blob: 1722c1120cd7acae3e89b5326aa67dedab72f0c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.database.Cursor
import android.os.CancellationSignal
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.paging.PagingSource
import androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadParams
import androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadParams.Prepend
import androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadParams.Append
import androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadParams.Refresh
import androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadResult
import androidx.paging.PagingState
* A [LoadResult] that can be returned to trigger a new generation of PagingSource
* Any loaded data or queued loads prior to returning INVALID will be discarded
val INVALID = LoadResult.Invalid<Any, Any>()
* The default itemCount value
const val INITIAL_ITEM_COUNT = -1
* Calculates query limit based on LoadType.
* Prepend: If requested loadSize is larger than available number of items to prepend, it will
* query with OFFSET = 0, LIMIT = prevKey
fun getLimit(params: LoadParams<Int>, key: Int): Int {
return when (params) {
is Prepend ->
if (key < params.loadSize) {
} else {
else -> params.loadSize
* calculates query offset amount based on loadtype
* Prepend: OFFSET is calculated by counting backwards the number of items that needs to be
* loaded before [key]. For example, if key = 30 and loadSize = 5, then offset = 25 and items
* in db position 26-30 are loaded.
* If requested loadSize is larger than the number of available items to
* prepend, OFFSET clips to 0 to prevent negative OFFSET.
* Refresh:
* If initialKey is supplied through Pager, Paging 3 will now start loading from
* initialKey with initialKey being the first item.
* If key is supplied by [getClippedRefreshKey], the key has already been adjusted to load half
* of the requested items before anchorPosition and the other half after anchorPosition. See
* comments on [getClippedRefreshKey] for more details.
* If key (regardless if from initialKey or [getClippedRefreshKey]) is larger than available items,
* the last page will be loaded by counting backwards the loadSize before last item in
* database. For example, this can happen if invalidation came from a large number of items
* dropped. i.e. in items 0 - 100, items 41-80 are dropped. Depending on last
* viewed item, hypothetically [getClippedRefreshKey] may return key = 60. If loadSize = 10, then items
* 31-40 will be loaded.
fun getOffset(params: LoadParams<Int>, key: Int, itemCount: Int): Int {
return when (params) {
is Prepend ->
if (key < params.loadSize) {
} else {
key - params.loadSize
is Append -> key
is Refresh ->
if (key >= itemCount) {
maxOf(0, itemCount - params.loadSize)
} else {
* calls RoomDatabase.query() to return a cursor and then calls convertRows() to extract and
* return list of data
* throws [IllegalArgumentException] from CursorUtil if column does not exist
* @param params load params to calculate query limit and offset
* @param sourceQuery user provided [RoomSQLiteQuery] for database query
* @param db the [RoomDatabase] to query from
* @param itemCount the db row count, triggers a new PagingSource generation if itemCount changes,
* i.e. items are added / removed
* @param cancellationSignal the signal to cancel the query if the query hasn't yet completed
* @param convertRows the function to iterate data with provided [Cursor] to return List<Value>
fun <Value : Any> queryDatabase(
params: LoadParams<Int>,
sourceQuery: RoomSQLiteQuery,
db: RoomDatabase,
itemCount: Int,
cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal? = null,
convertRows: (Cursor) -> List<Value>,
): LoadResult<Int, Value> {
val key = params.key ?: 0
val limit: Int = getLimit(params, key)
val offset: Int = getOffset(params, key, itemCount)
val limitOffsetQuery =
"SELECT * FROM ( ${sourceQuery.sql} ) LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"
val sqLiteQuery: RoomSQLiteQuery = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire(
val cursor = db.query(sqLiteQuery, cancellationSignal)
val data: List<Value>
try {
data = convertRows(cursor)
} finally {
val nextPosToLoad = offset + data.size
val nextKey =
if (data.isEmpty() || data.size < limit || nextPosToLoad >= itemCount) {
} else {
val prevKey = if (offset <= 0 || data.isEmpty()) null else offset
return LoadResult.Page(
data = data,
prevKey = prevKey,
nextKey = nextKey,
itemsBefore = offset,
itemsAfter = maxOf(0, itemCount - nextPosToLoad)
* returns count of requested items to calculate itemsAfter and itemsBefore for use in creating
* LoadResult.Page<>
* throws error when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type,
* or the integer value is outside the range [Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE]
fun queryItemCount(
sourceQuery: RoomSQLiteQuery,
db: RoomDatabase
): Int {
val countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( ${sourceQuery.sql} )"
val sqLiteQuery: RoomSQLiteQuery = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire(
val cursor: Cursor = db.query(sqLiteQuery)
try {
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
return cursor.getInt(0)
return 0
} finally {
* Returns the key for [PagingSource] for a non-initial REFRESH load.
* To prevent a negative key, key is clipped to 0 when the number of items available before
* anchorPosition is less than the requested amount of initialLoadSize / 2.
fun <Value : Any> PagingState<Int, Value>.getClippedRefreshKey(): Int? {
return when (val anchorPosition = anchorPosition) {
null -> null
* It is unknown whether anchorPosition represents the item at the top of the screen or item at
* the bottom of the screen. To ensure the number of items loaded is enough to fill up the
* screen, half of loadSize is loaded before the anchorPosition and the other half is
* loaded after the anchorPosition -- anchorPosition becomes the middle item.
else -> maxOf(0, anchorPosition - (config.initialLoadSize / 2))