Google Developer Student Clubs Leads

Google Developer Student Club Leads are passionate leaders at their universities who are dedicated to helping their peers learn and connect. Leads are undergraduate or graduate university students pursuing various degrees, yet have foundational knowledge of software development concepts.

Google collaborates with Leads and supports them as they start and grow their on-campus communities.

What does a Lead do?

Work with your university to start a student club. Create a core team and select a faculty advisor to support.
Grow student knowledge on developer products and platforms through hands-on workshops and events.
Identify local partners to work with and lead project building activities.

Benefits of being a Lead

Access to community management training and technical knowledge. Invitations to selected Google events.
Access to a global network of student leaders, professional community organizers, industry experts, and Google.
Dedicated support to help educate and expand community online and in-person.

Become a Google Developer Student Club Lead

Applications for 2024-2025 Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) Leads have closed. However, if you have aspirations to become a GDSC Lead in the future, you have the opportunity to express your interest.

By completing this form, you will be notified via email when applications are open for submission.

In the meantime, you can join a GDSC community near you.


Lead Responsibilities

  • Host an event ideally once a month, or a total of 4 events for the year
  • Report activities on event platform regularly
  • Assemble a core team to support organize events and workshops
  • Participate in program campaigns and events
  • Meet with Regional Lead and Community Manager for guidance
  • Adhere to Community Organizer Code of Conduct

How to become a Lead

  1. Check if there's a current Google Developer Student Club on your campus to determine if you'll start or grow a club. We encourage you to participate or help organize an event to gain practical experience with an existing club near you!
  2. Read the Community Organizer Code of Conduct.
  3. Submit your GDSC Lead application here.
  4. We'll review your submission and get back to you as soon as possible by email.

When you join our programs, you're joining a community. And like any growing community, a few ground rules about expected behavior are good for everyone. These guidelines cover both online (for example, mailing lists and social channels) and offline (for example, in-person meetups) behavior.

Violations of this code of conduct can result in members being removed from the program. Use your best judgment, and if you'd like more clarity or have questions feel free to reach out.

Be nice. We're all part of the same community, so be friendly, welcoming, and generally a nice person. Be someone that other people want to be around.

Be respectful and constructive. Remember to be respectful and constructive with your communication to fellow members. Don't get into flame wars, make personal attacks, vent, or rant unconstructively. Everyone should take responsibility for the community and take the initiative to diffuse tension and stop a negative thread as early as possible.

Be collaborative. Work together! We can learn a lot from each other. Share knowledge, and help each other out.

Participate. Join in on discussions, show up for in-person meetings regularly, offer feedback, and help implement that feedback.

Step down considerately. If you have some form of responsibility in your community, be aware of your own constraints. If you know that a new job or personal situation will limit your time, find someone who can take over for you and transfer the relevant information (contacts, passwords, etc.) for a smooth transition.

Use basic etiquette for online discussions. Don’t send messages that only needs to go to one person. Keep off-topic conversations to a minimum. Don’t be spammy by advertising or promoting personal projects which are off topic.

Lead Acknowledgements

The Google Event Community Guidelines and Anti- Harassment Policy must be followed. This Anti-Harassment Policy template is available for organizers to reinstate in their community.

It’s NOT ok to use GDSC for profit. Organizers should only charge attendees for ticket entry and/or get sponsorships to cover costs of event operations (for example, food and drinks, venue, setup, and speakers) if needed.

It’s ok to partner with other groups and companies. Collaborating with other groups and companies is a great way to arrange additional speakers, venues, and sponsorship.

It’s ok to talk about non-Google technologies in your community. We want to promote learning across technologies without bashing any company including Google or others.

The GDSC logo and name is granted for use by organizers so long as they are in good standing with Google Developers and follow the GDSC brand guidelines.

GDSC chapters must remain active and run at least 1 event every 90 days. Failure to host events and log activity to the GDSC program may result in removal from the GDSC program.

GDSC chapter organizers are expected to be willing and available to communicate with their Google Regional Lead in a timely fashion when requested.

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