blob: e55a6199d8d1f04db48a2b092d905bf9936d6c95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Composable layout elements that can be combined together to create renderable
// UI layouts.
syntax = "proto3";
package androidx.wear.protolayout.proto;
import "alignment.proto";
import "color.proto";
import "dimension.proto";
import "fingerprint.proto";
import "modifiers.proto";
import "types.proto";
option java_package = "androidx.wear.protolayout.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "LayoutElementProto";
// The weight to be applied to the font.
enum FontWeight {
// Font weight is undefined.
// Normal font weight.
// Medium font weight.
// Bold font weight.
// An extensible FontWeight property.
message FontWeightProp {
// The value.
FontWeight value = 1;
// The variant of a font. Some renderers may use different fonts for title and
// body text, which can be selected using this field.
enum FontVariant {
// Font variant is undefined.
// Font variant suited for title text.
// Font variant suited for body text.
// Placeholder for a custom font variant in the renderer.
// An extensible FontVariant property.
message FontVariantProp {
// The value.
FontVariant value = 1;
// The alignment of a SpanImage within the line height of the surrounding
// Spannable.
enum SpanVerticalAlignment {
// Alignment is undefined.
// Align to the bottom of the line (descent of the largest text in this line).
// If there is no text in the line containing this image, this will align to
// the bottom of the line, where the line height is defined as the height of
// the largest image in the line.
// Align to the baseline of the text. Note that if the line in the Spannable
// which contains this image does not contain any text, the effects of using
// this alignment are undefined.
// An extensible SpanVerticalAlignment property.
message SpanVerticalAlignmentProp {
// The value.
SpanVerticalAlignment value = 1;
// The styling of a font (e.g. font size, and metrics).
message FontStyle {
// The available sizes of the font, in scaled pixels (sp). If not specified, defaults to the size
// of the system's "body" font.
// If more than one size is specified and this FontStyle is applied to a Text element with static
// text, the text size will be automatically picked from the provided sizes to try to perfectly
// fit within its parent bounds. In other words, the largest size from the specified preset sizes
// that can fit the most text within the parent bounds will be used.
// The specified sizes don't have to be sorted. The maximum number of sizes used is limited to 10.
// Note that, if multiple sizes are set, the parent of the Text element this corresponds to
// shouldn't have its width and height set to wrapped, as it can lead to unexpected results.
// If this FontStyle is set to any other element besides Text, or that Text element has dynamic
// field, only the last added size will be use.
// Any previously added values with this method or #setSize will be cleared.
// While this field is accessible from 1.0 as singular, it only accepts multiple values since
// version 1.3 and renderers supporting version 1.3 will use the multiple values to automatically
// scale text. Renderers who don't support this version will use the first size among multiple
// values.
repeated SpProp size = 1;
// Whether the text should be rendered in a italic typeface. If not specified,
// defaults to "false".
BoolProp italic = 2;
// Whether the text should be rendered with an underline. If not specified,
// defaults to "false".
BoolProp underline = 3;
// The text color. If not defined, defaults to white.
// While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable
// since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic
// value (if set).
ColorProp color = 4;
// The weight of the font. If the provided value is not supported on a
// platform, the nearest supported value will be used. If not defined, or
// when set to an invalid value, defaults to "normal".
FontWeightProp weight = 5;
// The text letter-spacing. Positive numbers increase the space between
// letters while negative numbers tighten the space. If not specified,
// defaults to 0.
EmProp letter_spacing = 6;
// The variant of a font. Some renderers may use different fonts for title and
// body text, which can be selected using this field. If not specified,
// defaults to "body".
FontVariantProp variant = 7;
// The collection of font variation settings to be applied.
// Supported settings depend on the font used and renderer version. Renderers supporting 1.4 will
// have custom weight always available. If this is used with the variable fonts on those
// renderers, width setting will be always available too.
FontVariation variation_settings = 8;
// The collection of font variation settings.
// Supported settings depend on the font used and renderer version. Renderers supporting 1.4 will
// have custom weight always available. If this is used with the variable fonts on those renderers,
// width setting will be always available too.
message FontVariation {
// A single point of customization in a variation, with axis name and a value for it.
repeated Setting settings = 1;
// A single point of customization in a variation, with axis name and a value for it.
message Setting {
// The axis name for this setting. This represents a 4 ASCII characters tag.
fixed32 axis_name = 1;
// The value for this setting.
float variation_value = 2;
// How text that will not fit inside the bounds of a Text element will be
// handled.
enum TextOverflow {
// Overflow behavior is undefined.
