blob: 55b8cacd63cc06e2aa830589a8126516a938801c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Rule set used to generate public documentation.
val RELEASE_RULE = docsRules("public", false) {
ignore(, "activity-lint")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.ACTIVITY, "1.2.0-alpha07")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.ADS, "1.0.0-alpha04")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.ANNOTATION, "annotation", "1.2.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.ANNOTATION, "annotation-experimental", "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.ANNOTATION, "annotation-experimental-lint", "1.0.0")
ignore(, "appcompat-lint")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.APPCOMPAT, "1.3.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.ARCH_CORE, "2.1.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.ASYNCLAYOUTINFLATER, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.AUTOFILL, "1.1.0-alpha01")
ignore(, "benchmark-gradle-plugin")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.BENCHMARK, "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.BIOMETRIC, "biometric", "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.BROWSER, "1.3.0-alpha05")
ignore(, "camera-camera2-pipe")
ignore(, "camera-camera2-pipe-integration")
ignore(, "camera-testing")
ignore(, "camera-extensions-stub")
ignore(, "camera-testlib-extensions")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CAMERA, "camera-view", "1.0.0-alpha14")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CAMERA, "camera-extensions", "1.0.0-alpha14")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CAMERA, "1.0.0-beta07")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CARDVIEW, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.COLLECTION, "1.1.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CONCURRENT, "1.1.0-rc01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CONTENTPAGER, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.COORDINATORLAYOUT, "1.1.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CORE, "core", "1.5.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CORE, "core-animation", "1.0.0-alpha02")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CORE, "core-animation-testing", "1.0.0-alpha02")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CORE, "core-ktx", "1.5.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CORE, "core-role", "1.1.0-alpha02")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CURSORADAPTER, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.CUSTOMVIEW, "1.1.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.DOCUMENTFILE, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.DRAWERLAYOUT, "1.1.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.DYNAMICANIMATION, "dynamicanimation-ktx", "1.0.0-alpha03")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.DYNAMICANIMATION, "1.1.0-alpha02")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.EMOJI, "1.1.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.ENTERPRISE, "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.EXIFINTERFACE, "1.3.0-alpha01")
ignore(, "fragment-lint")
ignore(, "fragment-testing-lint")
ignore(, "fragment-truth")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.FRAGMENT, "1.3.0-alpha07")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.GRIDLAYOUT, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.HEIFWRITER, "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.HILT, "1.0.0-alpha02")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.INTERPOLATOR, "1.0.0")
ignore(, "leanback-paging")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.LEANBACK, "1.1.0-alpha03")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.LEGACY, "1.0.0")
ignore(, "lifecycle-compiler")
ignore(, "lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx-lint")
ignore(, "lifecycle-livedata-core-truth")
ignore(, "lifecycle-runtime-ktx-lint")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.LIFECYCLE, "lifecycle-extensions", "2.2.0") // No longer published
ignore(, "lifecycle-runtime-testing")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.LIFECYCLE, "2.3.0-alpha06")
ignore(, "loader-ktx")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.LOADER, "1.1.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.LOCALBROADCASTMANAGER, "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.MEDIA, "media", "1.2.0-alpha04")
ignore(, "media2-exoplayer")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.MEDIA2, "media2-widget", "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.MEDIA2, "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.MEDIAROUTER, "1.2.0-alpha02")
ignore(, "navigation-runtime-truth")
ignore(, "navigation-safe-args-generator")
ignore(, "navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.NAVIGATION, "2.3.0")
// TODO: Remove during release phase of rxjava3 artifact
ignore(, "paging-rxjava3")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.PAGING, "3.0.0-alpha02")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.PALETTE, "1.0.0")
// 1.0.1 was created to fix reference docs. It contains no actual source changes from 1.0.0
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.PERCENTLAYOUT, "1.0.1")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.PREFERENCE, "preference-ktx", "1.1.1")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.PREFERENCE, "1.1.1")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.PRINT, "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.RECOMMENDATION, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.RECYCLERVIEW, "recyclerview", "1.2.0-alpha05")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.RECYCLERVIEW, "recyclerview-selection", "2.0.0-alpha01")
