Sarti beach is one of the largest beaches in Sithonia, about 2.5km long, that looks directly on Mount Athos. The water is clear, and sand is really soft. The sea is quite open here, so there are waves during the day which is excellent for the lovers of water sports. Yet the depth of the sea increases gradually, which is great for the families with the small children. Therefore I would mostly recommend Sarti beach for family holidays!
There are organized parts with sunbeds and umbrellas, and there are parts (center of the beach) where you can enjoy on your own towel. During the summer season you see a lot of people here (mostly Hungarians and Serbians), so if the "packed" beach is what you want and the noise doesn't bother you- then this beach might be for you!;)
Sarti plaza je jedna od najvecih plaza Sitonije, oko 2.5km duga, koja gleda direktno na planinu Atos. Voda je cista, a pesak mekan. More je prilicno otvoreno ovde, tako da ima talasa tokom dana sto je odlicno za ljubitelje sportova na vodi. Medjutim dubina mora se postepeno povecava, sto je pogodno za porodice sa malom decom. Stoga bih ja Sarti plazu preporucila upravo za porodicni odmor!
Postoje organizovani delovi sa lezaljkama i suncobranima, a postoje i delovi (npr. centralni deo plaze) gde mozete leskariti na sopstvenom peskiru. Tokom letnje sezone vidite dosta ljudi ovde (vecinom Madjara i Srba), pa ako je "krcata" plaza nesto sto preferirate i ako vam buka ne smeta- onda ova plaza moze biti pravi izbor za vas!;)
Wow Sarti is adorable! Thanks for sharing. I actually had to look it up after checking out your post because I don't remember having heard of it before. Yup, I just admitted that XD
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog!!:) Yup Sarti is a cute place, and that's ok if you haven't heard if it before.:) The truth is many people haven't, it's mostly known in Greece, Serbia and countries around Serbia!:)
Deletedivno izgleda plazaa! prelepo! ljubac
It looks so amazing! I have to research this place more :) Thanks for sharing