// Truncate the text at the last line defined by {@code setMaxLines} in Text to fit in the Text
// element's bounds, but add an ellipsis (i.e. ...) to the end of the text if it has been
// truncated.
// Truncate the text to fit in the Text element's bounds, but add an ellipsis
// (i.e. ...) to the end of the text if it has been truncated. Note that this will not add an
// ellipsis if the number of lines that fits into the available space is less than the
// {@code setMaxLines} in Text.
// Enable marquee animation for texts that don't fit inside the Text element.
// This is only applicable for single line texts; if the text has multiple
// lines, the behavior is equivalent to TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE.
// Truncate the text to fit in the Text element's parent bounds, but add an
// ellipsis (i.e. ...) to the end of the text if it has been truncated.
// <p>Note that, when this is used, the parent of the Text element this corresponds to shouldn't
// have its width and height set to wrapped, as it can lead to unexpected results.
// An extensible TextOverflow property.
message TextOverflowProp {
// The value.
TextOverflow value = 1;
// Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies for TEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE.
message MarqueeParameters {
oneof optional_iterations {
// The number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Set to -1 to repeat
// indefinitely. Defaults to repeat indefinitely.
int32 iterations = 1;
// An Android platform specific text style configuration options for styling and
// compatibility.
message AndroidTextStyle {
// Whether the Text excludes padding specified by the font, i.e. extra top and bottom padding
// above the normal ascent and descent. The default is false.
bool exclude_font_padding = 1;
// A text string.
message Text {
// The text to render.
// While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable
// since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic
// value (if set).
// When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints
// for the affected layout element through {@code
// setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicText(StringLayoutConstraint)} otherwise
// {@code build()} fails.
StringProp text = 1;
// The style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to
// the platform's default body font.
FontStyle font_style = 2;
// Modifiers for this element.
Modifiers modifiers = 3;
// The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Text element.
// If not defined, the Text element will be treated as a single-line element.
Int32Prop max_lines = 4;
// Alignment of the text within its bounds. Note that a Text element will size
// itself to wrap its contents, so this option is meaningless for single-line
// text (for that, use alignment of the outer container). For multi-line text,
// however, this will set the alignment of lines relative to the Text element
// bounds. If not defined, defaults to TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER.
TextAlignmentProp multiline_alignment = 5;
// How to handle text which overflows the bound of the Text element.
// A Text element will grow as large as possible inside its parent container
// (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large enough to
// render all of its text, the text which cannot fit inside its container will
// be truncated. If not defined, defaults to TEXT_OVERFLOW_TRUNCATE.
TextOverflowProp overflow = 6;
// Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
MarqueeParameters marquee_parameters = 9;
// The explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the
// vertical distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults
// the font's recommended interline spacing.
SpProp line_height = 7;
// An Android platform specific text style configuration options for styling
// and compatibility.
AndroidTextStyle android_text_style = 8;
// How content which does not match the dimensions of its bounds (e.g. an image
// resource being drawn inside an Image) will be resized to fit its bounds.
enum ContentScaleMode {
// Content scaling is undefined.
// Content will be scaled to fit inside its bounds, proportionally. As an
// example, If a 10x5 image was going to be drawn inside a 50x50 Image
// element, the actual image resource would be drawn as a 50x25 image,
// centered within the 50x50 bounds.
// Content will be resized proportionally so it completely fills its bounds,
// and anything outside of the bounds will be cropped. As an example, if a
// 10x5 image was going to be drawn inside a 50x50 Image element, the image
// resource would be drawn as a 100x50 image, centered within its bounds (and
// with 25px cropped from both the left and right sides).
// Content will be resized to fill its bounds, without taking into account the
// aspect ratio. If a 10x5 image was going to be drawn inside a 50x50 Image
// element, the image would be drawn as a 50x50 image, stretched vertically.
// An extensible ContentScaleMode property.
message ContentScaleModeProp {
// The value
ContentScaleMode value = 1;
// Filtering parameters used for images. This can be used to apply a color tint
// to images.
message ColorFilter {
// The tint color to use. If specified, the image will be tinted, using
// SRC_IN blending (that is, all color information will be stripped from the
// target image, and only the alpha channel will be blended with the requested
// color).
// Note that only Android image resources can be tinted; Inline images will
// not be tinted, and this property will have no effect.
// While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable
// since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic
// value (if set).
ColorProp tint = 1;
// An image.
// Images used in this element must exist in the resource bundle that
// corresponds to this layout. Images must have their dimension specified, and
// will be rendered at this width and height, regardless of their native
// dimension.
message Image {
// The resource_id of the image to render. This must exist in the supplied
// resource bundle.
