Showing posts with label fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fantasy. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sept 2024 Groups Promos and Swaps

Sep 2024 Group Promos and Swaps


Blog posts are now condensed into just the promo stuff or big news. 

If you want the full undiluted package, join the newsletter! Then you will get all the goodies. Plus, you get to pick a gift or five when you join!

Reader Magnet List for Subscribers

Sep 2024 Swaps!

Skin White as Snow

Skin White as Snow

Newsletter Swap 1 (Freebie)

Snow White is a vampire and she thinks Cinderella’s life is just delicious.


What if Snow White stole Cinderella’s life?
What if the Evil Queen wasn’t so evil?
What if the men are just pawns in a labyrinth game to steal Kingdoms?
What if…

…magic is just a puzzle?

Murder at the Cheese Shop

Murder at the Cheese Shop

Newsletter Swap 2 (UBL)

The peaceful atmosphere of Los Robles is shattered when a murder takes place at the neighborhood cheese shop, causing chaos among the tight-knit community.

Local innkeeper and vineyard owner, Avery Parker, is shocked to discover that she is implicated in the mysterious death in her small hometown.

As Avery begins to investigate, she encounters a myriad of suspects, each with a convincing motive. She uncovers secrets and betrayals from past and present love interests, a disgruntled ex-employee, and a suspicious resident.

Her captivating journey leads her to hidden agendas in the search to solve the crime. The gossipy residents have their guesses, but who can she really trust?

With twists and turns at every corner, Murder at the Cheese Shopis a thrilling mystery that will keep sleuthing readers on the edge of their seats.

Wine pairings and irresistible recipes included!

Don’t miss out on this thrilling mystery – grab your copy today!

The Devil's Own

The Devil's Own

Newsletter Swap 3 (UBL)


Delaney Murphy has always known she’s the Devil’s daughter.

And although the title itself is a burden, she never expects to inherit all her father’s infernal abilities. When her newfound magic begins to poison the people closest to her, Laney must make a choice. To protect the world from the worst she can do, she leaves everyone she loves behind and builds a new life for herself, alone, in a place where she can control the urge to give in to the magic living within her. But when she recognizes a familiar pattern in a string of murders, Laney leaves her peaceful, isolated life behind and goes on the hunt, unleashing a threat she never dreamed possible. Confronting this menacing specter could mean giving in to temptation and becoming the one thing she fears most.

Will she use her magic to do the right thing, even if it means hurting the ones she loves?



Apache Tomahawk

Apache Tomahawk

Newsletter Swap 4 (Freebie)

In the pre-dawn silence of the New Mexico desert, Zini, a young Apache girl, awakens to gunshots and discovers her home under attack. 

Her grandfather, a tribal elder, had previously warned her about a vision involving mystical artifacts—the tomahawk and Seeing Stone—passed down through their lineage from visitors once described as “men from the stars.”

As the assailant nears the house, Zini recalls her grandfather’s teachings and the importance of these relics. Armed with the tomahawk, which possesses extraordinary abilities when wielded by the chosen, she bursts from her room to find her grandfather confronting the intruder.

Despite her efforts, her grandfather is killed, and Zini uses the tomahawk to avenge him. Overcome with grief yet fueled by purpose, she flees the scene with the artifacts, determined to protect them as her grandfather instructed.

As she drives into the uncertain future, she recalls the lore passed down by her ancestors and realizes that more enemies will come.

With the Seeing Stone growing warm in her pocket, she sets her sights on a new life in Vermont, determined to honor her grandfather’s legacy and stay true to her warrior lineage, knowing the “bad men” will inevitably return.

Sep 2024 Group Promos!

Curious Cozies in Kindle Unlimited Group Promo Banner

Curious Cozies in Kindle Unlimited Group Promo – Mystery, magic, and more!

Till next time! Wish me luck!



Sunday, May 23, 2021

Upcoming Virtual Reading and Two Giveaways!


