A video presentation of FuturingPast, a way to use the Generative approach for moving the Past into the Future.
With several movies of real time running my generative software Basilica, Argenia, and Total Perspective.

Generative Art is inspired by Nature. It proposes the logics proper of the natural events, from the
generation to the species, from the oneness and unrepeatability of every event to the multiplicity of
the variations belonging to the same species.
But there is an aspect that appears really interesting and essential. The possibility, for Generative Art,
to be a tool to communicate the passage from the past to the future. The memory of the past doesn't
exist if it doesn't happen, contemporarily, a logical interpretation of the same past and its re-thinking
in terms of progressive structure, able to be used for the construction of the future.
The "magnificent fates and progressive" (Giacomo Leopardi) of the man, in other terms the
construction of our future has always been connected with the ability of the memory and,
progressively, with the ability to create artificial events based on the interpretation of the memory of
our past as engine to trace the future. The logical interpretation of the own references, of the artworks
to which we are inspired, can be at the base of the generative structure, of the algorithms that
progressively operate for producing future scenarios.
Generative Art funds on this structure of continuous progressive transformation.
Generative Design was born as "Art" to design a progressive path of transformation from the initial
idea to the final result. Then all inside a creative run. But also as "Art" to activate this progressive path
from the past to the future.
If, as it appears clear, the design and every other creative activity of the man is a progressive run of
transformation, as in nature, it cannot be born from an equilibrium but it needs an initial
disequilibrium. Also, the final result, as in nature, cannot be a static final result, optimized, perfect in
the sense of nonmodifiable result because the changes would remove the aura of perfection. Also,
the result belongs to the progressive path: it is perfectible, is dynamically connected to the
progressive path that traces the future from the past.
Generative Art opened, very expressly, this possibility: to be able to represent the progressive
dynamics of the past toward the future. It can work rereading the artworks of the past by identifying
the harmonic structures of them. Better it could run by logically interpreting, through peculiar creative
subjectivity, the structures of harmonic transformation identifiable in these masterpieces. And
transcribing them in algorithms.