blob: 5638803ff69e31e61f00a4ed692433c9bc0f294b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.util.Range;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
* Configuration containing options for use cases.
* @param <T> The use case being configured.
@RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on
public interface UseCaseConfig<T extends UseCase> extends TargetConfig<T>, UseCaseEventConfig,
ImageInputConfig {
// Option Declarations:
// *********************************************************************************************
* Option: camerax.core.useCase.defaultSessionConfig
Option.create("camerax.core.useCase.defaultSessionConfig", SessionConfig.class);
* Option: camerax.core.useCase.defaultCaptureConfig
Option.create("camerax.core.useCase.defaultCaptureConfig", CaptureConfig.class);
* Option: camerax.core.useCase.sessionConfigUnpacker
* <p>TODO(b/120949879): This may be removed when SessionConfig removes all camera2
* dependencies.
Option<SessionConfig.OptionUnpacker> OPTION_SESSION_CONFIG_UNPACKER =
* Option: camerax.core.useCase.captureConfigUnpacker
* <p>TODO(b/120949879): This may be removed when CaptureConfig removes all camera2
* dependencies.
Option<CaptureConfig.OptionUnpacker> OPTION_CAPTURE_CONFIG_UNPACKER =
* Option: camerax.core.useCase.surfaceOccypyPriority
Option.create("camerax.core.useCase.surfaceOccupancyPriority", int.class);
* Option: camerax.core.useCase.cameraSelector
Option<CameraSelector> OPTION_CAMERA_SELECTOR =
Config.Option.create("camerax.core.useCase.cameraSelector", CameraSelector.class);
* Option: camerax.core.useCase.targetFrameRate
Option<Range<Integer>> OPTION_TARGET_FRAME_RATE =
Config.Option.create("camerax.core.useCase.targetFrameRate", Range.class);
* Option: camerax.core.useCase.zslDisabled
Option.create("camerax.core.useCase.zslDisabled", boolean.class);
* Option: camerax.core.useCase.highResolutionDisabled
Option.create("camerax.core.useCase.highResolutionDisabled", boolean.class);
// *********************************************************************************************
* Retrieves the default session configuration for this use case.
* <p>This configuration is used to initialize the use case's session configuration with default
* values.
* @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
* @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
* configuration.
default SessionConfig getDefaultSessionConfig(@Nullable SessionConfig valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_DEFAULT_SESSION_CONFIG, valueIfMissing);
* Retrieves the default session configuration for this use case.
* <p>This configuration is used to initialize the use case's session configuration with default
* values.
* @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
default SessionConfig getDefaultSessionConfig() {
* Retrieves the default capture configuration for this use case.
* <p>This configuration is used to initialize the use case's capture configuration with default
* values.
* @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
* @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
* configuration.
default CaptureConfig getDefaultCaptureConfig(@Nullable CaptureConfig valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_DEFAULT_CAPTURE_CONFIG, valueIfMissing);
* Retrieves the default capture configuration for this use case.
* <p>This configuration is used to initialize the use case's capture configuration with default
* values.
* @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
default CaptureConfig getDefaultCaptureConfig() {
* Retrieves the {@link SessionConfig.OptionUnpacker} for this use case.
* <p>This unpacker is used to initialize the use case's session configuration.
* <p>TODO(b/120949879): This may be removed when SessionConfig removes all camera2
* dependencies.
* @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
* @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
* configuration.
default SessionConfig.OptionUnpacker getSessionOptionUnpacker(
@Nullable SessionConfig.OptionUnpacker valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_SESSION_CONFIG_UNPACKER, valueIfMissing);
* Retrieves the {@link SessionConfig.OptionUnpacker} for this use case.
* <p>This unpacker is used to initialize the use case's session configuration.
* <p>TODO(b/120949879): This may be removed when SessionConfig removes all camera2
* dependencies.
* @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
default SessionConfig.OptionUnpacker getSessionOptionUnpacker() {
* Retrieves the {@link CaptureConfig.OptionUnpacker} for this use case.
* <p>This unpacker is used to initialize the use case's capture configuration.
* <p>TODO(b/120949879): This may be removed when CaptureConfig removes all camera2
* dependencies.
* @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
* @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
* configuration.
default CaptureConfig.OptionUnpacker getCaptureOptionUnpacker(
@Nullable CaptureConfig.OptionUnpacker valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_CAPTURE_CONFIG_UNPACKER, valueIfMissing);
* Retrieves the {@link CaptureConfig.OptionUnpacker} for this use case.
* <p>This unpacker is used to initialize the use case's capture configuration.
* <p>TODO(b/120949879): This may be removed when CaptureConfig removes all camera2
* dependencies.
* @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
default CaptureConfig.OptionUnpacker getCaptureOptionUnpacker() {
* Retrieves the surface occupancy priority of the target intending to use from this
* configuration.
