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Robolectric 4.3

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@brettchabot brettchabot released this 30 May 17:48
· 4242 commits to master since this release

This release introduces a new PAUSED Looper mode, enhanced Espresso compatibility, support for Android Q Beta 2, and numerous SDK support improvements and bug fixes


  • Support Android Q beta 2 (build 5415296). [1717fb1]
  • Support for new PAUSED Looper mode.
  • Support clicking menu items via Espresso [issue #4889]
  • More realistically measure and layout Android text views

Android SDK support and Test API changes

  • Use real OverScroller in PAUSED LooperMode. [4337639]
  • Add ShadowDevicePolicyManager#isLockTaskPermitted(String).
  • Add Locale methods to Shadow for CaptioningManager.
  • Add enabling/disabling data in ShadowTelephonyManager. [issue #4844]
  • Add an initial shadow for the LauncherApps System Service. [issue #4837]
  • Add ShadowUserManager.removeUser(UserHandle) [issue #4854]
  • Add IntentSenderRequest for startIntentSenderForResult methods. [issue #4870]
  • Shadow night display ColorDisplayManager methods
  • Add getPasswordComplexity support to ShadowDevicePolicyManager [issue #4878]
  • Add shadow implementation for ShadowDexFile.isDexOptNeeded. [issue #4886]
  • Shadow DisplayManagerGlobal#getStableDisplaySize [issue #4838]
  • Shadow ContextImpl.startActivityAsUser [issue #4899]
  • Shadow implementation of android.hardware.HardwareBuffer [issue #4895]
  • Add shadow for ShadowAppOpsManager#noteProxyOpNoThrow. [issue #4906]
  • Add support for new Android Q fields to EventBuilder [issue #4905]
  • Add support for UsageStatsManager#getUsageSource() [issue #4920]
  • Support stopForeground(int) in ShadowService. [issue #4919]
  • Support ShadowSensor#getMaximumRange [issue #4881]
  • Add support for passing resultCode through to broadcasts intents [issue #4917]
  • Fix activities leaking between test cases [issue #4930]
  • Fall back to Android's implementation of PackageManager.getPackageArchiveInfo [issue #4928]
  • Add ShadowPausedAsyncTask#overrideExecutor API to replace waitForIdle. [issue #4950]
  • Add API ShadowApplicationPackageManager.getLeanbackLaunchIntentForPackage() (wraps getLaunchIntentForPackage()) [c16c3bf]
  • Add new shadow Looper APIs for retrieving the scheduled time for tasks. [6494bde]
  • Added Robolectric shadow for TotalCaptureResult. [8e1e585]
  • Add ShadowLooper#isIdle [f4a5d49]
  • Create APIs for executing tasks on real background threads in PAUSED looper mode. [d29bf89]
  • Add get/setLockTaskPackages support to DevicePolicyManager [b1ecc5a]
  • Add implementation of - ShadowSubscriptionManager#getAvailableSubscriptionInfoList - ShadowSubscriptionManager#setAvailableSubscriptionInfoList - ShadowSubscriptionManager#setAvailableSubscriptionInfos - SubscriptionInfoBuilder#setMnc [95bac4a]
  • Modify ShadowLocationManager to respect LOCATION_MODE. [348d0d2]
  • Make ActivityController#recreate aware of the current lifecycle state [7cc5b42]
  • Implement ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() [4cbe349]
  • UiModeManager [78a4eec]
  • Set different values for each of OsConstants errno values [aeadc29]
  • Add ShadowIsoDep [2e94093]
  • Add ShadowBluetoothGatt.connect() [8cffa29]
  • Implement SubscriptionManager.getPhoneId() with a map between subscription IDs and phone IDs. [01ea680]
  • Add torch setting capabilities to ShadowCameraManager. [f25ec77]
  • Add method to ShadowContextWrapper to expose the options of the most recently started activity [da1bace]
  • Add setInMultiWindowMode() to change multi window state for ShadowActivity. [9b2af0b]
  • Supports setProfileClass & setIsEmbedded in SubscriptionInfoBuilder [4c74611]
  • Supports EuiccManager#getEid in ShadowEuiccManager [e64f675]
  • Fake out a minimal implementation of ShadowSliceManager.getPinnedSlices(). [2f7aa83]
  • Add setSeedAccountType() for ShadowUserManager [70d712f]
  • Allow delivering broadcasts by class name. [665000d]
  • Add shadow for ColorDisplayManager per-app grayscale [095c527]
  • Add ShadowApplication#clearRegisteredReceivers helper method [c0d1719]
  • Enhance ShadowBroadcastReceiver to allow testing async receivers [78c3998]
  • Add supportsMultipleUsers() & setSupportsMultipleUsers() for ShadowUserManager [50ec6ed]
  • Support tag in ShadowWakeLock [3137c1c]
  • Add createConfirmFactoryResetCredentialIntent to ShadowKeyguardManager [1d20033]
  • ShadowInputDevice: Add shadow implementation for the getProductId() and getVendorId() methods. [8aa09a5]
  • Add switchUser(UserHandle) for ShadowActivityManager [7a63796]
  • Creating a Shadow for NetworkCapabilities. The current implementation only overrides fetching and updation of transport. [d432dcf]
  • Allow ShadowEvent to set thread id as well. [ff84723]
  • Add partial (backward) @Implementation of goBackOrForward(steps) to ShadowWebView [a616926]
  • Create a Shadow for SigningInfo, which was added in API 28. [dd1d408]
  • Implement ShadowBinder.setCallingUserHandle() / Binder.getCallingUserHandle() [aaa393b]
  • Support ShadowBluetoothDevice.connectGatt() overloads. [7d95ef4]
  • Implement AccountManager.removeAccount(...) with Activity parameter. [63816d7]
  • Fix ShadowMediaPlayer.setDataSource(MediaDataSource) [c3037c1]
  • add missing shadow of MediaPlayer.setDataSource(MediaDataSource) [2876f57]
  • Add getDefault{X}SubscriptionId() equivalents for older versions of Android to ShadowSubscriptionManager. [daa72ae]