Strong Women — Strange Worlds Virtual Readings
Strong Women — Strange Worlds Virtual Readings

Strange Women – Stange Worlds is doing a set of live virtual readings from speculative fiction authors. The event is free and will be on the Zoom platform. More info on the overall event at

I am scheduled to read from the science fiction novel “Alien Redemption” on Friday 6/4/21. All the times on the poster are EST. So my reading with five fellow authors will be at 11 AM CST. You have to pre-register

Take a quick lunch break for a vacation from the everyday world!  😁 

I’m participating in two giveaways this month! The first is Adventures of a Lifetime – a Fantasy Group Giveaway sponsored by Prolific Works.

The second giveaway is also at Prolific works – Space Exploration – Sci-Fi Group Giveaway.

A Black Jade Audiobook?

Yep! There’s going to be a Black Jade audiobook! 🥳

It was not something I’d originally planned, but…

The reader for the book will be Tom Briggs – he has about 15 yrs experience recording books for the blind or the visually impaired. He also has a weekly radio program on Radio Eye (a closed circuit program available to persons with visual difficulties) and he is actively involved with VIPS (Visually Impaired Preschool Services). With Dai being blind, this seemed a great fit for both of us.

I’ll keep you posted!

I think that’s it! I hope you had a fabulous week!


P.S. Happy reading!

Black Jade Audiobook Cover

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Jewel Of The Gods Book Trailer

I didn't get to do any voice over, but I still think it came out pretty good.

I present to you the "Jewel of the Gods" Book Trailer! Huzzah!

Sample chapters and more at

If you like it, I would appreciate any help you might give me in spreading the word!


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Picture Kaleidoscope 6/17/15 - FanExpo 2015 pt 2

Running even later than normal today. Tropical Storm Bill has hit and Texas is getting pounded with water again. Flash floods are highly likely. Highways are a mess. Wheee!

FanExpo 2015 pt 2

 You'll have to look at the bigger size, but he has a super cool Tree of Life on his forehead and face. Nice! 

They can't be up to anything good. :P

Though the equipment is the only thing giving humanity a fighting chance in Attack on Titan, they do require a lot of maintenance. :P

That staff is awesome!


Lovely mix of anime and steampunk, no?

Told you they were up to no good!

Daernys patiently waiting (Same lady who wore Halo and was Merida!)

Ernie Hudson aka Winston from Ghostbusters! Sweet!

Yes, I took a few pics of him. Heh heh

Looking good!

Ivy, Joker, and Harlequin all steampunked. :)

Little Gideon from Gravity Falls! She has him down. lol

Cannot be a good thing. lol.

 Fry and Bender! 

His Jaffa costume was rad! 

Yes, the Anubis head swings!

Leather and chains!

Veloci raptor! Right before the movie came out. Nice choice!

Looks great, no?

"Gojira!" aka Godzilla. He moved right after I took the pic. 

Sweet Iron Man suit!

Stay dry ya'll!

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Jewel of the Gods - Chapter 3

(Last one!)

Previous Chapters - Chapter 1, Chapter 2

Jewel of the Gods

Chapter 3

Red sat up, a scream scratching at his throat. Cold sweat beaded his brow; his body shaking from the unbelievable nightmare. No more spiced foreign mead for him—never again. It wasn’t worth this.

His gaze focused, and he realized he didn’t know where he was. There was no scent of salt, or the sound of lapping waves against the hull. Instead of a berth and wooden walls, he found himself in a narrow room made of sandstone. Light trickled in through the rough doorway and showed him he was sitting on a woven mat covered by a thin blanket.

He gasped as the realization the nightmare might be real splashed over him. Not wanting to, yet finding he possessed no other choice, Red looked down at himself. The body he saw was not his own.