ignore(, "recyclerview-lint")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.REMOTECALLBACK, "1.0.0-alpha02")
// TODO: Remove this once b/157899389 is resolved
ignore(, "room-compiler")
ignore(, "room-compiler-processing")
// TODO: Remove during release phase of rxjava3 artifact
ignore(, "room-rxjava3")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.ROOM, "2.3.0-alpha02")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SAVEDSTATE, "1.1.0-alpha01")
// TODO: Remove this ignore once is released
ignore(, "security-biometric")
// TODO: Remove this ignore once is release
ignore(, "security-crypto-ktx")
// TODO: Remove this ignore once is released
ignore(, "security-identity-credential")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SECURITY, "1.1.0-alpha02")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SHARETARGET, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SLICE, "slice-builders", "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SLICE, "slice-builders-ktx", "1.0.0-alpha07")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SLICE, "slice-core", "1.1.0-alpha01")
// TODO: land prebuilts
// prebuilts(, "slice-test", "1.0.0")
ignore(, "slice-test")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SLICE, "slice-view", "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SLIDINGPANELAYOUT, "1.1.0")
ignore(, "sqlite-inspection")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SQLITE, "2.1.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.STARTUP, "1.0.0-alpha02")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.SWIPEREFRESHLAYOUT, "1.2.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.TEXTCLASSIFIER, "1.0.0-alpha03")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.TRACING, "1.0.0-beta01")
ignore(, "transition-ktx")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.TRANSITION, "1.4.0-beta01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.TVPROVIDER, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.VECTORDRAWABLE, "vectordrawable", "1.2.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.VECTORDRAWABLE, "vectordrawable-animated", "1.1.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.VECTORDRAWABLE, "vectordrawable-seekable", "1.0.0-alpha01")
ignore(, "versionedparcelable-compiler")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.VERSIONEDPARCELABLE, "versionedparcelable", "1.1.1")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.VIEWPAGER, "1.0.0")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.VIEWPAGER2, "1.1.0-alpha01")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.WEAR, "wear", "1.1.0-rc02")
ignore(, "wear-input")
ignore(, "wear-input-testing")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.WEBKIT, "1.3.0-rc02")
ignore(, "window-sidecar")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.WINDOW, "1.0.0-alpha01")
ignore(, "work-inspection")
ignore(, "work-gcm")
ignore(, "work-runtime-lint")
ignore(, "work-rxjava3")
prebuilts(LibraryGroups.WORK, "2.4.0")
* Rule set used to generate tip-of-tree documentation, typically for local and pre-submit use.
val TIP_OF_TREE = docsRules("tipOfTree", true) {
* Builds rules describing how to generate documentation for a set of libraries.
* Rules are resolved in the order in which they were added. So, if you have two rules that specify
* how docs should be built for a module, the first matching rule will be used.
* @property name human-readable label for this documentation set
* @property offline true if generating documentation for local use, false otherwise.
* @property init lambda that initializes a rule builder.
* @return rules describing how to generate documentation.
fun docsRules(
name: String,
offline: Boolean,
init: PublishDocsRulesBuilder.() -> Unit
): PublishDocsRules {
val f = PublishDocsRulesBuilder(name, offline)
* Builder for rules describing how to generate documentation for a set of libraries.
* @property name human-readable label for this documentation set
* @property offline true if generating documentation for local use, false otherwise.
* @constructor Creates a builder with no rules specified.
class PublishDocsRulesBuilder(private val name: String, private val offline: Boolean) {
private val rules: MutableList<DocsRule> = mutableListOf(DocsRule(Benchmark, Ignore))
* Specifies that docs for projects within [groupName] will be built from sources.
fun tipOfTree(groupName: String) {
rules.add(DocsRule(Group(groupName), TipOfTree))
* Specifies that docs for a project with the given [groupName] and artifact [name] will be
* built from sources.
fun tipOfTree(groupName: String, name: String) {
rules.add(DocsRule(Exact(groupName, name), TipOfTree))
* Specifies that docs for a project with the given [groupName] and artifact [name] will be
* built from a prebuilt with the given [version].
fun prebuilts(libraryGroup: LibraryGroup, moduleName: String, version: String): Prebuilts {
val strategy = Prebuilts(Version(version))
rules.add(DocsRule(Exact(, moduleName), strategy))
return strategy
* Specifies that docs for projects within [groupName] will be built from prebuilts with the
* given [version].
fun prebuilts(libraryGroup: LibraryGroup, version: String) =
prebuilts(libraryGroup, Version(version))
* Specifies that docs for projects within [groupName] will be built from prebuilts with the
* given [version].
fun prebuilts(libraryGroup: LibraryGroup, version: Version): Prebuilts {
val strategy = Prebuilts(version)
rules.add(DocsRule(Group(, strategy))
return strategy
* Specifies the default strategy for building docs.
