SQLite treats it like [BINARY].
* @return The collation sequence of the column. This is either [UNSPECIFIED],
val collate: Int = UNSPECIFIED,
* The default value for this column.
* ```
* @ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "No name")
* public name: String
* @ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "0")
* public flag: Int
* ```
* Note that the default value you specify here will _NOT_ be used if you simply
* insert the [Entity] with [Insert]. In that case, any value assigned in
* Java/Kotlin will be used. Use [Query] with an `INSERT` statement
* and skip this column there in order to use this default value.
* NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and other SQLite constant values are interpreted as such. If you want
* to use them as strings for some reason, surround them with single-quotes.
* ```
* @ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "NULL")
* public description: String?
* @ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "'NULL'")
* public name: String
* ```
* You can also use constant expressions by surrounding them with parentheses.
* ```
* @ColumnInfo(defaultValue = "('Created at' || CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)")
* public notice: String
* ```
* @return The default value for this column.
val defaultValue: String = VALUE_UNSPECIFIED,
) {
* The SQLite column type constants that can be used in [typeAffinity()]
public annotation class SQLiteTypeAffinity
public annotation class Collate
public companion object {
* Constant to let Room inherit the field name as the column name. If used, Room will use
* the field name as the column name.
public const val INHERIT_FIELD_NAME: String = "[field-name]"
* Undefined type affinity. Will be resolved based on the type.
* @see typeAffinity()
public const val UNDEFINED: Int = 1
* Column affinity constant for strings.
* @see typeAffinity()
public const val TEXT: Int = 2
* Column affinity constant for integers or booleans.
* @see typeAffinity()
public const val INTEGER: Int = 3
* Column affinity constant for floats or doubles.
* @see typeAffinity()
public const val REAL: Int = 4
* Column affinity constant for binary data.
* @see typeAffinity()
public const val BLOB: Int = 5
* Collation sequence is not specified. The match will behave like [BINARY].
* @see collate()
public const val UNSPECIFIED: Int = 1
* Collation sequence for case-sensitive match.
* @see collate()
public const val BINARY: Int = 2
* Collation sequence for case-insensitive match.
* @see collate()
public const val NOCASE: Int = 3
* Collation sequence for case-sensitive match except that trailing space characters are
* ignored.
* @see collate()
public const val RTRIM: Int = 4
* Collation sequence that uses system's current locale.
* @see collate()
public const val LOCALIZED: Int = 5
* Collation sequence that uses Unicode Collation Algorithm.
* @see collate()
public const val UNICODE: Int = 6
* A constant for [defaultValue()] that makes the column to have no default value.
public const val VALUE_UNSPECIFIED: String = "[value-unspecified]"