Everything was smaller, more delicate. He wasn’t even a man anymore—a quick, awkward check of his attributes brought home that fact like an anchor dropping at port. The only thing that felt normal was his hair, which was still as red and thick as ever. He also still had his hard-earned tan, the pale skin he’d been born with tending to burn and its current state a work of long years. His arms and legs were well defined from doing heavy work but still seemed different because of the packaging.

It was as if his mother had given birth to a girl instead of a boy.

The woman Ylis’s final words echoed once more in his head—You are what you could have been had your fate been different.

His mind revolted against such a thing being possible. Panic gathered at the corners of his soul. His breathing grew labored, and the room started to spin.

“No!” Red smashed his small fist against his thigh. He focused on the pain, glad he could feel it, knowing fainting would gain him nothing. But what was he going to do about this madness?

A shadow filled the doorway.

“Ah, I see you’re awake.”

Red shot to his feet, recognizing the figure only too well—it was Ylis. The thin blanket covering him fell forgotten to the floor.

“You witch! Why have you done this to me? Change me back right now!”

Totally ignoring his outburst, she inspected his naked form from top to toe.

“The transformation was a total success. You feel healthy, yes? Nothing hurts?”

Red took a step toward her, his bare feet slapping against the cool stone floor.

“None of that matters. Change me back this instant!”

Ylis stared him dead in the face, her expression calm. “I will not.”

Heat flushed through Red as his anger flamed to rage.

“You will!” Despite his nakedness and the fact he had no weapon, he threw himself at her. His center of gravity wasn’t quite right, but this was only a fleeting thought in the far reaches of his mind. He wanted his life back, his body back, and this woman was denying it to him.

Ylis flowed forward, her sleeves flaring as she expertly intercepted him in mid-leap, flipped him, and thumped him down hard, one hand behind his head to keep it from hitting the floor.

Although his back and buttocks stung from smacking the stone, Red heaved with all his might to get back up. Ylis’s open palm smashed into his midriff, driving out all of his air.

“Calm yourself. Violence will gain you nothing.”

Red was in no shape to comment. He struggled to regain his breath, glaring his displeasure at her, since he could do little else.

“Your new condition will not be permanent.” She stared at him, concern clearly showing on her face. “Please listen to what I have to say. You’ll then understand why things have come to be as they are.”

She let him go and backed away then sat down cross-legged at the doorway. Still wheezing, Red turned on his side and slowly sat up. His new body was weak. He wasn’t sure just exactly what kind of fighting style the woman had used on him, but it shouldn’t have been this easy for him to be overpowered. If he’d had his real body, it wouldn’t have been. Or so he kept telling himself.

The situation only got worse by the moment.

“Say whatever it is you have to say, witch. But it’ll change nothing.”

“Thank you.” Ylis nodded in his direction and tucked her hands into her sleeves, as if trying to reassure him.
Red reached over for the discarded blanket and wrapped it about his lower half to keep his skin from the chilly floor.

“Just get on with it.”

If she got distracted enough with her tale, perhaps he’d get a chance to have at her again. His shape might be different, but he still knew how to hurt people. She’d caught him by surprise before.

Ylis nodded again then seemed to take a moment to gather her thoughts before beginning.

“A very delicate situation has arisen in Syrras recently. A tragedy has occurred, one which should never have happened. Which I should not have allowed to happen.” She paused for a moment, a fleeting look of pain crossing her face. “I am Grand Magister Ylis. I serve He Who is Most Honored by the Gods, Orthos Cloaustrain Lorraxia Tumil.”

The string of names meant absolutely nothing to him. “Who?”

The magister’s brows gathered for a moment.

“I believe his position would be equivalent to your term of king.”

Red barked a laugh, surprised by the answer.

“And servants of the king just go around kidnapping foreign sailors and turning them into girls? For what? His Royal Pleasure?”

Ylis’s face lost all expression.  Her voice turned cold.

“His Magnificence is dead. Including you, there are only four people in this world who are aware of that grievous fact.”