  • Introduced an opt-in mode that fixes zero-sized TextViews in Robolectric [9bfa258]
  • Move ConfigurationRegistry into shadowsapi [b5e63df]
  • Added extension points to AndroidEnvironment and ClassInstrumentor [3604e42]

Bug Fixes

  • Fix another 'NoSuchMethodError java.nio.ByteBuffer.position' issue in Java8 [804b89a]
  • Fix concurrent modification exception in ShadowAlarmManager [03fd8c3]
  • Fixed transliteration problems where cpp copy assignments were transliterated as java reference copies
  • Propagate RemoteException from Binder#onTransact method
  • Fix AccessibilityNodeinfo.obtation(NodeInfo) to clone Extra correctly [issue #4865]
  • Protecting ShadowSensorManager.sendSensorEvent from ConcurrentModificationException [issue #4839]
  • Synchronize cleanup of ApkAssets cache with corresponding native object [issue #4910]
  • Fix a bug causing flakes when using ShadowSQLiteConnection. [issue #4904]
  • Fix typing text into phone EditText fields. [issue #4909]
  • Includes st_mode in Os.stat/lstat/fstat system calls. [issue #4915]
  • Fixed an issue where nine patch chunks are overridden [issue #4914]
  • Ensure ActivityScenario lifecycle events are consistent with device. [issue #4954]
  • Make Instrumentation.runOnMainSync behave consistently with device. [issue #4951]
  • Make sure that ShadowAccountManager doesn't crash on empty features. [issue #4953]
  • Initialize Robolectric environment location properly. [72fa419]
  • Introduced an opt-in mode that fixes zero-sized TextViews in Robolectric [9bfa258]
  • Oops, missed a Q Beta 1 shadow. [04db5d5]
  • Don't instrument$Companion. [6d24639]
  • Stem CachedDependencyResolverFileCacheTest flakiness by increasing valid cache time. [10acb64]
  • Windows actually works finally, maybe [issue #4605].
  • Fixes bug in activity lifecycle state transition with finish() in onCreate [7e0d8c1]
  • Apply fixes from LocalActivityInvoker to RoboMonitoringInstrumentation. [017559d]

Deprecations and Removals

  • @Deprecate a bunch of methods in ShadowView where alternatives exist in Espresso [312376d]