StringProp resource_id = 1;
// The width of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered.
ImageDimension width = 2;
// The height of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered.
ImageDimension height = 3;
// How to scale the image resource inside the bounds specified by width/height
// if its size does not match those bounds. Defaults to
ContentScaleModeProp content_scale_mode = 4;
// Modifiers for this element.
Modifiers modifiers = 5;
// Filtering parameters for this image. If not specified, defaults to no
// filtering.
ColorFilter color_filter = 6;
// A simple spacer, typically used to provide padding between adjacent elements.
message Spacer {
// The width of this Spacer. When this is added as the direct child of an Arc,
// this must be specified as an angular dimension, otherwise a linear
// dimension must be used. If not defined, defaults to 0.
// While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable
// since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic
// value (if set).
// When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints
// for the affected layout element through {@code
// setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicWidth(HorizontalLayoutConstraint)} otherwise
// {@code build()} fails.
SpacerDimension width = 1;
// The height of this spacer. If not defined, defaults to 0.
// While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable
// since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic
// value (if set).
// When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints
// for the affected layout element through {@code
// setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicWidth(HorizontalLayoutConstraint)} otherwise
// {@code build()} fails.
SpacerDimension height = 2;
// Modifiers for this element.
Modifiers modifiers = 3;
// A container which stacks all of its children on top of one another. This also
// allows to add a background color, or to have a border around them with some
// padding.
message Box {
// The child element(s) to wrap.
repeated LayoutElement contents = 1;
// The height of this Box. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of
// its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
ContainerDimension height = 2;
// The width of this Box. If not defined, this will size itself to fit all of
// its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
ContainerDimension width = 3;
// The horizontal alignment of the element inside this Box. If not defined,
HorizontalAlignmentProp horizontal_alignment = 4;
// The vertical alignment of the element inside this Box. If not defined,
VerticalAlignmentProp vertical_alignment = 5;
// Modifiers for this element.
Modifiers modifiers = 6;
// A portion of text which can be added to a Span. Two different SpanText
// elements on the same line will be aligned to the same baseline, regardless of
// the size of each SpanText.
message SpanText {
// The text to render.
StringProp text = 1;
// The style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to
// the platform's default body font.
FontStyle font_style = 2;
// Modifiers for this element.
SpanModifiers modifiers = 3;
// An Android platform specific text style configuration options for styling
// and compatibility.
AndroidTextStyle android_text_style = 4;
// An image which can be added to a Span.
message SpanImage {
// The resource_id of the image to render. This must exist in the supplied
// resource bundle.
StringProp resource_id = 1;
// The width of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered.
DpProp width = 2;
// The height of this image. If not defined, the image will not be rendered.
DpProp height = 3;
// Modifiers for this element.
SpanModifiers modifiers = 4;
// Alignment of this image within the line height of the surrounding
// Spannable. If undefined, defaults to SPAN_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM.
SpanVerticalAlignmentProp alignment = 5;
// A single Span. Each Span forms part of a larger Spannable widget. At the
// moment, the only widgets which can be added to Spannable containers are
// SpanText and SpanImage elements.
message Span {
oneof inner {
SpanText text = 1;
SpanImage image = 2;
// A container of Span elements. Currently, this supports SpanImage and SpanText
// elements, where each individual Span can have different styling applied to it
// but the resulting text will flow naturally. This allows sections of a
// paragraph of text to have different styling applied to it, for example,
// making one or two words bold or italic.
message Spannable {
// The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated Span spans = 1;
// Modifiers for this element.
Modifiers modifiers = 2;
// The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable
// element. If not defined, the Spannable element will be treated as a
// single-line element.
Int32Prop max_lines = 3;
// Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds. Note that a Spannable
// element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is
// meaningless for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer
// container). For multi-line content, however, this will set the alignment of
// lines relative to the Spannable element bounds. If not defined, defaults to
HorizontalAlignmentProp multiline_alignment = 4;
// How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.
// A Spannable element will grow as large as possible inside its parent
// container (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large
// enough to render all of its content, the content which cannot fit inside
// its container will be truncated. If not defined, defaults to
TextOverflowProp overflow = 5;
// Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
MarqueeParameters marquee_parameters = 8;
// Extra spacing to add between each line. This will apply to all
// spans regardless of their font size. This is in addition to original
// line heights. Note that this won't add any additional space before the
// first line or after the last line. The default value is zero and negative
// values will decrease the interline spacing.