This brought Red up short, all thoughts of violence momentarily forgotten.

“You’re not making any sense. What does that have to do with me? And with this?” He pointed at his changed body, shrugging off a shudder as he was forced to acknowledge the changes yet again.

Ylis raised a hand to forestall any further questions. Red was glad to note there were no drawings on her palm, especially of creepy blinking eyes.

“The Highest of the High died in his sleep less than one of your weeks ago. She Who Sits on the Most Honored’s Right, Lyara Orthos Tumil, discovered him thus before the servants arrived to awaken him. She contacted me immediately, and I was able to ascertain the Most High didn’t die of natural causes, though it very much appeared so. I am still working to identify the exact poison used to arrange his demise.”

Red shook his head, his face twisting with distaste. Poison was a coward’s weapon. He’d once seen the effects of Bane’s Blood on a fellow sailor who’d boasted a little too much about his conquests to the wrong ears. White foam had filled his mouth and fallen from his lips as blood blossoms formed all over his face and arms. He’d fallen twitching to the floor and within minutes breathed no more. It was a ghastly way to go.

“If it left no external trace on the body, how do you know it was poison?”

Ylis’s brow rose.

“I am a magister,” she said, as if this were the only explanation needed.

“I see…” He changed positions, finding the hard stone quite uncomfortable. Ylis never moved, appearing to be able to maintain the same pose till the end of time. It annoyed him. “I still don’t see how this has anything to do with me.”

“The death of His Magnificence must be kept secret for the time being. However, those involved in the original poisoning will realize something hasn’t gone as planned as all they continue to hear is that the Most High has taken ill. They will surely attempt something else, so there is very little time to find the truth.

“At the moment, the Most Blessed is doing her utmost to keep things balanced and the Most High’s true condition secret. Yet the Most Blessed needs to be kept safe, and the culprits need to be found. The majority of my energies, however, are diverted elsewhere, so alternate means to do this had to be found. This is why you’re involved.”

Red could say nothing for several seconds, totally stunned.

“What? Are you saying you did this to me because you need a lousy watchdog to sniff out the killer and protect the queen? What about the royal guards? You must have plenty of people who work for you that are more than capable of solving the crime!”

Ylis shook her head. “It is not as simple as that. Please understand, we have no idea how the Highest was poisoned. He was surrounded by his most trusted people at all times, yet it was done. It was even likely committed by one of them.” Her gaze locked with his. “Too much is at stake due to matters I don’t have time to speak of now. As things stand, we can afford to trust no one. Only to a person such as yourself, who has never been here, who has little to no knowledge of our people or our city, someone who is not involved, dare we risk giving our confidence.”

“If a stranger is all you needed, then why all this? Why change me?”

The left corner of Ylis’s lips curved up.

“This has not been left to mere chance. Through meditation and spells, the All guided me to you. And who would believe someone who looks like you do now capable of much of anything? It is to our advantage.”
Red stood up, holding his blanket tighter about him, humiliated by her words despite the fact this new body wasn’t his.

“You’re insane.”

She nodded, conceding the fact.

“The change is also something that can be held over you, to force you to cooperate. Trust can always be bought away, but not if there is something the person needs, something the other side cannot possibly provide.” She stared at him intently, obviously interested in how he would react to this.

Red felt his anger returning.

“Kidnapping, extortion—you think these tactics are going to make me want to help you?”

She shocked him by bowing to the floor.

“I endanger everything by telling you what I have, for though it may seem as if I have the upper hand, the wrongs I’ve done you will only restrain you so far. Once we leave here, it would be nothing for you to spill our secret and bring us all to ruin before I could stop you.”

He stared at her bowed head in surprise, already having decided he would do whatever he could to get away from her. Screaming what she’d told him out at the top of his lungs had definitely been an option. Someone out there would understand him. And she was aware of it, yet had taken the risk anyway. It only served to make all this even more confusing.

