If Dante Alighieri's Inferno is half as action-packed as EA's Dante's Inferno looks, then perhaps I should have read it a long time ago (note: I should probably read it cause it's an acclaimed piece of literature). EA's taking some liberties, to be sure, but hey at least the game looked promising when we checked it out last. And while I knew that the poem involved Dante going through circles of hell, I was unaware that the story involved as much mangling of demons as seen in the following trailer. Cue the metal music...

Anthony says: This game had kind of fallen off my radar, but I think it could be great when it finally drops. The last game that this EA studio developed was Dead Space, and I liked that game a helluva lot more than I expected to. Personally, I'm not going to put any stock into the idea that the game will tell an epic story that's not downright cheesy, but I'm willing to go out on a limb and bet that it'll be pretty entertaining to reduce demons to pudding with a scythe. Dante's Inferno, if nothing else, might just give Brutal Legend a run for its money for the most metal game in recent memory.