blob: bcb119e12038adfc28a168f29363e00f81f0a5c1 [file] [log] [blame]
import androidx.sqlite.SQLiteStatement
import java.util.ArrayList
import javax.`annotation`.processing.Generated
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.collections.LinkedHashMap
import kotlin.collections.List
import kotlin.collections.Map
import kotlin.collections.MutableList
import kotlin.collections.MutableMap
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
@Generated(value = [""])
public class MyDao_Impl(
__db: RoomDatabase,
) : MyDao {
private val __db: RoomDatabase
init {
this.__db = __db
public override fun getSongsWithArtist(): Map<Song, Artist> {
val _sql: String = "SELECT * FROM Song JOIN Artist ON Song.artistKey = Artist.artistId"
return performBlocking(__db, true, false) { _connection ->
val _stmt: SQLiteStatement = _connection.prepare(_sql)
try {
val _cursorIndexOfSongId: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "songId")
val _cursorIndexOfArtistKey: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "artistKey")
val _cursorIndexOfArtistId: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "artistId")
val _result: MutableMap<Song, Artist> = LinkedHashMap<Song, Artist>()
while (_stmt.step()) {
val _key: Song
val _tmpSongId: String
_tmpSongId = _stmt.getText(_cursorIndexOfSongId)
val _tmpArtistKey: String
_tmpArtistKey = _stmt.getText(_cursorIndexOfArtistKey)
_key = Song(_tmpSongId,_tmpArtistKey)
if (_stmt.isNull(_cursorIndexOfArtistId)) {
error("The column(s) of the map value object of type 'Artist' are NULL but the map's value type argument expect it to be NON-NULL")
val _value: Artist
val _tmpArtistId: String
_tmpArtistId = _stmt.getText(_cursorIndexOfArtistId)
_value = Artist(_tmpArtistId)
if (!_result.containsKey(_key)) {
_result.put(_key, _value)
} finally {
public override fun getArtistWithSongs(): Map<Artist, List<Song>> {
val _sql: String = "SELECT * FROM Artist JOIN Song ON Artist.artistId = Song.artistKey"
return performBlocking(__db, true, false) { _connection ->
val _stmt: SQLiteStatement = _connection.prepare(_sql)
try {
val _cursorIndexOfArtistId: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "artistId")
val _cursorIndexOfSongId: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "songId")
val _cursorIndexOfArtistKey: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "artistKey")
val _result: MutableMap<Artist, MutableList<Song>> =
LinkedHashMap<Artist, MutableList<Song>>()
while (_stmt.step()) {
val _key: Artist
val _tmpArtistId: String
_tmpArtistId = _stmt.getText(_cursorIndexOfArtistId)
_key = Artist(_tmpArtistId)
val _values: MutableList<Song>
if (_result.containsKey(_key)) {
_values = _result.getValue(_key)
} else {
_values = ArrayList<Song>()
_result.put(_key, _values)
if (_stmt.isNull(_cursorIndexOfSongId) && _stmt.isNull(_cursorIndexOfArtistKey)) {
val _value: Song
val _tmpSongId: String
_tmpSongId = _stmt.getText(_cursorIndexOfSongId)
val _tmpArtistKey: String
_tmpArtistKey = _stmt.getText(_cursorIndexOfArtistKey)
_value = Song(_tmpSongId,_tmpArtistKey)
} finally {
public override fun getArtistSongCount(): Map<Artist, Int> {
val _sql: String =
"SELECT Artist.*, COUNT(songId) as songCount FROM Artist JOIN Song ON Artist.artistId = Song.artistKey GROUP BY artistId"
return performBlocking(__db, true, false) { _connection ->
val _stmt: SQLiteStatement = _connection.prepare(_sql)
try {
val _cursorIndexOfArtistId: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "artistId")
val _columnIndexOfSongCount: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "songCount")
val _result: MutableMap<Artist, Int> = LinkedHashMap<Artist, Int>()
while (_stmt.step()) {
val _key: Artist
val _tmpArtistId: String
_tmpArtistId = _stmt.getText(_cursorIndexOfArtistId)
_key = Artist(_tmpArtistId)
if (_stmt.isNull(_columnIndexOfSongCount)) {
error("The column(s) of the map value object of type 'Int' are NULL but the map's value type argument expect it to be NON-NULL")
val _value: Int
val _tmp: Int
_tmp = _stmt.getLong(_columnIndexOfSongCount).toInt()
_value = _tmp
if (!_result.containsKey(_key)) {
_result.put(_key, _value)
} finally {
public override fun getArtistWithSongIds(): Map<Artist, List<String>> {
val _sql: String = "SELECT * FROM Artist JOIN Song ON Artist.artistId = Song.artistKey"
return performBlocking(__db, true, false) { _connection ->
val _stmt: SQLiteStatement = _connection.prepare(_sql)
try {
val _cursorIndexOfArtistId: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "artistId")
val _columnIndexOfSongId: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_stmt, "songId")
val _result: MutableMap<Artist, MutableList<String>> =
LinkedHashMap<Artist, MutableList<String>>()
while (_stmt.step()) {
val _key: Artist
val _tmpArtistId: String
_tmpArtistId = _stmt.getText(_cursorIndexOfArtistId)
_key = Artist(_tmpArtistId)
val _values: MutableList<String>
if (_result.containsKey(_key)) {
_values = _result.getValue(_key)
} else {
_values = ArrayList<String>()
_result.put(_key, _values)
if (_stmt.isNull(_columnIndexOfSongId)) {
val _value: String
_value = _stmt.getText(_columnIndexOfSongId)
} finally {
public companion object {
public fun getRequiredConverters(): List<KClass<*>> = emptyList()