“We are desperate, or we wouldn’t be doing as we are. There is much you do not know or understand, and as I've said, I have no time to explain. The longer we remain here, the longer she is alone and the greater chance there is our charade will be discovered.”

“Change me back and I might consider helping you. I might even keep silent about the things you’ve told me.” He knew he had no real leverage to make her do anything, but he hated having his hands tied. This whole thing was ludicrous. It made no sense they had to go to extremes like this.

Ylis straightened back up and slowly shook her head.

“I cannot. The energy and preparation for what was done to you took days to put together. The divinations to uselessly try to determine who did the deed and then to find you have drained me even more. I am at my limit.”

She stood up. For the first time, Red noticed the faint dark circles under her eyes, the lines of strain on her face.

“All I can give is being diverted elsewhere.” She lifted her robe off her right leg, where an incredibly complex set of drawings wound up her flesh, continuing past the raised hem. What that spell was for, he had no idea.

“Only once the current trouble has been averted will I be able to change you back.”

Red frowned, not sure if he should believe her. Aside from being vague, her explanations sounded contrived and convenient.

“I swear by the One Spirit and the All you shall be as you were once the threat is past.” Her gaze locked with his again. “But that will only happen if you help us.”

None of it made sense. Even as she denied him, she begged for his trust and aid. Was the situation worse than she'd said so they couldn't risk trusting anyone without strings? He'd seen enough backstabbing in the merchant business to know words only bound most men as long as it was convenient.

His mouth turned further down. He liked this less and less.

“Your gods mean nothing to me, but hear me and hear me well. I will help you, and if, by the heavens and earth and all the gods and people in between, you don’t come through on your word, there is no place in this world or the next where you will be safe from me.”

And if, in the meantime, he found a way to get out of this without having to wait for her, so much the better.

Fantasy Novel coming late 2014 or early 2015 from Zumaya Publications.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Jewel of the Gods - Chapter 2

(Out of pocket so more sneak peeks!)

If you missed it - Jewel of the Gods Chapter 1

Jewel of the Gods

Chapter 2

“I’m in.” Red leaned back against the wooden bar, a nice buzz ringing in his head from the spiced mead served by the locals. He wiped a bit of foam from his neatly trimmed beard.
Lucas gave him a pleased, lopsided grin.

“Okay, just so we perfectly understand each other—the stake is twenty slivers.”

Red nodded, his gaze following a yellow vein in the red sandstone walls around them. This was the first time he’d been in a tavern made from a hole in a cliff. The crudely formed wooden tables and benches, pitted and cut by the waves of mostly foreign customers over time, however, were like any he might have run across in the Mulatian ports. The smell of sweat and watered ale were the same as well, even if the over-spiced scent of the cheap food curled his nose hairs. But the walls, the ceiling…

He took a slow sip from his mug.

As amazed as he’d been when he gazed at the port through the spyglass, he’d been more so when one of the men at the embassy told them this port was the only point of contact with outsiders for the small country of Wasef. He didn’t know enough yet about the place to guess if it was in order to protect their way of life or some hidden reason.

“You’ll have a count of a thousand to make your move.” Lucas leaned in close, his curls circling his handsome tanned face. “Only a thousand. And the time starts the moment you open your mouth.”
Red waved the stipulation away as inconsequential. He slid Lucas a questioning glance.

“Anything else?”

This was a game the two of them played often. It was yet to be seen whether it was a boon or disaster that he’d drawn first round in this new, unknown place. The possibility of danger and adventure, however, gave it points to the positive.

“Oh, I think things will be difficult enough as they stand, my friend.” Lucas winked, not entirely steady on his feet. “The first one through the doorway should do.”

As if summoned by his words, the strings of beads over the entrance parted as a cowled figure came inside. When the person hesitated, Red stood up straighter and tugged down on his vest. Even though the newcomer was covered in brownish-red cloth from head to foot, it was hard to disguise the unique gait of a woman, if you knew what to look for.

