blob: 0f4cc1ff61775eaf86e71a2144464bf9d9e0301e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.Task
import org.gradle.api.execution.TaskExecutionGraph
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.extra
import java.util.Date
* Validates that all tasks (except a temporary exception list) are considered up-to-date.
* The expected usage of this is that the user will invoke a build with the
* TaskUpToDateValidator disabled, and then reinvoke the same build with the TaskUpToDateValidator
* enabled. If the second build actually runs any tasks, then some tasks don't have the correct
* inputs/outputs declared and are running more often than necessary.
const val DISALLOW_TASK_EXECUTION_FLAG_NAME = "disallowExecution"
const val RECORD_FLAG_NAME = "verifyUpToDate"
// Temporary list of exempt tasks that are known to still be out-of-date after running once
// Entries in this set may be task names (like assembleDebug) or task paths
// (like :core:core:assembleDebug)
val EXEMPT_TASKS = setOf(
* relocateShadowJar is used to configure the ShadowJar hence it does not have any outputs.
":inspection:inspection-gradle-plugin:" +
class TaskUpToDateValidator {
companion object {
private val BUILD_START_TIME_KEY = "taskUpToDateValidatorSetupTime"
private fun shouldRecord(project: Project): Boolean {
return project.hasProperty(RECORD_FLAG_NAME) && !shouldValidate(project)
private fun shouldValidate(project: Project): Boolean {
return project.hasProperty(DISALLOW_TASK_EXECUTION_FLAG_NAME)
private fun isExemptTask(task: Task): Boolean {
return EXEMPT_TASKS.contains( || EXEMPT_TASKS.contains(task.path)
private fun recordBuildStartTime(rootProject: Project) {
rootProject.extra.set(BUILD_START_TIME_KEY, Date())
private fun getBuildStartTime(project: Project): Date {
return project.rootProject.extra.get(BUILD_START_TIME_KEY) as Date
fun setup(rootProject: Project) {
if (shouldValidate(rootProject)) {
val taskGraph = rootProject.gradle.taskGraph
taskGraph.afterTask { task ->
if (task.didWork) {
if (!isExemptTask(task)) {
val message = "Ran two consecutive builds of the same tasks," +
" and in the second build, observed $task to be not UP-TO-DATE." +
" This indicates that $task does not declare" +
" inputs and/or outputs correctly.\n" +
tryToExplainTaskExecution(task, taskGraph)
throw GradleException(message)
if (shouldRecord(rootProject)) {
rootProject.gradle.taskGraph.afterTask { task ->
if (!isExemptTask(task)) {
fun recordTaskInputs(task: Task) {
val text = task.inputs.files.files.joinToString("\n")
val destFile = getTaskInputListPath(task)
fun getTaskInputListPath(task: Task): File {
return File(getTasksInputListPath(task.project),
fun getTasksInputListPath(project: Project): File {
return File(project.buildDir, "TaskUpToDateValidator/inputs")
fun checkForChangingSetOfInputs(task: Task): String {
val previousInputsFile = getTaskInputListPath(task)
val previousInputs = previousInputsFile.readLines()
val currentInputs = { f -> f.toString() }
val addedInputs = currentInputs.minus(previousInputs)
val removedInputs = previousInputs.minus(currentInputs)
val addedMessage = if (addedInputs.size > 0) {
"Added these " + addedInputs.size + " inputs: " +
addedInputs.joinToString("\n") + "\n"
} else {
val removedMessage = if (removedInputs.size > 0) {
"Removed these " + removedInputs.size + " inputs: " +
removedInputs.joinToString("\n") + "\n"
} else {
return addedMessage + removedMessage
fun tryToExplainTaskExecution(task: Task, taskGraph: TaskExecutionGraph): String {
val numOutputFiles = task.outputs.files.files.size
val outputsMessage = if (numOutputFiles > 0) {
task.path + " declares " + numOutputFiles + " output files. This seems fine.\n"
} else {
task.path + " declares " + numOutputFiles + " output files. This is probably " +
"an error.\n"
val inputFiles = task.inputs.files.files
var lastModifiedFile: File? = null
var lastModifiedWhen = Date(0)
for (inputFile in inputFiles) {
val modifiedWhen = Date(inputFile.lastModified())
if (modifiedWhen.compareTo(lastModifiedWhen) > 0) {
lastModifiedFile = inputFile
lastModifiedWhen = modifiedWhen
val inputSetModifiedMessage = checkForChangingSetOfInputs(task)
val inputsMessage = if (inputSetModifiedMessage != "") {
} else {
if (lastModifiedFile != null) {
task.path + " declares " + inputFiles.size + " input files. The " +
"last modified input file is\n" + lastModifiedFile + "\nmodified at " +
lastModifiedWhen + " (this build started at about " +
getBuildStartTime(task.project) + "). " +
tryToExplainFileModification(lastModifiedFile, taskGraph)
} else {
task.path + " declares " + inputFiles.size + " input files.\n"
val reproductionMessage = "\nTo reproduce this error you can try running " +
"`./gradlew ${task.path} -PverifyUpToDate`\n"
val readLogsMessage = "\nYou can check why Gradle executed ${task.path} by " +
"passing the '--info' flag to Gradle and then searching stdout for output " +
"generated immediately before the task began to execute.\n" +
"Our best guess for the reason that ${task.path} executed is below.\n"
return readLogsMessage + outputsMessage + inputsMessage + reproductionMessage
fun getTaskDeclaringFile(file: File, taskGraph: TaskExecutionGraph): Task? {
for (task in taskGraph.allTasks) {
if (task.outputs.files.files.contains(file)) {
return task
return null
fun tryToExplainFileModification(file: File, taskGraph: TaskExecutionGraph): String {
// Find the task declaring this file as an output,
// or the task declaring one of its parent dirs as an output
var createdByTask: Task? = null
var declaredFile: File? = file
while (createdByTask == null && declaredFile != null) {
createdByTask = getTaskDeclaringFile(declaredFile, taskGraph)
declaredFile = declaredFile.parentFile
if (createdByTask == null) {
return "This file is not declared as the output of any task in this build."
if (isExemptTask(createdByTask)) {
return "This file is declared as an output of " + createdByTask +
", which is a task that is not yet validated by the TaskUpToDateValidator"
} else {
return "This file is decared as an output of " + createdByTask +
", which is a task that is validated by the TaskUpToDateValidator " +
"(and therefore must not have been out-of-date during this build)"