* @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
* @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
* configuration.
default int getSurfaceOccupancyPriority(int valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_SURFACE_OCCUPANCY_PRIORITY, valueIfMissing);
* Retrieves the surface occupancy priority of the target intending to use from this
* configuration.
* @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
default int getSurfaceOccupancyPriority() {
* Retrieves the camera selector that this use case requires.
* @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
* @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in this
* configuration.
default CameraSelector getCameraSelector(@Nullable CameraSelector valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_CAMERA_SELECTOR, valueIfMissing);
* Retrieves the camera selector that this use case requires.
* @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
default CameraSelector getCameraSelector() {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_CAMERA_SELECTOR);
* Retrieves target frame rate
* @param valueIfMissing
* @return the stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in
* this configuration
default Range<Integer> getTargetFramerate(@Nullable Range<Integer> valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_TARGET_FRAME_RATE, valueIfMissing);
* Retrieves the target frame rate
* @return The stored value, if it exists in this configuration.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the option does not exist in this configuration.
default Range<Integer> getTargetFramerate() {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_TARGET_FRAME_RATE);
* Retrieves the flag whether zero-shutter lag is disabled.
* @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
* @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in
* this configuration
default boolean isZslDisabled(boolean valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_ZSL_DISABLED, valueIfMissing);
* Retrieves the flag whether high resolution is disabled.
* @param valueIfMissing The value to return if this configuration option has not been set.
* @return The stored value or <code>valueIfMissing</code> if the value does not exist in
* this configuration
default boolean isHigResolutionDisabled(boolean valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_HIGH_RESOLUTION_DISABLED, valueIfMissing);
* Builder for a {@link UseCase}.
* @param <T> The type of the object which will be built by {@link #build()}.
* @param <C> The top level configuration which will be generated by
* {@link #getUseCaseConfig()}.
* @param <B> The top level builder type for which this builder is composed with.
interface Builder<T extends UseCase, C extends UseCaseConfig<T>, B> extends
TargetConfig.Builder<T, B>, ExtendableBuilder<T>, UseCaseEventConfig.Builder<B> {
* Sets the default session configuration for this use case.
* @param sessionConfig The default session configuration to use for this use case.
* @return the current Builder.
B setDefaultSessionConfig(@NonNull SessionConfig sessionConfig);
* Sets the default capture configuration for this use case.
* @param captureConfig The default capture configuration to use for this use case.
* @return the current Builder.
B setDefaultCaptureConfig(@NonNull CaptureConfig captureConfig);
* Sets the Option Unpacker for translating this configuration into a {@link SessionConfig}
* <p>TODO(b/120949879): This may be removed when SessionConfig removes all camera2
* dependencies.
* @param optionUnpacker The option unpacker for to use for this use case.
* @return the current Builder.
B setSessionOptionUnpacker(@NonNull SessionConfig.OptionUnpacker optionUnpacker);
* Sets the Option Unpacker for translating this configuration into a {@link CaptureConfig}
* <p>TODO(b/120949879): This may be removed when CaptureConfig removes all camera2
* dependencies.
* @param optionUnpacker The option unpacker for to use for this use case.
* @return the current Builder.
B setCaptureOptionUnpacker(@NonNull CaptureConfig.OptionUnpacker optionUnpacker);
* Sets the surface occupancy priority of the intended target from this configuration.
* <p>The stream resource of {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice} is limited. When
* one use case occupies a larger stream resource, it will impact the other use cases to get
* smaller stream resource. Use this to determine which use case can have higher priority to
* occupancy stream resource first.
* @param priority The priority to occupancy the available stream resource. Higher value
* will have higher priority.
* @return The current Builder.
B setSurfaceOccupancyPriority(int priority);
* Sets the camera selector that this use case requires.
* @param cameraSelector The camera filter appended internally.
* @return The current Builder.
B setCameraSelector(@NonNull CameraSelector cameraSelector);
* Sets zsl disabled or not.
* <p> Zsl will be disabled when any of the following conditions:
* <ul>
* <li> Extension is ON
* <li> Flash mode is ON or AUTO
* <li> VideoCapture is ON
* </ul>
* @param disabled True if zero-shutter lag should be disabled. Otherwise, should not be
* disabled. However, enabling zero-shutter lag needs other conditions e.g.
* flash mode OFF, so setting to false doesn't guarantee zero-shutter lag to
* be always ON.
B setZslDisabled(boolean disabled);
* Sets high resolution disabled or not.
* <p> High resolution will be disabled when Extension is ON.
* @param disabled True if high resolution should be disabled. Otherwise, should not be
* disabled.
B setHighResolutionDisabled(boolean disabled);
* Retrieves the configuration used by this builder.
* @return the configuration used by this builder.
C getUseCaseConfig();