She ventured farther into the room, turning her head as her hidden gaze traveled over the different sets of foreigners currently taking their leisure there. Three Almirians sat sourly at a corner table, ignoring everyone else, their orange-stained skin clashing with the natural color of the sandstone. Four Boldovians in steel and furs were taking turns arm wrestling anyone who came near. A loud clump of laughing and drinking Trillian workers, turbans and loincloths wrapped in intricate patterns over their bodies, took up the left wall.

Red waited until she looked in his direction and gave her his most elaborate bow. Watching Lucas and his efforts to woo all the women in the land did have advantages.

“Madam, I am new to these waters, and you seem a kindly soul. Might I buy you some refreshment in exchange for a few moments of your time?”

The woman’s head tilted at his words, and he felt her gaze roam over him. It occurred to him she might not have understood him. Perhaps his smile would do what his words had not. He sauntered closer.

He wasn’t sure if it was the strong mead, the unfamiliar atmosphere, or the fact this was the first woman he’d ever approached not belonging to the Thirteen Kingdoms, but it was like advancing on a bastion of power, he a mere horseman faced with the immensity of a closed keep. Then the feeling was gone. She looked up at him, and his green eyes met dark brown ones.

“From my spirit to yours.”

She made a sweeping gesture with her hand from her chest toward his. Red had seen the sign before and knew it for a greeting but hadn't heard it in his language before. He had no idea how to respond.

“Uhm, yes, you as well.”

“Your hair is quite unusual. What is your name?” Her voice was deep and rich.

“Red. Everyone calls me Red.”

Her intense gaze rested on his shoulder-length hair for a moment.

“Would you be surprised to hear that I was led to you?”

His brow rose, as he wondered if perhaps she’d had more to drink than he. A bet was a bet, though, and no way would Lucas accept excuses. Plus Red hated to lose.

“My hair does make me rather hard to miss.”

“Yes, red is a good portent when taken as representing fire. Fire burns, cleans, exposes. It is an excellent omen.” She looked pleased. “The elements have guided me wisely.”

Was it going to be this easy? She sounded like a nutter, but a lay was a lay and a bet was a bet. It didn’t hurt that his toes tingled at the possibility of things unexpected.

His hair color was rather uncommon, especially in the southern portions of Mulatia. It had previously given him an edge here and there with the women—and against Lucas’s oozing charm he needed all the assistance he could get—but never this much. It would be a new record. He guessed his kind were even rarer out in the world than he imagined. Or she was truly drunk.

“I have a skiff tied outside. Shall we go?”

Choking sounds and the clatter of a dropped mug echoed from behind him. Red threw his friend a quick look over his shoulder and grinned.

“Sounds good.” He slipped the woman’s arm through his own. “What should I call you?”

She leaned in close, using her cowl to conceal her lips as she spoke only loud enough for him to hear.
“Ylis. My name is Ylis.”

He thought the whole process rather odd, as no one was looking their way, but made no comment. He didn’t know the customs of this city. It was half of what made this game better than ever before.

The scents of river and seawater swirled around them as they stepped outside. The sun was already below the horizon, and most of the light had fled the sky, leaving a field of purple and black. The noise at this, the lowest level of the cliff face, was but a murmur compared to what it’d been during daylight.

A lamp outside the bar lit the path cut into the cliff, the same as the businesses. It revealed a covered skiff on the far side, tied to one of the narrow floating docks that extended up and down the waterway. A small lantern hung suspended from the sweeping neck at the front of the skiff, imitating the other boats parked or moving along the Tanu River. The mass of them gave the impression of a multitude of fireflies buzzing over the water.

Red hopped down to the dock and extended an arm to help his companion. He spotted a fleeting smile as she ignored this and, with incredibly light feet, bounced down to the dock and then the boat without hardly disturbing either. He had the sudden feeling she might end up being a handful. He was rather looking forward to it.

