GameSpy: Speaking of DLC, it might be too early to ask about pricing models, but what's out there that you would want to emulate, and what's out there that exemplifies what you're trying to avoid?
Patmore: The general trend is to give more bang for your buck, rather than nickel and diming the player with armor, or a new outfit, or a new car. We're trying to create a self-contained game experience that will give the player another hour or so of gameplay. We'll be looking at the pricing more aggressively as we get closer to launch.
GameSpy: Who on the team has worked on The Suffering games, and what have they brought, experience-wise, to This is Vegas, a game that couldn't be farther removed from demons invading Baltimore?
Patmore: Andre's really the one to talk to about that, but I'd say that the experience we all brought over from those games, and even back to Drakan, was the concept of creating a deep, immersive world for the player. We're not real Las Vegas, we're an alternate Vegas, with its own history, its own vibe, and its own culture. Everything you can do in Las Vegas, you can do in this game. Creating this environment was huge, but I'll let Andre explain it more.

Maguire: All of the games we've worked on have been third-person action games, which is simply what we do. There are experiences on multiple levels that we've been able to apply to Vegas, and it's worked out well. We're constantly referencing back to experiences we have working on those games, and applying them to Vegas.

Patmore: Tonally, they're very different. Obviously, The Suffering was more grim and dark, and This Is Vegas is quite the opposite. In regard to our approach to the world, though, they're really more similar than most people would think. As Andre pointed out, the mechanics and environmental interaction are two things that we've really worked to implement in all of our games. We think we've nailed that in This Is Vegas as well.