SpProp line_spacing = 6;
// The explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the
// vertical distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults
// the font's recommended interline spacing.
SpProp line_height = 7;
// A column of elements. Each child element will be laid out vertically, one
// after another (i.e. stacking down). This element will size itself to the
// smallest size required to hold all of its children (e.g. if it contains three
// elements sized 10x10, 20x20 and 30x30, the resulting column will be 30x60).
// If specified, horizontal_alignment can be used to control the gravity inside
// the container, affecting the horizontal placement of children whose width are
// smaller than the resulting column width.
message Column {
// The list of child elements to place inside this Column.
repeated LayoutElement contents = 1;
// The horizontal alignment of elements inside this column, if they are
// narrower than the resulting width of the column. If not defined, defaults
HorizontalAlignmentProp horizontal_alignment = 2;
// The width of this column. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
// all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
ContainerDimension width = 3;
// The height of this column. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
// all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
ContainerDimension height = 4;
// Modifiers for this element.
Modifiers modifiers = 5;
// A row of elements. Each child will be laid out horizontally, one after
// another (i.e. stacking to the right). This element will size itself to the
// smallest size required to hold all of its children (e.g. if it contains three
// elements sized 10x10, 20x20 and 30x30, the resulting row will be 60x30).
// If specified, vertical_alignment can be used to control the gravity inside
// the container, affecting the vertical placement of children whose width are
// smaller than the resulting row height.
message Row {
// The list of child elements to place inside this Row.
repeated LayoutElement contents = 1;
// The vertical alignment of elements inside this row, if they are narrower
// than the resulting height of the row. If not defined, defaults to
VerticalAlignmentProp vertical_alignment = 2;
// The width of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
// all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
ContainerDimension width = 3;
// The height of this row. If not defined, this will size itself to fit
// all of its children (i.e. a WrappedDimension).
ContainerDimension height = 4;
// Modifiers for this element.
Modifiers modifiers = 5;
// An arc container. This container will fill itself to a circle, which fits
// inside its parent container, and all of its children will be placed on that
// circle. The fields anchor_angle and anchor_type can be used to specify where
// to draw children within this circle.
message Arc {
// Contents of this container.
repeated ArcLayoutElement contents = 1;
// The angle for the anchor, used with anchor_type to determine where to draw
// children. Note that 0 degrees is the 12 o clock position on a device, and
// the angle sweeps clockwise. If not defined, defaults to 0 degrees.
// Values do not have to be clamped to the range 0-360; values less than 0
// degrees will sweep anti-clockwise (i.e. -90 degrees is equivalent to 270
// degrees), and values >360 will be be placed at X mod 360 degrees.
// While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable
// since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic
// value (if set).
// When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints
// for the affected layout element through {@code
// setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicAnchorAngle(AngularLayoutConstraint)}
// otherwise {@code build()} fails.
DegreesProp anchor_angle = 2;
// How to align the contents of this container relative to anchor_angle. If
// not defined, defaults to ARC_ANCHOR_CENTER.
ArcAnchorTypeProp anchor_type = 3;
// Vertical alignment of elements within the arc. If the Arc's thickness is
// larger than the thickness of the element being drawn, this controls whether
// the element should be drawn towards the inner or outer edge of the arc, or
// drawn in the center.
// If not defined, defaults to VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER
VerticalAlignmentProp vertical_align = 4;
// Modifiers for this element.
Modifiers modifiers = 5;
// The target angle that will be used by the layout when expanding child
// elements. NB a value of zero is interpreted to mean 360 degrees. This
// target may not be achievable if other non-expandable elements bring us past
// this value.
DegreesProp max_angle = 6;
// The direction in which child elements are laid out.
ArcDirectionProp arc_direction = 7;
// A text element that can be used in an Arc.
message ArcText {
// The text to render.
StringProp text = 1;
// The style of font to use (size, bold etc). If not specified, defaults to
// the platform's default body font.
FontStyle font_style = 2;
// Modifiers for this element.
ArcModifiers modifiers = 3;
// The direction in which this text is drawn.
ArcDirectionProp arc_direction = 4;
// A line that can be used in an Arc and renders as a round progress bar.
message ArcLine {
// The length of this line, in degrees. If not defined, defaults to 0.
// While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable
// since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic
// value (if set).
// When using a dynamic value, make sure to specify the bounding constraints
// for the affected layout element through {@code
// setLayoutConstraintsForDynamicLength(AngularLayoutConstraint)} otherwise
// {@code build()} fails.
DegreesProp length = 1;
// The thickness of this line. If not defined, defaults to 0.