As he climbed onto the skiff, Ylis signaled to a brown-skinned man at the stern then lifted the flap of the covered area in the middle and slipped inside. Red made sure there was no one else within first then followed.

He felt the boat separate from the dock and slide upriver. He frowned at the last as he sat down on a bench across his companion, trying to remember if the current of the river had seemed fast or slow when he’d looked at it before. A delicate wrought iron lamp hung from the arch of the covering but didn’t flicker like a normal flame would. Beneath it, on what would be the center of the boat, was embedded a round piece of lapis lazuli. Winding carvings colored in blue extended forward and aft on the spine of the boat.

Ylis noticed what he was looking at.

“Though I have heard it is different in other lands, here we follow the Wisdom of the All. Fire, earth, water, air, spirit—each with its own strengths and weaknesses, each made more by the others and ourselves.

“The boat is tied to the water with these, and also to its owner. Together, they overcome the usual limitations and flow upstream.”

Red stared. She was talking about magic! He’d encountered it here and there in the different kingdoms in Mulatia, some fake, some real, but theirs came from the gods not the elements. And to have it being used on a skiff, of all things! Might be something worth investigating for the Sea Dragon. Being able to move against a current would be an awesome feat, indeed.

Ylis pulled her cowl back allowing Red to see her face fully for the first time. Her features were plain, thin lips and a wide nose on tan skin not making her particularly comely. Yet he still found himself strangely excited, for this woman was like none he’d seen. She wore no paints, no enhancements, and she had no hair.  Her head was totally bald.

Although he’d been in port a few hours, he’d seen none who looked like her before. Hairstyles for the women here seemed to vary by age, the young wearing it loose to their shoulders, those a little older in a multitude of braids and coiled into loops. The few wizened women he’d come across wore but one braid in a graying loop. None had been hairless. What did that make her?

On the right side of her face, swirling black tattoos covered her cheek and ear.  A sense of presence surrounded her, which felt more intense in the enclosed space. There would definitely be stories to tell once this dalliance was over.

“Where are we going?”

“Not far.” Ylis rolled back one of her dark sleeves. “I thought we should have some privacy for our business.”

Red’s evaluating gaze noticed her arm wasn’t bare, but rather sported runes in varied colors that continued to the unseen skin beneath her sleeve. He couldn’t tell if they were tattoos or only paint. Just what other enticing secrets lay hidden beneath the folds of her robe?

“This is your first time in Syrras, is it not?” She brought out a small box from beneath her bench and set it beside her.

“It is. We just arrived today. Haven’t really had a chance to look around much.”

“Truly? The One Spirit is generous indeed this night.”

She opened the box, and nestled within were bottles full of colors. She took out a small brush and removed the tops from three of the paints.

“Why is that?” Red never minded some conversation, but this one seemed a little odd. Maybe he should have learned more about the culture before just diving into this. But the thrill would have been less.
There was always a chance she might be part of a press gang and planned to kidnap him, although with her plain face, it seemed unlikely, despite how desperate for female companionship they might believe men who’d just come into port might be. He had his knife and his wits, and had seen and tussled with enough bandits in his home ports to know the signs. He was getting nothing like that from her so far --although she was definitely a strange one. He’d have tales to take back and share with the others.

Ylis smiled, but her gaze never left the brush as she dipped it with great care into the reddest red he’d ever seen.

“All will be new to you. You won’t already have preconceptions to cloud your judgment.”

Red frowned.  “Cloud my judgment on what?”

Were women like her taboo, perhaps? Or would there be some stigma attached to him for going with her he didn’t know about?

The brush tip touched the end of the strange runes and figures on her exposed arm. The paint seemed to glow for a moment then totally vanished from the brush as if it had never been there. She then dipped the tip into a deep brown color with odd sparkles of light. Red found his gaze trapped by it.

