Sometimes, completed versions of games never come out. Such is the case with Super Meat Boy Galaxy, a 3D version of Super Meat Boy made by Aubrey Hesselgren. However, if we're generous enough, the British game developer will let us all play the prototype. As spotted by Rock Paper Shotgun, he's put up a JustGiving page, where folks can donate to The Samaritans, an organization that provides on-call emotional support 24 hours a day. At £10,000 donated, he will release the prototype.

Now, this is something I can get behind. He's not taking money for an incomplete product, he's asking people to do something good. He even states that he will, in all likelihood, not be bringing the product to anywhere near a completed project, so this is just about the best we're going to get from him.

The project was originally started as a birthday present for Super Meat Boy programmer Tommy Refenes, but was never completed, as it was mostly made as a bit of a lark. But hey, after the release of a Youtube video showing gameplay, here we are!

Head over to JustGiving to drop some cash on the Super Meat Boy Galaxy project.