For more than six years, I've been joined in all of my life's adventures by my trusty canine sidekick, WonderMutt. In our time together, I've often found myself wondering just what the world was really like from her point of view. In A Dog's Life, it's entirely possible I may have finally found the answer.

In A Dog's Life, the player takes on the role of Jake, a young farm dog out on a quest to save his gal pal Daisy from the clutches of your typical dognapping baddies. The story progresses as Jake goes through a series of different mini-quests meant to show the world through the eyes of man's best friend. These quests range from finding batteries for a guitarist's amp or racing a fellow dog around a farm, to more unusual mini-games like marking more territory than a rival in a set period of time. Over the course of the game, Jake will meet up with a veritable pound's worth of pooch pals, each with a unique trait or skill which will help Jake accomplish a particular task.

The visuals of A Dog's Life are a bit of a mixed bag. The dogs in the game are remarkably well animated. Each dog faithfully re-creates the movements and mannerisms of its breed, which made it much easier for me to get into the game and feel like I was experiencing the world as a dog would. Unfortunately, the rest of the game's graphics don't fare so well. Humans look stiff and dull, lacking any personality whatsoever. The environments also seem to be a little on the bland side. There were even a few clipping issues that, while not bad enough to ruin the game, were enough to occasionally distract me from whatever I was doing at the time.

A bigger distraction was the music. As Jake moves to different areas in a level the music will change to try to fit the new location. The problem is that there is no gradual change when this happens, making it sound more like a skipping record when the music cuts in and out. This was even more irritating when I happened to be running along the border between to sections, causing the music to switch back and forth over and over again.

A Dog's Life is obviously a game that is intended for a younger crowd … despite the "Teen" rating the ESRB attached to the game for "Crude Humor." While it's true that the game does feature a lot of "pee" and "poop" references, anyone who owns a dog knows that this is just par for the course. And none of the jokes in the game are any worse than a kid would see on a Saturday morning cartoon. This is one case where the ESRB rating may keep a game from the exact market it is best suited for.

Families with younger kids are likely to really get into playing A Dog's Life. The controls are fairly straightforward, and the challenges are easily overcome. There's a lot of forgiveness in the gameplay. Platform jumping is a cinch. So long as Jake is aimed close to where he needs to be, he'll usually make the jump just fine. If Jake loses a race against another dog? No sweat. Just trigger the race and try again. A Dog's Life does a great job of keeping things entertaining without ever becoming frustrating. Although veteran gamers are sure to find the game a little too simplistic, younger kids and people who don't play video games regularly are likely to find the level of difficulty suited to their tastes.

So, despite its shortcomings, A Dog's Life is an entertaining family game that's a nice change of pace from the standard fare. And if you've ever owned a dog, you're sure to get at least a laugh or two from the game's interpretation of how our four-legged friends view the world we live in.