“Why are you here, Red?” Her voice had deepened, but it was hard to tell if it was from rising desire, concentration, or something else entirely.

“Here in this city, or here as in with you?” He was feeling more sober by the minute.

Additional swirls and runes formed on her wrist. New colors joined the first two.


“It’s what I do. The sea is my life." He shrugged, his gaze still locked on her arm.  "Coming here was a great opportunity, a chance to see new places, new people. And after weeks at sea, like any other man, I crave a little entertainment.”

“Forthright as well. Most interesting…” The runes extended over her palm.

Red forced his gaze away from it.

“What’s this about? Obviously, you have something different in mind than I do. A shame, really…” If this was some strange ruse to rob him, they’d be disappointed. He’d not been paid for this part of the voyage yet.

He felt behind him for the knife tucked in his belt against his back. It did seem like a lot of trouble for just one lone sailor, though, for either a press gang or thievery. He should have definitely paid more attention to the rumors and gossip about this place while at the embassy, even if it would have curbed some of the excitement.

“Indulge me a moment longer, if you would. Everything will become clear presently.” Ylis sounded distracted.

The enclosed space suddenly seemed too pressing. With a glance behind him, Red estimated how far he would have to roll backward to win clear of the covering. Then it would only be a short hop to dive into the water and be free of this strangeness.

With a satisfied sigh, Ylis placed the brush back inside the box and closed the lid. She shifted slightly and turned to look up at him. Her gaze met his, and Red got the uncomfortable feeling she knew his thoughts. Just what had he gotten himself into?

“Look.” She moved her hand so the palm faced in his direction. “It is complete.”

Despite his growing misgivings, he did as she asked. Swirls of blue and gold surrounded a ring of silver. Inside it, centered on her palm, was an eye.

It blinked.

Cold chills rushed to cover his arms with gooseflesh; he hadn’t the faintest idea how a drawing could do such a thing.

“By the Kings, what is…”

Ylis leaned forward, her palm lashing out. It struck him dead in the center of the chest.

Red fell off the bench onto his back but barely noticed. His chest burned with cold and fire where she’d touched him, and faster than the ripples of water that formed from a thrown rock, the sensation spread through his whole body. He tried to move, to scream, but all was denied him. He could feel things within and without shifting—his bones, his muscles, his skin—as if his body had become self-aware and decided to change.

Then, all at once, it stopped.

“It is done.”

Feeling that his body was his again, Red tried to squirm away from her.

“What is done? What did you do?”

Something wasn’t right here. His voice sounded strange. The pitch was too high. His back smacked against the middle pole holding up the entryway. Using it for leverage, he stumbled to his feet. His right hand reached for his knife; the weapon seemed heavier than it should. He felt shaky and weak.

Fear grew in a tight kernel in his belly, although he wasn’t yet sure what was going on.

“Tell me what you did! Why do I feel like this?”

“You are what you could have been had your fate been different. Look.” Ylis didn’t hold her palm up like before but instead nodded toward him. Red glanced at her hand anyway and saw that all the paint and runes were gone. More magic!

He brought the knife up higher. It was then he noticed his hand. The blade looked larger than it should have in comparison. Then he realized the knife was not the problem, it was the hand. It wasn’t his!

Staring down at himself, he realized he was shorter, that his clothes hung on him loosely. Instead of the chest with the soft coating of red hair women enjoyed running their fingers through, beneath his sagging shirt he was hairless and sported a set of small, perky breasts.

He swallowed hard, a part of his mind screaming in denial. His breath came in short shallow gasps as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. His eyes lost focus, his brain numbed as it fought to understand the impossible.

The interior of the skiff spun around him. A bone-deep weariness abruptly swept through him, as if he’d spent days swabbing the deck and fighting pirates. Blackness crowded the edges of his vision then swooped in, and although he fought internally to remain conscious, that, too, was soon denied him.

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