The story takes place in Sumaru City, Japan, population 1,280,000. Its protagonist attends Seven Sisters High School ("Sevens" for short), whose emblem is considered a status symbol even amongst students from other schools. Soon, though, a rumor that Sevens' emblem was actually cursed, and that wearing it would disfigure one's face, had spread around the city. Even worse, the rumor came true. And it was only the beginning of a string of rumors becoming reality, one after another. Before long, the protagonists discover the power to summon another side of them called "Personas," which they use to investigate the strange incidents around the city, all while facing their own personal demons as well. Time is once again on the march...
Also known as: Persona 2 (Collector's Edition), Persona 2 -- Chapter 1: Innocent Sin (Collector's Edition), Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin (Collector's Edition), Persona 2: Tsumi (Collector's Edition)
Release Region: United Kingdom
Release Date: TBA
Publisher: Ghostlight
Release Region: United Kingdom
Release Date: TBA
Publisher: Ghostlight
Release Region: Japan
Release Date: Unreleased
Publisher: Atlus
Also available on: PlayStation, PlayStation Portable
Persona 2: Innocent Si... at IGN
Persona 2: Innocent Si... at GameSpy
Persona 2: Innocent Si... at GameStats