Internal Changes

  • Updated to AndroidX Test 1.2.0 [47c0736]
  • Restructure ShadowLooper and related shadows into a abstract base 'API' class, and two subclasses: ShadowLegacy* and
    ShadowPaused*. A shadowPicker will be used to pick the correct shadow to use based on LooperMode.
  • Exclude Arch Components and Room from Shadows [issue #4883]
  • Break org.robolectric:annotations -> org.robolectric:shadow-api dependency [issue #4948]
  • Rename (Android)?Environment to (Android)?TestEnvironment. [6308e4f] [issue #4850]
  • Idle main looper after each SupportFragmentTestUtil call when looper mode is PAUSED. [78d27a9]
  • Added missing native functions in ShadowRenderNode [7740562]
  • Add setExecutor shadow API [1e2c79c]
  • Introduce a new "Paused looper" threading model. [acb7af7]
  • Change ShadowNativeAllocationRegistry to use loose signatures [5409c0d]
  • Create a LooperMode configurer annotation. [8e26be1]
  • Enable callThroughByDefault for NativeAllocationRegistry, and explicitly shadow methods instead. [1f5f0fe]
  • Allow ShadowAppOpsManager#toOpEntry to be overridden, and make TestUtil use injected DependencyResolver and SdkProvider. [adad503]
  • Refactor exception-message assertions to use ThrowableSubject.hasMessageThat(). [729acc2]
  • Add link to github issue explaining workaround. [9ef6e60]
  • Attempt 2 at clearing exception handler. [2fd0a1b]
  • Merge pull request #4736 from robolectric/undeclared-activtiy-workaround [a4275f1]
  • Internal change [f662314]
  • Aggregate test results from all projects. [65b0975]
  • Ignore mysterious AGP fail: [1b0d479]
  • Test for AGP manifest bug workaround. [6d57524]
  • Make it clear that Util.sneakyThrow() disrupts program flow. [316e3f0]
  • Remove ShadowHandler - it is an empty implementation now. [bcbf11d]
  • Fix ShadowAppOpsManager.toOpEntry() compilation. [37d9948]
  • Merge pull request #4645 from robolectric:jakew/sneaky-throw/2019-02-17 [91af73f]
  • Internal change [f3980e1]
  • Fix call order of postCreate() and start() in ActivityController#recreate. See [0cbe259]
  • Quiet some build warnings. [aaf9e8d]
  • Obtain ShadowProviders via Injector. [0e4184c]
  • Output scheduler state on test failures (PR#4711) [b89fe07]
  • Compatibility test for BuildCompat [cf3a057]
  • Internal [aed7553]
  • Fix call order of postCreate() and start() in LocalActivityInvoker. See [d64534c]
  • Activity.recreate() should call back to the ActivityController to handle the recreation. This is because we wish to simulate real Android which schedules the activity for recreation with a new instance by the framework. [84f330f]
  • Remove dependency on server side Apache HTTP jars. Use Android legacy jars instead. [6602e1a]
  • ..internal.. [8bd178a]
  • Remove DisplayConfig.address for now. [4443002]
  • Internal change [0b5944c]
  • Use 'sneaky throw' technique instead of Unsafe [13cc3ef]
  • Throw a RuntimeException when Activity cannot be resolved. [5923f51]
  • Merge pull request #4638 from robolectric:rel-42 [fad2e99]
  • Refactor DefaultSdkProvider to allow plugins to customize. [d43598f]
  • Synchronize list access for bound/unbound services [35098f6]
  • Register shadow classes in a stable order, so locally overridden shadows work predictably. [5725427]
  • Internal [02f57c9]
  • Subinjectors now work better. [f535f84]
  • remove ShadowExifInterface to allow calling actual methods. [2127bbf]

Known Issues

  • Espresso's IdlingResources are not supported
  • When running with Java 9, Robolectric triggers a warning about illegal reflective access [issue #4776].
  • Activities must now be explicitly declared in a manifest (as is the case for normal Android); however, Android Gradle Plugin doesn't currently merge a test manifest. See #4736 for more context and #4727 for a workaround.
  • Android Gradle Plugin 3.3 reports the following warning, which may be safely ignored: WARNING: The option setting 'android.enableUnitTestBinaryResources=true' is experimental and unsupported.. Android Gradle Plugin 3.4 will resolve this issue.
  • Android Gradle Plugin 3.2.1 does not work on Windows; use 3.3 instead [issue #3955].


  • Android Studio/Android Gradle Plugin 3.4 or 3.5 Beta
  • Android SDK 28 (includes support for testing against SDKs from 16 on) and Android Q Beta 2.
  • Running tests on Android Q requires Java 9.
  • Legacy resources mode will not be supported for Android Q.
  • AndroidX Test 1.2.0

Use Robolectric:

testCompile "org.robolectric:robolectric:4.3"

Find more details here. Report issues here. Enjoy!