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Airflow Provider for Azure Machine Learning

Source Code | Package_PyPI | Example DAGs | Example Docker Containers

This package enables you to submit workflows to Azure Machine Learning from Apache Airflow.



In you Apache Airflow instance, run:

pip install airflow-provider-azure-machinelearning

Or, try it out by following examples in the dev folder, or Airflow's How-to-Guide to set up Airflow in Docker containers.

Configure Azure Machine Learning Connections in Airflow

To send workload to your Azure Machine Learning workspace from Airflow, you need to set up an "Azure Machine Learning" Connection in your Airflow instance:

  1. Make sure this package is installed to your Airflow instance. Without this, you will not see "Azure Machine Learning" in the drop down in step 3 and will not be able to add this type of connections.

  2. On Airflow web portal, navigate to Admin --> Connections, and click on + to add a new connection.

  3. From the "Connection Type" dropdown, select "Azure Machine Learning". You should see a form like below

  4. Connection Idis a unique identifier for your connection. You will also need to pass this string into AzureML Airflow operators. Check out those example dags.

  5. Description is optional. All other fields are required.

  6. Tenant ID. You can follow this instruction to retrieve it.

  7. Subscription ID, Resource Group Name, and Workspace Name can uniquely identify your workspace in Azure Machine Learning. After opening Azure Machine Learning Studio, select the desired workspace, then click the "Change workspace" on the upper-right corner of the website (to the left of the profile icon). Here you can find the Workspace Name. Now, click "View All Properties in Azure Portal'. This is Azure resource page of your workspace. From there you can retrieve Subscription ID, and Resource Group Name.

  8. Client ID and Secret are a pair. They are basically 'username' and 'password' to the service principle based authentification process. You need to generate them in Azure Portal, and give it 'Contributor' permissions to the resource group of your workspace. That ensures your Airflow connection can read/write your Azure ML resources to facilitate workloads. Please follow the 3 simple steps below to set them up.

To create a service principal, you need to follow 3 simple steps:

  • Create a Client ID. Follow instruction from the "Register an application with Azure AD and create a service principal" section of Azure guide howto-create-service-principal-portal. Application ID, aka Client ID, is the unique identifier of this service principal.
  • Create a Secret. You can create a Secret under this application in the Azure Portal following the instructions in the "Option 2: Create a new application secret" section of this instruction. Once a secret is successfully created, you will not be able to see the value. So we recommend you store your secret into Azure Key Vault, following this instruction.
  • Give this Service Principal Contribtor access to your Azure Machine Learning Resource Group. Repeat the instruction form the item 7 above and land on your workspaces' resource page and click on the Resource Group. From the left hand panel, select Access Control (IAM) and assign Contributor role to the the Application from above. This step is important. Without it, your Airflow will not have the necessary write access to necessary resources to create compute clusters, to execute training workloads, or to upload data, etc. Here is an instruction to assign roles.


If "Azure Machine Learning" is missing from the dropdown in step 3 above, it means airflow-providers-azure-machinelearning package is not successfully installed. You can follow instructions in the Installation section to install it, and use commands like ``pip show airflow-provider-azure-machinelearning``` in the Airflow webserver container/machine to verify the package is installed correctly.

You can have many connections in one Airflow instance for different Azure Machine Learning workspaces. You can do this to:

  1. Orchestrate workloads across multiple workspace/subscription from 1 single DAG.
  2. Achieve isolation between different engineers' workload.
  3. Achieve isolation between experimental and production environments.

The instructions above are for adding a connection via the Airflow UI. You can also do so via the Airflow Cli. You can find more examples of how to do this via Cli at Airflow Documentation. Below is an example Airflow command:

airflow connections add \
  --conn-type "azure_machine_learning" \
  --conn-description "[Description]" \
  --conn-host "schema" \
  --conn-login "[Client-ID]" \
  --conn-password "[Secret]" \
  --conn-extra '{"extra__azure_machine_learning__tenantId": "[Tenant-ID]", "extra__azure_machine_learning__subscriptionId": "[Subscription-ID]", "extra__azure_machine_learning__resource_group_name": "[Resource-Group-Name]", "extra__azure_machine_learning__workspace_name": "[Workspace-Name]"}' \


Check out example_dags on how to make use of this provider package. If you do not have a running Airflow instance, please refer to example docker containers, or [Apache Airflow documentations)

Dev Environment

To build this package, run its tests, run its linting tools, etc, you will need following:

  • Via pip: pip install -r dev/requirements.txt
  • Via conda: conda env create -f dev/environment.yml

Running the tests and linters

  • All tests are in tests folder. To run them, from this folder, run pytest
  • This repo uses black, flake8, and isort to keep coding format consistent. From this folder, run black ., isort ., and flake8.


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Airflow provider for Azure Machine Learning



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