To fully appreciate the storyline of BioShock, you may want to read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I'm not saying this to scare you off of Irrational's upcoming first-person shooter, but to try to give you an idea of how deep the story elements and themes for BioShock actually are. This really shouldn't be a surprise for those of you who are familiar with Irrational; after all, these guys did give us the extremely creepy and atmospheric System Shock 2.

The developers refer to BioShock as the spiritual successor to System Shock 2, and the reasons are hard to miss. The behind-closed-doors demo I saw of BioShock revealed a game that feels more like a psychological thriller than a summer action movie. You'll still shoot stuff, and there will be enough explosions to satisfy your id, but the rest of your psyche will be riveted by the unique setting and plot crafted by BioShock's creators.

The Opposite of Utopia

It's sometime during the 1950s. You're the lone survivor of a horrible plane crash, floating in the middle of the ocean. Flaming debris surrounds you and you're quite sure that these will be your final moments. That is, until you see a lighthouse. Yes, a lighthouse. In the middle of the ocean. Go with it. You swim towards this lighthouse and go inside, and are eventually led down to an underwater city known as Rapture.

Rapture was originally a utopia, but one look at the place is all you need to see that this isn't the case anymore. Water is leaking in everywhere, everything is in disarray, and hideously deformed corpses litter nearly every room. To top it all off, you're now stuck inside. From here on out, you're on your own.

It won't be long before you stumble across the path of Big Brother and Little Sister. The first is a large lumbering man-thing in what looks like a deep-sea diving suit designed by a collaboration between H.G. Wells and Tim Burton. The second appears to be a young girl who looks just a bit "off." Little sister is on the lookout for "Adam," the one commodity that the remaining inhabitants of Rapture covet more than anything else. She may look and sound sweet and innocent, but your opinion of her will probably change when you see her jam a foot-long syringe into a corpse and drink up what she extracts.

Less Than Human

Sound twisted? That's exactly the point. Irrational isn't so big on making the usual demons and monsters as bad guys. Instead, the baddies you'll deal with are all human, or basically human. Remember those "deep themes" I hinted at earlier? The loss of humanity is one of them. Every adversary you face is a human who, through the course of whatever calamity happened in Rapture, has become less than human. You'll soon learn that most of these people have become this way to survive in Rapture, and you'll have to tread a similar path if you want to stay alive.

I saw freakish women who can crawl on walls and ceilings and are more than happy to eviscerate you with the sharp blades they hold in each hand. A glimpse of the concept art for BioShock reveals a ghoulish man dressed like a 1950s football player, and another shows a doctor that would be the last person you'd ever want to give you a check-up. Some of these people will be oblivious to your presence, while others will attack you on sight. If you're smart, you can find ways to turn them against each other.