blob: 3c8a54706e8294ac8b31194e622f6e7a45eb09cf [file] [log] [blame]
import android.database.Cursor
import java.lang.Class
import java.lang.StringBuilder
import javax.`annotation`.processing.Generated
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.collections.List
import kotlin.collections.Set
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
@Generated(value = [""])
public class MyDao_Impl(
__db: RoomDatabase,
) : MyDao {
private val __db: RoomDatabase
init {
this.__db = __db
public override fun listOfString(arg: List<String>): MyEntity {
val _stringBuilder: StringBuilder = newStringBuilder()
_stringBuilder.append("SELECT * FROM MyEntity WHERE string IN (")
val _inputSize: Int = arg.size
appendPlaceholders(_stringBuilder, _inputSize)
val _sql: String = _stringBuilder.toString()
val _argCount: Int = 0 + _inputSize
val _statement: RoomSQLiteQuery = acquire(_sql, _argCount)
var _argIndex: Int = 1
for (_item: String in arg) {
_statement.bindString(_argIndex, _item)
val _cursor: Cursor = query(__db, _statement, false, null)
try {
val _cursorIndexOfString: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_cursor, "string")
val _result: MyEntity
if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {
val _tmpString: String
_tmpString = _cursor.getString(_cursorIndexOfString)
_result = MyEntity(_tmpString)
} else {
error("The query result was empty, but expected a single row to return a NON-NULL object of type <MyEntity>.")
return _result
} finally {
public override fun nullableListOfString(arg: List<String>?): MyEntity {
val _stringBuilder: StringBuilder = newStringBuilder()
_stringBuilder.append("SELECT * FROM MyEntity WHERE string IN (")
val _inputSize: Int = if (arg == null) 1 else arg.size
appendPlaceholders(_stringBuilder, _inputSize)
val _sql: String = _stringBuilder.toString()
val _argCount: Int = 0 + _inputSize
val _statement: RoomSQLiteQuery = acquire(_sql, _argCount)
var _argIndex: Int = 1
if (arg == null) {
} else {
for (_item: String in arg) {
_statement.bindString(_argIndex, _item)
val _cursor: Cursor = query(__db, _statement, false, null)
try {
val _cursorIndexOfString: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_cursor, "string")
val _result: MyEntity
if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {
val _tmpString: String
_tmpString = _cursor.getString(_cursorIndexOfString)
_result = MyEntity(_tmpString)
} else {
error("The query result was empty, but expected a single row to return a NON-NULL object of type <MyEntity>.")
return _result
} finally {
public override fun listOfNullableString(arg: List<String?>): MyEntity {
val _stringBuilder: StringBuilder = newStringBuilder()
_stringBuilder.append("SELECT * FROM MyEntity WHERE string IN (")
val _inputSize: Int = arg.size
appendPlaceholders(_stringBuilder, _inputSize)
val _sql: String = _stringBuilder.toString()
val _argCount: Int = 0 + _inputSize
val _statement: RoomSQLiteQuery = acquire(_sql, _argCount)
var _argIndex: Int = 1
for (_item: String? in arg) {
if (_item == null) {
} else {
_statement.bindString(_argIndex, _item)
val _cursor: Cursor = query(__db, _statement, false, null)
try {
val _cursorIndexOfString: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_cursor, "string")
val _result: MyEntity
if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {
val _tmpString: String
_tmpString = _cursor.getString(_cursorIndexOfString)
_result = MyEntity(_tmpString)
} else {
error("The query result was empty, but expected a single row to return a NON-NULL object of type <MyEntity>.")
return _result
} finally {
public override fun setOfString(arg: Set<String>): MyEntity {
val _stringBuilder: StringBuilder = newStringBuilder()
_stringBuilder.append("SELECT * FROM MyEntity WHERE string IN (")
val _inputSize: Int = arg.size
appendPlaceholders(_stringBuilder, _inputSize)
val _sql: String = _stringBuilder.toString()
val _argCount: Int = 0 + _inputSize
val _statement: RoomSQLiteQuery = acquire(_sql, _argCount)
var _argIndex: Int = 1
for (_item: String in arg) {
_statement.bindString(_argIndex, _item)
val _cursor: Cursor = query(__db, _statement, false, null)
try {
val _cursorIndexOfString: Int = getColumnIndexOrThrow(_cursor, "string")
val _result: MyEntity
if (_cursor.moveToFirst()) {
val _tmpString: String
_tmpString = _cursor.getString(_cursorIndexOfString)
_result = MyEntity(_tmpString)
} else {
error("The query result was empty, but expected a single row to return a NON-NULL object of type <MyEntity>.")
return _result
} finally {
public companion object {
public fun getRequiredConverters(): List<Class<*>> = emptyList()