DpProp thickness = 2;
// The color of this line.
// While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable
// since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic
// value (if set).
// If a brush is set, this color will not be used.
ColorProp color = 3;
// A brush used to draw this line. If set, the brush will be used instead of
// the color provided in {@code setColor()}.
Brush brush = 7;
// Modifiers for this element.
ArcModifiers modifiers = 4;
// The length of this line. If not defined, defaults to 0 degrees.
ArcLineLength angular_length = 5;
// The line stroke cap. If not defined, defaults to STROKE_CAP_ROUND.
StrokeCapProp stroke_cap = 6;
// The direction in which this line is drawn.
ArcDirectionProp arc_direction = 8;
// Styles to use for path endings
enum StrokeCap {
// StrokeCap is undefined.
// Begin and end contours with a flat edge and no extension.
// Begin and end contours with a semi-circle extension. The extension size is
// proportional to the thickness of the path.
// Begin and end contours with a half square extension. The extension size is
// proportional to the thickness of the path.
// An extensible StrokeCap property.
message StrokeCapProp {
// The value.
StrokeCap value = 1;
// The stroke cap's shadow. When set, the stroke cap will be drawn with a
// shadow, which allows it to be visible on top of other similarly colored
// elements.
// Only opaque colors are supported in ArcLine if a shadow is set. Any
// transparent colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).
Shadow shadow = 2;
// A simple spacer used to provide padding between adjacent elements in an Arc.
message ArcSpacer {
// The length of this spacer, in degrees. If not defined, defaults to 0.
DegreesProp length = 1;
// The thickness of this spacer, in DP. If not defined, defaults to 0.
DpProp thickness = 2;
// Modifiers for this element.
ArcModifiers modifiers = 3;
// The length of this spacer. If not defined, defaults to 0 degrees.
ArcSpacerLength angular_length = 4;
// A container that allows a standard LayoutElement to be added to an Arc.
message ArcAdapter {
// The element to adapt to an Arc.
LayoutElement content = 1;
// Whether this adapter's contents should be rotated, according to its
// position in the arc or not. As an example, assume that an Image has been
// added to the arc, and ends up at the 3 o clock position. If rotate_contents
// = true, the image will be placed at the 3 o clock position, and will be
// rotated clockwise through 90 degrees. If rotate_contents = false, the image
// will be placed at the 3 o clock position, but itself will not be rotated.
// If not defined, defaults to false.
BoolProp rotate_contents = 2;
// Direction of drawing for any curved element.
enum ArcDirection {
// Draws an element in Clockwise direction for LTR layout direction and
// Counter Clockwise for RTL.
// Draws an element in Clockwise direction, independently of layout direction.
// Draws an element in Counter Clockwise direction, independently of layout
// direction.
// An extensible StrokeCap property.
message ArcDirectionProp {
// The value.
ArcDirection value = 1;
// A layout element which can be defined by a renderer extension. The
// payload in this message will be passed verbatim to any registered renderer
// extension in the renderer. It is then expected that the extension can
// parse this message, and emit the relevant element.
// If a renderer extension is not installed, this resource will not render
// any element, although the specified space will still be occupied. If the
// payload cannot be parsed by the renderer extension, then still nothing should
// be rendered, although this behaviour is defined by the renderer extension.
message ExtensionLayoutElement {
// The content of the renderer extension element. This can be any data; it is
// expected that the renderer extension knows how to parse this field.
bytes payload = 1;
// The ID of the renderer extension that should be used for rendering this
// layout element.
string extension_id = 2;
// The width of this element.
ExtensionDimension width = 3;
// The height of this element.
ExtensionDimension height = 4;
// The root of all layout elements. This exists to act as a holder for all of
// the actual layout elements above.
message LayoutElement {
oneof inner {
Column column = 1;
Row row = 2;
Box box = 3;
Spacer spacer = 4;
Text text = 5;
Image image = 6;
Arc arc = 7;
Spannable spannable = 8;
ExtensionLayoutElement extension = 1000;
// The root of all elements that can be used in an Arc. This exists to act as a
// holder for all of the actual arc layout elements above.
message ArcLayoutElement {
oneof inner {
ArcText text = 1;
ArcLine line = 2;
ArcSpacer spacer = 3;
ArcAdapter adapter = 4;
// A complete layout.
message Layout {
// The layout message itself doesn't need a fingerprint. The "fingerprint"
// field below represents the tree defined by the "root" element.
// The root element in the layout.
LayoutElement root = 1;
// The fingerprint for the tree starting at "root".
TreeFingerprint fingerprint = 1000;