* This method should be called last, as it matches all candidates. No rules specified after
* calling this method will have any effect.
fun default(strategy: Strategy) {
rules.add(DocsRule(All, strategy))
* Specifies that docs for projects with the given [groupName] won't be built.
fun ignore(groupName: String) {
rules.add(DocsRule(Group(groupName), Ignore))
* Specifies that docs for a project with the given [groupName] and artifact [name] won't be
* built.
fun ignore(groupName: String, name: String) {
rules.add(DocsRule(Exact(groupName, name), Ignore))
* Builds a fully-initialized set of documentation rules.
fun build() = PublishDocsRules(name, offline, rules)
* ArtifactsPredicates are used to match libraries.
sealed class ArtifactsPredicate {
* Returns true if the predicate matches the specified library project.
* @param inGroup the library Maven groupId to be matched.
* @param inName the library Maven artifact name to be matched.
* @return true if the predicate matches the library.
abstract fun apply(inGroup: String, inName: String): Boolean
* Predicate that matches all library projects.
object All : ArtifactsPredicate() {
override fun apply(inGroup: String, inName: String) = true
* Predicate that matches library projects with the specified Maven groupId.
* @property group the Maven groupId to be matched.
* @constructor Creates a predicate to match the specified Maven groupId.
class Group(val group: String) : ArtifactsPredicate() {
override fun apply(inGroup: String, inName: String) = inGroup == group
override fun toString() = "\"$group\""
* Predicate that matches library projects with the specified Maven groupId and artifact name.
* @property group the Maven groupId to be matched.
* @peoperty name the Maven artifact name to be matched.
* @constructor Creates a predicate to match the specified Maven groupId and artifact name.
class Exact(val group: String, val name: String) : ArtifactsPredicate() {
override fun apply(inGroup: String, inName: String) = group == inGroup && name == inName
override fun toString() = "\"$group\", \"$name\""
* Predicate that matches all benchmark projects, e.g. all library projects where the project
* name is suffixed with "-benchmark".
object Benchmark : ArtifactsPredicate() {
override fun apply(inGroup: String, inName: String) = inName.endsWith("-benchmark")
* Rule associating a [predicate] -- used to match libraries -- with a documentation strategy.
* @property predicate the predicate used to match libraries.
* @property strategy the strategy used to generate documentation.
data class DocsRule(val predicate: ArtifactsPredicate, val strategy: Strategy) {
override fun toString(): String {
if (predicate is All) {
return "default($strategy)"
return when (strategy) {
is Prebuilts -> "prebuilts($predicate, \"${strategy.version}\")"
is Ignore -> "ignore($predicate)"
is TipOfTree -> "tipOfTree($predicate)"
* Strategies are used to inform the build of which source set should be used when generating
* documentation.
sealed class Strategy {
* Strategy that uses tip-of-tree source code, equivalent to a project() dependency.
object TipOfTree : Strategy()
* Strategy that does not generate documentation.
object Ignore : Strategy()
* Strategy that uses a versioned prebuilt, equivalent to a Maven coordinate dependency.
class Prebuilts(val version: Version) : Strategy() {
* List of stub JARs that should be made available on the documentation generator's
* classpath.
var stubs: MutableList<String>? = null
* Adds a stub JAR to the documentation generation tool's classpath.
* Useful for generating documentation for libraries that depend on sidecar JARs or other
* run-time dependencies that would not otherwise be available on the classpath for the
* documentation generation tool.
* @param path the path to the stub JAR relative to the top-level AndroidX project root.
fun addStubs(path: String) {
if (stubs == null) {
stubs = mutableListOf()
override fun toString() = "Prebuilts(\"$version\")"
* Returns a Maven dependency spec for the specified library [extension].
fun dependency(extension: AndroidXExtension): String {
return "${extension.mavenGroup?.group}:${}:$version"
* Rules describing how to generate documentation for a set of libraries.
* @property name human-readable label for this documentation set
* @property offline true if generating documentation for local use, false otherwise.
* @constructor Creates a documentation rule set.
class PublishDocsRules(val name: String, val offline: Boolean, private val rules: List<DocsRule>) {
* Resolves a rule describing how to generate documentation for the given library.
* If multiple rules match, the matching first rule is returned.
* @return the documentation rule
fun resolve(extension: AndroidXExtension): DocsRule? {
val mavenGroup = extension.mavenGroup
return if (mavenGroup == null) null else resolve(,
* Resolves a rule describing how to generate documentation for a given Maven group and module
* name.
* If multiple rules match, the matching first rule is returned.
* @return the documentation rule
fun resolve(groupName: String, moduleName: String): DocsRule {
return rules.find { it.predicate.apply(groupName, moduleName) } ?: throw Error()