blob: c75d8111c7cefed2688217e6ebf69970c7d9269c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.ui.core.gesture
import androidx.compose.remember
import androidx.ui.core.DensityAmbient
import androidx.ui.core.Direction
import androidx.ui.core.Modifier
import androidx.ui.core.PointerEventPass
import androidx.ui.core.PointerInputChange
import androidx.ui.core.changedToUpIgnoreConsumed
import androidx.ui.core.composed
import androidx.ui.core.pointerinput.PointerInputFilter
import androidx.ui.core.positionChange
import androidx.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.ui.unit.IntPxSize
import androidx.ui.unit.PxPosition
* This gesture filter detects when the average distance change of all pointers surpasses touch
* slop.
* The value of touch slop is currently defined internally as the constant [TouchSlop].
* @param onDragSlopExceeded Called when touch slop is exceeded in a supported direction. See
* [canDrag].
* @param canDrag Set to limit the directions under which touch slop can be exceeded. Return true
* if you want a drag to be started due to the touch slop being surpassed in the given [Direction].
* If [canDrag] is not provided, touch slop will be able to be exceeded in all directions.
fun Modifier.dragSlopExceededGestureFilter(
onDragSlopExceeded: () -> Unit,
canDrag: ((Direction) -> Boolean)? = null
): Modifier = composed {
val touchSlop = with(DensityAmbient.current) { TouchSlop.toPx() }
val filter = remember { DragSlopExceededGestureFilter(touchSlop) }
filter.canDrag = canDrag
filter.onDragSlopExceeded = onDragSlopExceeded
internal class DragSlopExceededGestureFilter(
private val touchSlop: Float
) : PointerInputFilter() {
private var dxForPass = 0f
private var dyForPass = 0f
private var dxUnderSlop = 0f
private var dyUnderSlop = 0f
private var passedSlop = false
var canDrag: ((Direction) -> Boolean)? = null
var onDragSlopExceeded: () -> Unit = {}
override fun onPointerInput(
changes: List<PointerInputChange>,
pass: PointerEventPass,
bounds: IntPxSize
): List<PointerInputChange> {
if (!passedSlop &&
(pass == PointerEventPass.PostUp || pass == PointerEventPass.PostDown)
) {
// Get current average change.
val averagePositionChange = getAveragePositionChange(changes)
val dx = averagePositionChange.dx
val dy = averagePositionChange.dy
// Track changes during postUp and during postDown. This allows for fancy dragging
// due to a parent being dragged and will likely be removed.
// TODO(b/157087973): Likely remove this two pass complexity.
if (pass == PointerEventPass.PostUp) {
dxForPass = dx
dyForPass = dy
dxUnderSlop += dx
dyUnderSlop += dy
} else {
dxUnderSlop += dx - dxForPass
dyUnderSlop += dy - dyForPass
// Map the distance to the direction enum for a call to canDrag.
val directionX = averagePositionChange.horizontalDirection()
val directionY = averagePositionChange.verticalDirection()
val canDragX = directionX != null && canDrag?.invoke(directionX) ?: true
val canDragY = directionY != null && canDrag?.invoke(directionY) ?: true
val passedSlopX = canDragX && Math.abs(dxUnderSlop) > touchSlop
val passedSlopY = canDragY && Math.abs(dyUnderSlop) > touchSlop
if (passedSlopX || passedSlopY) {
passedSlop = true
} else {
// If we have passed slop in a direction that we can't drag in, we should reset
// our tracking back to zero so that a user doesn't have to later scroll the slop
// + the extra distance they scrolled in the wrong direction.
if (!canDragX &&
((directionX == Direction.LEFT && dxUnderSlop < 0) ||
(directionX == Direction.RIGHT && dxUnderSlop > 0))
) {
dxUnderSlop = 0f
if (!canDragY &&
((directionY == Direction.UP && dyUnderSlop < 0) ||
(directionY == Direction.DOWN && dyUnderSlop > 0))
) {
dyUnderSlop = 0f
if (pass == PointerEventPass.PostDown &&
changes.all { it.changedToUpIgnoreConsumed() }
) {
return changes
override fun onCancel() {
private fun reset() {
passedSlop = false
dxForPass = 0f
dyForPass = 0f
dxUnderSlop = 0f
dyUnderSlop = 0f
* Get's the average distance change of all pointers as an Offset.
private fun getAveragePositionChange(changes: List<PointerInputChange>): Offset {
val sum = changes.fold(PxPosition.Origin) { sum, change ->
sum + change.positionChange()
val sizeAsFloat = changes.size.toFloat()
// TODO(b/148980115): Once PxPosition is removed, sum will be an Offset, and this line can
// just be straight division.
return Offset(sum.x / sizeAsFloat, sum.y / sizeAsFloat)
* Maps an [Offset] value to a horizontal [Direction].
private fun Offset.horizontalDirection() =
when {
this.dx < 0f -> Direction.LEFT
this.dx > 0f -> Direction.RIGHT
else -> null
* Maps a [Offset] value to a vertical [Direction].
private fun Offset.verticalDirection() =
when {
this.dy < 0f -> Direction.UP
this.dy > 0f -> Direction.DOWN
else -> null