Welcome to the Interrogation Room, GameSpy's signature pre-release game coverage format. Here, a GameSpy editor (typically one who's relatively in-the-dark about the game in question) grills his peers for information on a hotly anticipated game -- hopefully with more entertaining results than the typical boilerplate preview would provide.

Ryan Scott, Executive Editor: People have been comparing Rayman Origins to New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Is it really that awesome-looking, or are they pulling my leg?

Will Tuttle, Editor in Chief: I definitely noticed a New Super Mario Bros. Wii vibe going on with Rayman Origins, and that's a very good thing. I had the chance to play the available levels twice, both by myself and with others, and the two experiences were completely different. That makes me very, very happy.

Ryan Scott: How does it play? It's a side-scrolling platformer, obviously, but what's unique about it?

Will Tuttle: The platforming itself isn't really that unique, as Rayman Origins takes its cues from both the original PlayStation Rayman game and from more recent titles like LittleBigPlanet and the aforementioned New Super Mario Bros. Wii. One button jumps and another punches, and the latter button can be held to wind up for a more powerful attack. It controls a lot like the original Rayman, which I consider a very good thing; when it comes to platformers, I'm usually of the opinion that simpler is better. As for players' motivation, the end goal is to make it through the level, but a number of special areas are accessible via portals scattered about. The aim here (as in the original game) is to smash the cages that hold Electoons, in order to free them. The game also features a lot of collectibles, some of which earn you extra lives or more powerful attacks. Also, the fact that Rayman Origins packs somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 levels makes me very happy. Have I mentioned this game makes me happy?

Ryan Scott: So what is it that makes this game so special? Does it have a cool art style?

Will Tuttle: Rayman Origins is definitely one of the most visually striking games I've seen this year. The vibrant colors absolutely burst off the screen, and I just love the overall design aesthetic to pieces. Something can always be said for good old-fashioned 2D platformers, and it's clear that the art team was given full rein to go nuts with their designs. Honestly, it's hard for me to do it justice -- I highly recommend that you take a look at the screens and the trailers and get a look for yourself.

Ryan Scott: Do you get any awesome power-ups? Fire Rayman? Flying Rayman? Tanooki Rayman? Hammer Bros. Rayman?

Will Tuttle: Wow, you're really taking this Mario/Rayman thing to the next level, huh? While I didn't see any of those Raymen, I did see a number of Rayman's old friends from previous games. Those old chums came to the forefront when other players joined in the game, as Rayman Origins allows for up to four friends to adventure simultaneously. I love that it supports hop-in and hop-out play, as this is a great kind of game to just jump in and play from wherever. It's a lot like New Super Mario Bros. Wii; at times, so much was going on that I died without even realizing it. But it was easy for my teammates to bring me back to life by simply touching my floating avatar. It was a ton of fun -- especially during one vertical level where we fled from a large plant monster that was chomping up the screen below us. Within a matter of minutes, me and the strangers I was playing with were hooting and hollering like we were old friends. If that's not the mark of a great multiplayer game, I don't know what is.