"I'm not surprised he was able to beat it," Ike Hall told Twin Galaxies Editor-In-Chief Scott Patterson via telephone on the day of this announcement. "I'm definitely going to try and reclaim it, but it won't be an easy hill to climb."Wiebe is now shifting his attention to the original Donkey Kong and will make a bid for that high score world record on June 2nd in Los Angeles at the E3 2009 show.
Hall also stated that family life may make finding time to play in the near future difficult, but in the meantime he wishes to extend his congratulations to Steve.
"I'll be calling Steve to congratulate him," Hall said.
You sir, are not shit at games.
Bryn says: Doesn't it boggle your mind that people are still competitively playing these ancient arcade games? I like a bit of DK as much as the next person, but this Wiebe bloke is quite literally insane.
Hope he can nail the original DK world record during E3 too. I'll have to watch that on the web though, as I'm skipping out on the madness of the show this year.